Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Monday, January 28, 2013


I would like to take you to a place today, that is very sentimental to me. It's called Storyland. Storyland is located within City Park here in New Orleans.

When I was a little girl, my grandparents took me there to play. I adored & loved this place. I haven't seen Storyland since I was a little kid. Over the holidays, I decided to visit and couldn't get over how much of it was still the same. Storyland is truly a magical place! It's where all the characters of your favorite nursery rhymes & fairytales come to LIFE. You'll find The Three Little Pigs & Big Bad Wolf, Rapunzel, Alice in Wonderland, Mother Goose, Ole King Cole, Pinocchio, Snow White, and many more of your favorite characters there. I encourage parents & visitors of New Orleans to stop by this fabulous treasure.

As an adult, I often wondered where all of my creativity, imagination and lightheartedness came from. As I thought back and reminisced, it was because of my childhood. You will be surprised how events from your past, shape who you are today. My parents and grandparents exposed me to a plethora of storybook fairytales, movies such as Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory and The Sound of Music, books such as Oliver, Nutcracker ballets and countless orchestra & symphony concerts. These marvelous things shaped who I am today. I'm blessed because of those experiences. I encourage you to instill special memories and experiences with your children. Without further adieu, here's STORYLAND. Enjoy!

Sweet-Bittersweet-Not Sweet
Storyland in City Park is SWEET!

City Park in New Orleans is the home of many treasures! I'll feature more of them throughout the year on A Very Sweet Blog. My previous post showcased Morning Call in City Park. Hope you enjoy this series. Have a Great Week!


  1. this is so fun!! how amazing of a place!! thanks so much for sharing hunny

  2. Looks like such a fun place to visit! I really like the Peter Rabbit statue :)

  3. This felt like falling down the rabbit hole and wandering through a land filled with all of the childhood fairytales! I want to visit Storyland so bad now <3

    Enter to win an $80 voucher to MsDressy!
    Trendy Teal

  4. Oh I love places like this. It takes me back to my childhood and also when I visit places like this I become a child too.

  5. How sweet, goes to show that you're never too old for some things ;-) Have a lovely week xo

  6. mini would love this!!! we don't have anything like it here.

    mobile morsels

  7. I love thsi kind of places, it's fun. last year I went to Disneyland Paris and that reminded me of my childhood memories. I loved the gnomes and the pigs, so inspiring!

  8. Very interesting to see such a post. It reminds about my childhood. By the way age is no matter to enjoy this fancy word. I love it. I’m so glad that you have posted this. Thanks you and enjoyed a lot.

  9. How come each time I visit your blog, I want to go to LA? (lol) You must have an exciting life, always finding fun places to go.

    And no - I have no idea what happens to our imagination when we get older. I think it's still there, just a little harder to find with all the business of life on top of it.

    Have a wonderful week, dear.

    Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

  10. Great post!
    Looks so nice !

    Wish we had parks like these :)



  11. Storyland looks absolutely magical! We don't have anything like this where I grew up, but I remember my first trip to Disney World when I was eight and seeing these photos really brought back that sense of magic and wonder! It sounds like you had a wonderful, love-filled childhood, Kim - and that's all any of us can ask for :)

  12. That's so beautiful, I want to go there ;_;

  13. I can't imagine how magical this place must be in person, to kids and adults alike, I would so love to get lost here and spend a day there. So wonderful!

  14. I love this place!! I want to go here :))) My girls would love it too, we love imagination and fairy tales and creativity!! Too many parents seem to discourage dreaming and creativity these days for just doing the things that will make them money as they don't feel dreaming is what will make them money, which is sad! I'm sure Walt Disney had loads of money, but it wasn't what made him happy or successful!! This is beautiful & whenever I visit, we shall go here for sure :))) Have a marvellous day doll, loved this :)) xo

  15. These pictures all look so wonderful! Storyland sounds like such an amazing place! I can only imagine that it would be like a dream going there as a child. :D And I'm glad to hear that it hasn't changed. I remember when I was a kid, there was this bookstore that I would always go to read, and then when I left the country for a few years and came back, the store was renovated and rebuilt :( Sad times.

  16. I completely agree with you about childhood memories and their impact on our life. Back in 2011 I wrote a post about my childhood memories and their role in my choice of clothes... But I also think other aspects of our adulthood are ruled by our memories from the past, both good and bad ones.
    This was such a wonderful heart-warming post, Kim. Really enjoyed it!

  17. I just love magical places like this that make you feel like a kid - I want to go!

    Pearls & Paws

  18. woah! So cool!


  19. How fun and whimsical! Loved places like this when I was a kid :)

  20. What? Reallly?! OMG when I finally make it back to NO I'm so going.

  21. That looks like such a cute little place to visit whether you're a kid or an adult! I love the Humpty Dumpty at the entrance :)

    The Tiny Heart
    January Group Giveaway!

  22. This is a really wonderful place Kim! Suddenly the playgrounds my parents took me to when I was a child seem so ordinary (they actually are hehe)

    It's really cool that you're doing a series of post about New Orleans interesting features, I love learning about foreign places! So, I'm happy to follow you :)

    Have a great week!
    x Irene

  23. What a great place for kids Kim! I can see why it's memorable for you. Love the share.

    Red Soles and Red Wine

  24. Storyland looks like a place filled with such wonder and happiness. It's no surprise you enjoyed it so much as a child and it's awesome you still enjoy it just as much as an adult. It's all so charming! would love to visit if I ever get to go to New Orleans. I really love learning about all these great places there from you Kim :)

    Have a fabulous week!
    Rowena @ rolala loves

  25. OMG, Kim. I am such a sucker for parks like Storyland! And it looks like such a fun place to visit! Thanks for sharing your photos! Totally smitten!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  26. I wish I could take the little girl I watch here! She would adore! As I would too!


  27. I bet this place brought back so many fond childhood memories of yours Kim. It must be like being a kid again walking through that place. What a fun place, there is no place like this where i live except for Chuckee Cheese..ha.

  28. Some of these freak me out, not going to lie but mostly I REALLY WANT TO GO HERE. THIS IS SO DAMN COOL!!!

  29. Kim, it's nice to revisit places like these. I just wish my boys are younger so I can bring them here...sometimes you just don't want them to grow up so quickly. ;) Enjoy your week!

    xo Jo

  30. How cute, and I agree with you! I like to stimulate my daughter's imagination with stories where she gets to decide what happens next! Lots of love princess Kim :-)

  31. Wow this looks so much fun!! Would love to visit :)

  32. awww my daughter would love this place kim!!! Too bad we live in Cali!!

  33. This is so cute! but not going to lie some of those statues are a little creepy!

    xo Jackie

  34. I need to visit New Orleans. The place looks amazing!! I love the line where you talk about how events from our past, shape who we are today. You have an amazing family. Your story inspires me to expose our kids to fairytales and artistic movies. Thanks for sharing your story with us :)

    Heel in Mint

  35. what a cute spot!!! love the pumpkin carriage.

  36. oh such a whimsical place! i can totally imagine a blog shoot here :) new orleans sounds like an awesome place.. and your story is SWEET too ;)


    steph /

  37. How cute is that! I wish I visited the Storyland as a kid! But it is never too late! I'll definitely visit it if I visit New Orleans one day!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  38. What a funky little place! I bet kids totally love this place! "Story land" how cute!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  39. Aww ... What a fun place to visit Kim .... my youngest wouldn't want to leave!

  40. Kim, I loved this! What memories you brought up. There was a Storybook Land about 45 mins from where we lived. When we were little, it was my favorite place in the world, even more than Disneyland! Hope you're having a great week!
    xo Mary Jo

  41. Great post! Looks like a fun place! <3<3

  42. What a cute place, Kim. It's so nice to visit childhood places and even better to discover that they haven't changed too much. I suppose places like this which relate to well-loved fairy tales are timeless and can stay more or less the same.

  43. Looks like such a cute and fun place!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  44. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so pretty

  45. I used to love visiting places like this when I was a kid!

    oxoxo from San Francisco

  46. wonderful place to visit. thanks a lot for sharing

  47. OMG Kim this place is awesome!!! I love it. How cute and unique! I wish there was a place like this in my town.

    Well, in KC we do have a creepy children's park with ceramic animals that was built in the 60s. But I think it got shut down six years ago because police discovered a 20-something college kid was living in the giant rabbit. Like, he'd been living inside of it for MONTHS and no one knew. He had a bed, chair, and laptop in there! He only got caught because he tried ordering a pizza to have delivered there and the Domino's people called the police.

  48. Omg this is adorable! I've never heard of this place but it's gorgeous.


  49. How cute is this place... I want to go!

  50. it is always nice to go to places that we used as a child and see things. the place looks like a lot o fun!

  51. oh that looks so fun!!

  52. This SO looks like my kind of place. Fun, cute, whimsical, childlike. Love it!

  53. this looks like so much fun..for me Nicco Park over here holds such treasured memories..though on a recent visit i was slightly disappointed..i couldn't figure out if i had changed over the years or the park

  54. Kim this is such a sweet post! I wish I could visit story land! I love fairy tales as a kid! I sort of wish that we could have been childhood friends because we seem to have so much in common! I bet you had so much fun here as a child!


  55. Indeed an adorable place. When i was a kid i liked places that made me feel i was in a fairy tale. Id love tp bein a placelike storyland. Unfortunately we dont have it yet in the Philippines. I needed to go to hongkong to experience disneyland :)) childhood memories are always fun to remember and like u im glad i had a happy childhood glad my parents immersed me on music and books :) glad i had met friends and glad i had experiences that shaped what i am today:)

  56. What a sweet spot! I want to visit New Orleans and see it too :D Also, considering how today's modern generation seems utterly wrapped up in video games, it makes me happy to hear that the place looked just about the same as it did when you used to visit as a child ! :D


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