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Saturday, September 14, 2013

60 Year Anniversary: JFK and Jackie's 1953 Wedding

LIFE Magazine released rare photos of JFK and Jackie's 1953 Wedding. It was 60 years ago, that they were married. Their wedding was so classy, it still captivates me today. I found it to be so exquisite. Wanted to share. Enjoy.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Not published in LIFE. Guests, including Robert Kennedy, watch as newly married John and Jackie Kennedy cut their wedding cake, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
(L) Not published in LIFE. Jacqueline Kennedy on her wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
(R) Not published in LIFE. John and Jackie Kennedy on their wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Caption from LIFE. "Bride and bridegroom finally sit down to lunch after the long, wearying ordeal of the receiving line. Jacqueline, whose wedding dress contained 50 yards of material, adjusts veil while her senator husband starts right in on fruit cup." 
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Caption from LIFE. "Slice of wedding cake is offered bridegroom by flower girl Janet at the luncheon. Kennedy had already had some cake so did not want any more."
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images 
Not published in LIFE. John and Jackie Kennedy on their wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Not published in LIFE. John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier marry, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953. 
 Not published in LIFE. John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier marry, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
(L) Caption from LIFE. "Jacqueline Bouvier in gorgeous Battenburg wedding dress with her husband Sen. John Kennedy as they stand in front of church after wedding ceremony."
(R) Not published in LIFE. John and Jackie Kennedy on their wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Caption from LIFE. "Line of guests waiting patiently to congratulate the couple extends to the front lawn of bride's mother's 300-acre Hammersmith Farm at Newport."
Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
(L) Not published in LIFE. Jackie Kennedy on her wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
(R) John and Jackie Kennedy with ushers, bridesmaids and flower girls, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

Not published in LIFE. John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier marry, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
John and Jackie Kennedy with groomsmen and other guests on their wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
(L) Caption from LIFE. "Speaker Joe Martin of House of Representatives congratulates bride and bridegroom in receiving line. Kennedy served three terms in the House."
(R) Not published in LIFE. John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier marry, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
(L) Caption from LIFE. "Flower girl Janet Auchincloss, half sister of bride, talks to Kennedy while bride looks out window at guests waiting to go through receiving line."
(R) Not published in LIFE. Jacqueline Kennedy on her wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.

Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Not published in LIFE. Guests at the wedding reception for John and Jackie Kennedy, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Not published in LIFE. Jacqueline Kennedy dances with her husband, John F. Kennedy, at their wedding reception, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
Not published in LIFE. Jacqueline Kennedy dances with her new father-in-law, Joseph P. Kennedy, at wedding reception, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Not published in LIFE. Jacqueline Kennedy dances at her wedding reception, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
Not published in LIFE. A girl with a flower at John and Jacqueline Kennedy's wedding reception, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
 Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Not published in LIFE. Jacqueline Kennedy on her wedding day, Newport, R.I., Sept. 12, 1953.
Caption from LIFE. "Off for honeymoon in Acapulco, Mexico, the bride and bridegroom leave the wedding reception amid a shower of rose-petal confetti and rice." 
Did you know Jacqueline's dress was made by a black fashion designer? 
Her name: Anne Lowe.  Read about her HERE and HERE.
To learn more about Jacqueline's dress, veil, and jewelry click HERE.


  1. You always share the most wonderful pictures, Kim. I love how I've never seen all these photos before! Always love seeing and discovering new things. It is a surprise that Jacqueline's dress was made by a black fashion designer (gosh I feel bad using the word "black") esp during the 50s where the prejudice is prevalent. Respect for that lady!

  2. What a gorgeous wedding, the place looked gorgeous, even the church. She had a stunning dress, love that. And it's marvellous it was made by who it was, something to be proud of. Love looking at old pictures like this...beautiful. Have a lovely weekend doll :) x

  3. beautiful photos! Such a stunning detailed dress too.

    Like you said, a very classy and classic wedding, doesn't look dated after 60 years at all!

    Away From The Blue

  4. Thanks for this trip back in time, great photos :-D

  5. They were such a beautiful couple and very classy. Jackie's wedding gown is gorgeous. It must have been a big Society wedding in Newport during that time.

  6. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pics, Kim:) Jackie was such a beautiful bride it's almost a crime...her gown by Anne Lowe is breath-taking.

  7. What a great wedding and great photos and thanks for highlighting the fashion designer, who after 60 years is getting the acclaim she deserved then.

  8. Morning Kim! I agee, it was a super classy wedding, it captivates me as well till today. I never saw the photos, neither know they have been published on Life Magazine. She looks like a princess, full of grace and seems very happy. I didnt know about the gown's designer, is really interesing and makes me think why the thing isnt so much known. Kisses dear, have a great weekend! xoxo

  9. Amazing pics <3 <3 Thanks a lot for sharing them Kim!! The wedding was a classy one indeed!

  10. These photos are so lovely and cativating, what a beautiful couple they were. I love Jackie's wedding dress, so elegant and classy. I wish you a great Saturday, sweets!

  11. Wow! How time flew by and all these are history now. Still so pretty even after so many years.

  12. JFK's wedding was beautiful. Jacqueline's wedding dress was elegant and so classy. Love it.

  13. WOW!! I hadn't seen photos from this wedding before. Absolutely breathtaking, her dress is still so legit today, that I simply cannot believe it. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Thank you for sharing these amazing photographs--and for introducing us to Anne Lowe!!! Hugs & kisses! T.

  15. A really beautiful look back in time. That cake is *magical*. Thanks for sharing :)


  16. Wow, it's so weird looking at these now. Jackie looked gorgeous, simple and elegant!


  17. Wow, these photos certainly are arresting! The Kennedy's wedding was surreal and just lovely :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  18. What a treat, dear Kim. I had never seen these photos before. They look so normal, and wonderful.
    I could spend hours on each pic, ahhhhhh
    The dress is a dream, and how fabulous to know Anne Lowe.
    Much love, dear friend.

  19. Stunning photos, dear Lady!! That dress is beautiful and I think she was totally elegant. I had never seen this before. Happy week.

  20. Oh wow so beautiful and classy. I just read a book about Jackie Kennedy. A work colleague noticed I loved fashion and gave it to me to borrow. It was really interesting and I realised how much of a style icon she is and the timeless nature of so many of her pieces.

  21. Great post! She is the epitome of classy and lovely. I've also never seen these photos. Thanks for sharing!

  22. i love these photos! she's such a style icon x

    steph /

  23. Wow. What beautiful pictures. What an amazing dress.

    Isn't it funny how this was so many years ago but the look is so timeless that any modern bride could wear that dress and happily stand by a cake like that.

  24. These pictures are truly snapshots from a different era. I also didn't realize the story behind her dress - very cool!
    I remember seeing her second wedding dress (Valentino) and it is so much simpler!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  25. wonderful pictures, I felt like I was there =)

  26. These are awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  27. The Kennedy's had such a gorgeous wedding and it's nice that it was so down to earth as well as classy. Jackie's dress was really beautiful. So cool to learn more about the designer.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  28. oh how beautiful! what a perfect wedding, and i just adore that dress!
    Chic on the Cheap

  29. Oh i loved these pictures.
    She looks beautiful but not happy to me.
    Her dress is lovely but for some reason i like her bridesmaids' dresses better.

  30. Oh i loved these pictures.
    She looks beautiful but not happy to me.
    Her dress is lovely but for some reason i like her bridesmaids' dresses better.

  31. Hi Kim! is the first time that I see this photos, she is beautiful like a doll, they was a pretty couple, like this post!

  32. WOW! Awesome pics! Her dress was amazing. She looks like a doll in some of the she was a beauty.

    Great find Kim, thanks for sharing these!

  33. wonderful to see these pictures! she looks so relaxed, having a great time, as she should be :)

  34. What stunning photos - I love seeing vintage weddings, especially spectacular celebrity ones!! Another great post Kim :-)

    Vanessa x

  35. The JFK era was before my time and so I didn't really start wanting to learn more about his life and the mystery surrounding his death until recently- it was all thanks to Adrienne LaCava's latest political thriller book titled, "No One Can Know" which has a fascinating plot surrounding the JFK assassination. I found the book to be extremely addicting. I am now wanting to learn even more about this fascinating family. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos!

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