Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out With The Old. In With The New.

Hey Everybody! Happy New Year To You! This is Kim (formerly SassyUptownChic blog).

I almost stopped blogging. It was stressing me out and I wasn't having FUN with it anymore. I think I got involved in too many things. So I decided to make some changes. I want to stick with topics that I enjoy talking about (and not feel obligated to do so). I will be writing shorter posts. I'll be doing fewer posts. This blog will also encompass more than just fashion. I won't always be able to respond to every blog post (and I don't expect you to respond to all of mine). I just want to post for fun.


  1. I am trying to follow you but was not able to. Will try again. Thanks

  2. Ok following you on twitter and bloglovin but GFC is not going through. Please dont stop blogging. I enjoyed your blog. But I totally understand the blog stressing you. I used to wander how you did so many post and keep up. Used to really admire all the work you put into it. When I don't post atleast one post I used to get upset too and then one day I thought this is not a competition this is something I do for fun. So why the hell am I getting stressed? Will keep visiting you. And don't get stressed too much.
    Take care and have good New Year.

  3. Hiya dollface!! Sorry, it took me a bit to figure out what was going on..I've been on a break..I needed it because like you I was getting stressed, haha. Wasn't fun anymore and felt like just stopping. But, I am so glad you are still here, I would have gone even more crazy, haha!! And this is how it should be, fun and enjoyable!! A place to escape from the day's stresses, there are enough of them out there. I love this new page, it's sweet and precious just like you and I know you will enjoy this one and have fun!!! Will fix your link on my page and everything else!!! I would have been mad if you left, haha!! ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Happy New Year! Congratz on the move! Blogging shouldn't feel obligatory at all and should most certainly be fun. Look forward to the new posts :D

  5. happy new year..all the things you stated is exactly what i do..blogging is about having an outlet for me.and it's the best when you don't feel obligated to do something..welcome back..following to see what you do


  6. Hi Sweetie - we have missed you and am glad that you have decided not to stop blogging altogether. Just do what you like, when you have time, we just want to see your pretty face now and then, promise? Love you and hope you had a wonderful New Year!

  7. You almost gave me a heart attack with that email, Kim. I totally understood what you meant here because I almost did the exact same thing in December. I took a break, stepped back, thought through everything and redefined what direction I want my little blog to go. I came back with a clearer mind. Most of the time I think it is "US" that put a pressure and stress on ourselves and have too many expectations. Now I couldnt care less how many followers I will have/lose, how many total pageviews at the end of the day and how many blogs I have to comment. Glad you are back girl.

  8. KIM!! Oh my gosh, girl, so happy to see you didn't stop blogging! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look. Blogging can become stressful, can't it? I enjoy blogging and I don't want it to become a chore. Good for you for making a change! I love it!!!!
    Happy 2012, I hope yours is full of awesomeness!

  9. I am very glad you didn't stop blogging! Blog about what you love. I can't wait to see more of YOU in your posts! :) Happy New Year, Kim! I look forward to reading.

    P.S. I adore your blog header and buttons :)

  10. Congrats girl! Way to take the reins - totally agree that if something doesn't feel right, change it up! I look forward to your new blog :)


  11. Kim

    Congrats on your new blog I love it. I understand the need to step back and take a deep breath. I have done it plenty of times. I am so glad that you did not stop blogging because I would be sad. Your post makes me happy and smile.

    P.s. I love the new name of your blog :)

  12. LOVE the new look and the color scheme. XOXO

  13. Hey Kim! I love that you are going to continue to blog. I will continue to follow you wherever you go!


  14. now following the new blog, ;-)

  15. Thanks for letting me know that you've moved. So glad you're still blogging - I love your cute header and buttons. I hope you have a really happy 2012. Enjoy your new blog- I'm following of course!

  16. I am so so glad that you have decided to keep blogging! But make sure you don't drive yourself crazy doing it! Good luck with your fresh start!


  17. I am so glad you didn't stop blogging all together! Just do what you can! Blogging should be fun and when it stops being fun, we are taking it too seriously and not appreciating it for what it is. You have a lot of supporters :) I love the new look! -Dreama

  18. I feel you Kim. I thought so many times I wanted to stop blogging but I'm glad I didn't and I don't want you to either! I love your posts. :)

  19. Thanks for letting me know about your new spot. I am following you now. I love the new look. You always have awesome posts and interesting so I look forward to reading about your other ones.

    I understand the feeling of stressing out over blogging. I only have a few followers compared to you but i'm started trying to do multiple styles of posts to try and reach other people but I'm like you with just sticking to what I want to and enjoy blogging about. Much success!

  20. Oh Kim, I am sorry to hear that blogging was stressing you out :( I'm glad that you decided to concentrate on what you wanted to do at your own pace! I would hate to see you gone from the blogosphere!!!!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  21. Hi Kim!!!

    **Hugs** HAPPY NEW YEAR! First of all, your new blog is SO ADORABLE!!! Secondly, I completely understand what you are talking about! It is so much pressure to comment on everyone's blog. Blogging is supposed to be fun! Thanks for always being you. Although we have never met, I know you are such a wonderful person. Thanks for all your support and loving words! xo, sam

  22. Kim - Happy New Year! You've done so much, you should transfer your old blog to this one so your readers will know.

    Your posts are always so detailed and I can tell a lot of work. I'm glad that you decided to keep blogging and to stick to what you love. That's all that matters. I have days like that too and with the pregnancy, I think about not doing it that much too, but my jewelry business kind of needs me to keep going :)

    I'll definitely keep track of you here. Hope you had a fantastic holiday and new year.

  23. Very cute blog. :) Looking forward to more posts. Happy New Year indeed! :)

  24. Thank goodness you will stay with blogging! And it is quality over quantity, as they say, so fewer posts is totally fine ;) (plus, it leaves me a better chance to focus on your posts as I follow sooo many blogs already ;) I'll be here keeping my thumbs up for you, and let's keep in touch when we have time! ♥ xoxo

  25. great change! it is supposed to be fun! can't wait to read, even if less frequently!

    xoxo navy & orange

  26. started following your new blog now!!! thanks kim!


  27. Thanks for the heads up on the move Kim! I hope you enjoy this blog more! I enjoy your enthusiasm!! ;-) Happy New Year, too!

  28. Oh, I totally understand!! It should be about fun and being creative and fulfilling us, not another thing we feel obligated to do! I'm glad you're having fun with it and writing about what you love!

  29. Good for you girl! Blogging should be fun, and if you weren't having fun with it I am glad you re-evaluated. We'll just look forward to seeing posts from you whenever you feel like writing on whatever strikes your fancy :) Happy New year!

  30. I'm so happy you decided not to stop blogging! You're so good at it. I hope you continue to blog about what you love.

  31. Happy New year. Blogging can get overwhelming but if you love it you should never stop. YOu write amazing post so I am glad you decided to continue blogging.

    Hope you have a great 2012.

  32. Good on you Kim for taking this step! It must have been hard to give up your previous blog. But blogging should definitely NOT stress you out! Do things at your own pace and it's ok to take breaks from time to time. We will all still be here for you! :)

  33. I'm so happy that you decided to not stop blogging! I always love reading your posts! I LOVE the new layout too!

  34. I'm so happy you stayed with it girl! I love the new look and. Thanks for letting me know :)

    xo erica

  35. I am glad that you decided to not stop blogging! I love reading your posts. You are so much fun! I agree that you should only do what you love and not feel obligated. It should be about the fun things! Happy New Year! Best wishes for 2010!! ~Michelle

  36. Kim! I'm so glad you've decided to keep on blogging. I totally understand the sentiment though, I got so stressed with mine last month that I just stopped last week and recharged. Do it because its fun, it shouldn't be an obligation. Glad to see you sticking around though, I love your blog and all the cool things you share here!

  37. sorry to hear it was stressing you out, but glad to see that you are continuing on...your posts were always positive and full of energy! look forward to your new blog, kim!


  38. Kim I totally get you..I've been so stressed out lately and have thought so many times about just quitting my blog..but I always come back to it. I am glad you did the new blog very cute!

  39. I think this is a great change. I'll still be looking forward to reading!

  40. I feel the same way sometimes!
    Sometimes you just gotta step back and take a break, you deserve it. :0)

  41. Good for you Kim! That sounds like it will be a good change for you! Can't wait to read more!


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