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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jurlique Purely Bright Radiance Serum and Night Moisturizer Product Review

In my last Jurlique product review, I mentioned the importance of using a really good cleanser and how impressed I was with Jurlique's Purely Bright Cleanser. Today, let's talk about TWO Jurlique products that are used after you cleanse: Purely Bright Radiance Serum and Purely Bright Night Moisturizer. I decided to review them together because they really go hand-in-hand.

Sweet-Bittersweet-Not Sweet

Purely Bright Radiance Serum
This serum is white in color, lightweight, has a clean scent and absorbed really well into my skin. I applied this product both day and night. It didn't interfere with my makeup and I never had any adverse reactions while using it.

Jurlique states that this product "reduces the appearance of dark spots and discolorations and improves skin radiance...many women saw results in 12 weeks".

I've been using it for a little over 4 weeks and can see a difference. My complexion looks brighter and more radiant. My dark spots have diminished, but it's been very subtle. I will continue using this product, but I think my dark spots need a little extra attention, so I've ordered a product that I think will accomplish that. I'll keep you posted.

Purely Bright Night Moisturizer
What I really like about this night moisturizer is that it's not heavy. It's white in color, creamy and absorbs really well into the skin. It's not sticky and has a really clean scent. My face felt moisturized and when you wake up in the morning your face has a healthy glow & looks supple. This product should be used at night after you apply the Purely Bright Radiance Serum. Ok guys, my face is clean, I have my Jurlique serum & night moisturizer on, Dream Diva eye mask (it helps me to dream up sweet blog posts for you guys! hahaha) and I'm ready for bed! Zzzzzz

Hope you enjoyed my reviews on Jurlique Skin Care Products! This is the last one. Sniff! Sniff! Unless Jurlique is willing to give me their body care line for review :) This is a great skincare line that I would definitely recommend. To purchase, click on the official Jurlique pictures in this post or the ad in my sidebar. I would like to thank Jurlique for sponsoring me, embracing my honest reviews and giving me the opportunity to try their products. Thank you!

My Jurlique Product Reviews:


  1. Great review, I'm sure you woke up fresh-faced and pretty :-) They're products sound good, will have to see if I should give them a go... Have a lovely day xo

  2. Ooh, the radiance serum sounds like something I could definitely do with!

  3. It's been a pleasure reading all of your Jurlique reviews, Kim - more than that, though, you've opened my eyes to a skincare line that I only knew of vaguely and had never bothered to investigate. Suffice it to say that thanks to you, that has definitely changed!

  4. Love your eyemask Kim! I think I said this last post as well, but you are too cute! Seriously :) Another great review from you :)

    Away From The Blue

  5. Really love your little animated giffs Kim! xo

  6. Looks marvellous, love your reviews 7 you look precious!! Have a sweet day doll xx

  7. Your skin dose look smoother, look at you! I enjoyed your reviews and I've gathered Jurlique is a worthy brand. It's a pity this series has already ended! Lots of love darling xoxo

  8. Your diva mask is too cute, I love it! And you have such gorgeous skin! Thanks for all the reviews :)

    The Tiny Heart

  9. The Purely Bright radiance Serum sounds like a product I would like to try. I love your sleep mask - so cute! Thanks for your honest and insightful reviews on this product line Kim!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  10. i so desperately need that night cream!!i have been having 10-8 days

  11. Radiance serum sounds great !! Love your animated gifs :)


  12. What a fantastic review! I will check out this skincare line! :)


  13. Hi, I see your comments all over the same blogs I go to, I thought I would just boldly come to your site and join. I'd say that is a grand idea!!! :D

  14. Hi Kim, I think its a great commitment that you waited the four weeks to review this product properly, and not just after a day or two, in that way you're giving it its best advantage. Sounds like it works really well! Thanks for your visit, have a great start to March!

  15. I wish I got this product! I love to give good serums a try!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  16. Love the sounds of the moisturizer, my skin definitely needs some hydration! The weather here has been sort of brutal lately on my skin!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  17. Sounds like a great product - but I definitely don't need to moisturize my face at night, I'm continually doing the opposite.
    Chic on the Cheap

  18. I always get my fading creams from the dermatologist because they can give really high percentages but it is good to know they are good store alternatives!


  19. looks like it's a great product! thanks for your work, dear!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  20. You gave such fantastic, thorough reviews Kim! It was the perfect product to get to testdrive :)

    Trendy Teal

  21. It looks perfect.
    happy weekend.

  22. Such nice reviews you've been doing about their products. I love that adorable eye mask! xx

  23. Lovely post :)


  24. Hmm, I haven't heard of this brand but now I'm intrigued!

  25. I've enjoyed all your Jurlique reviews and wouldn't it be lovely if they sent you the body care range! I think they just might! What a cute eye mask.

  26. I might need to look into that moisturizer, I need a really good one, something light like that might really work for me!

  27. Kim, Jurlique sounds like a really good brand. I was about to order the hand cream (from your last review) but then Topbox might give me one in my next order. If not, I'll order via your link. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for helping me out and enjoy the weekend!

    xo Jo

  28. Not sure if my comment saved last time:

    Lol, it would be great if Jurlique sent you their body care line to review because I've become a fan of these products because of you.

  29. look forward to reading about that dark spot product you bought! love your sleep mask!

    have a great weekend!

  30. Great review! I feel like I need a better nightly routine for my face. Right now I just moisturize, but I think it's time I did a bit more to preserve my face's natural oils!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  31. Hi Kim darling! WOW, that sounds like one to try ... I always feel as if there's something else I should be doing for my skin ;) Hope all is well with you! Have a great weekend! xoxo ~S

    SANDY M Illustration

  32. Kim,

    I really respect your reviews because they are always honest!! I enjoyed this review as well and I was just thinking the other day how I needed a new moisturizer and I am glad you recommend this one! I am excited to try it!! Thanks again for a great review.

    Happy Weekend Pretty girl!!

  33. Great review, Kim! Too bad I'm allergic to any new facial product and hence don't even have the courage to try on new stuff!!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  34. What a great review, and wow to bit of fresh facedness!
    Jurlique are such a great brand, love them and L'Occitane.

  35. This is a cool place to be at! Your blog is pretty awesome! I was just looking at some of your other posts and think it's really entertaining! I think you'll see some more of me here;)!

    Come by mine, and let me know if you like it too! We could follow each other on GFC, Bloglovin, and Instagram too!

    Stay in touch;)


  36. Kim, I'm so glad you reviewed the radiance serum. I'm coming to the end of my la Mer serum :( and need to find something else similar. I like that it brightens and lightens (although like you--these products are really never enough to deal with my dark spots. Hope you are having a great weekend!

    xo Mary Jo

  37. Another excellent review.

  38. Thanks for these reviews! I am always on the lookout for a good dark spot corrector, so I'd love to know what you're trying next!

  39. Great review Kim, and i love your Dream Diva mask! :-)

    Vanessa x

  40. Nice Product ,you look gorgeous <3

    kisses :)

  41. You've got my dying to try this brand! How was your birthday? I hope it was nice! Shahin is feeling better. He's been sick on and off for awhile though and I hope he gets better soon! I hope you are having a pleasant weekend Kim!


  42. Great review...this brand just seems like a real win!

    <3 Cambria

  43. Thanks for your visit...wishing you a great week Kim!

  44. Hey my friend..

    Love the review. I always like reading your post!

    Thanks for the info..


  45. Great review!
    oxoxoxoxo from San Francisco


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