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Monday, July 23, 2018

Have You Ever Wondered Why Men Don’t Wear Engagement Rings?

If you are encouraging equality, you might be a bit disappointed by the fact that men do not wear engagement rings, after all, if a woman must tell the world that she’s taken, why not the guy? Despite the fact that we all know men do not wear engagement rings, not many people know the reasons why, and if you happen to be in the dark about this, here are some of the reasons why you will never see a man wearing an engagement ring.

Image by Denny Muller via unsplash

An Insurance Policy
In ancient times, the engagement ring was used as insurance, in case the man reneged on his promise to marry the girl and in those days, a girl’s virginity was considered her most valuable asset and should her fiancée break his promise regarding not having sex before marriage, then the ring would be forfeited. Hence the engagement ring is usually very valuable, which is where diamonds came in. There would also be a dowry, which was a gift to the bride’s family to be traditionally handed over at the wedding ceremony, yet the engagement ring was considered a down payment that could be forfeited in the event the marriage did not go ahead or the man broke his promise not to consummate the marriage until they were officially married.

Damaged Goods
The simple fact that any woman who was not a virgin was considered damaged goods was enough to prompt the girl’s family to require some sort of guarantee and a diamond engagement ring became the fashion after World War II, when the South African diamond company De Beers began an aggressive marketing campaign that would cement a union between diamonds and engagements.

Diamonds are Forever
De Beers, launched a marketing campaign in the 1940s that was to be very successful and this pushed the idea that only diamonds are suitable for an engagement ring – partly due to their very high monetary value – and this trend is still with us today. You’ll be happy to know that men do wear wedding rings and if you would like to view some customised men’s wedding rings in Brisbane, there is a first class jeweller with years of hands-on experience in designing and creating truly unique wedding rings for both parties.

A Changing World
You might think that ancient wedding traditions are set in stone, however, there is a growing number of people (mainly women) who are asking the question, “Why shouldn’t a man also wear an engagement ring?” As trends change over time, so do traditions and when you consider that only 50 years ago, for a man and woman to live together without being married was unheard of, you soon realise how fast things can change.

If you are soon to be getting engaged, there are no laws forbidding your fiancée to wear an engagement ring and if your man is a bit of a trendsetter, find a reputable jeweller who can handcraft a pair of diamond engagement rings for both of you. Otherwise, you will have to be content with him wearing only his wedding band, while you have the pleasure of wearing an exquisite diamond engagement ring that will be the talk of the town.
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