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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fresh Cocoa Body Exfoliant & Spatula, Cocoa Exfoliant Body Soap, Sugar Lychee Body Lotion & Brown Sugar Scented Candle Review and Swatches

I decided to take some Fresh body products with me, while on my mini-getaway. Over the holidays, I purchased the Fresh Cocoa Body Exfoliant & Body Spatula and Cocoa Exfoliating Body Soap. My friend from Little Luxury List blog surprised & sent me Fresh's Brown Sugar Scented Candle, Sugar Lychee Body Lotion and another Cocoa Exfoliating Body Soap (along with some other tasty Asian goodies & snacks :) THANK YOU! I thought with Easter coming up, this would be a really good time to review all of them. If you're looking to give someone an alternative to chocolate than these would be perfect! My thoughts are below! To read my other reviews on Fresh, click HERE.

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)


Fresh Cocoa Exfoliating Body Soap - Supersweet

Whaat!?! This isn't a chocolate candy bar? I almost ate it. LOL But all kidding aside, this is a wonderful exfoliant bar. First of all it's CHUNKY! You won't have to worry about this melting away quickly or falling apart in your hands. So let the exfoliating begin! It's NOT HARSH! I don't know about you, but I've had some exfoliating bars that are just too much for my sensitive skin. Leaving me red and raw after the process. This is GENTLE, but not so gentle that nothing is sloughed away. You can feel the grittiness. I used this on my legs, arms and feet. My skin felt really soft afterwards. It's also great for those elbows and hands. I wouldn't use this on my face. I'm funny about that. However, this is excellent for your body.  Ohhh, the scent!?! It's smells like authentic cocoa bean, without the sugar!

Fresh Cocoa Body Exfoliant and Fresh Body Spatula - Supersweet

As I was using this, I kept asking myself what does this remind me of? Then it hit me! BROWNIE or CHOCOLATE CAKE BATTER! LOL It truly smells like either and the consistency is that of CHOCOLATE PUDDING! This is awesome sauce! Scoop some out and spread it over (and work it into) your legs, arms, feet, roota & toota LOL Anyplace you want to exfoliate, soften & moisturize. Where the bar above is more of an exfoliator (which should be your very 1st step). This is an exfoliator, skin softener and moisturizer in one. But I still feel you need both (and this is not sponsored). They work in conjunction with one another. I also love the jar, because it's not hard. It's squeezable. It's won't shatter if it falls (shower or bathtub). I am mad at Fresh for selling the spatula SEPARATE from this jar! I kept going back & i need it...maybe not...yes i do! And guess what, if you don't get this YA NEED SUMTHIN' TO SCOOP THIS BROWNIE STUFF OUT! Trust me, you don't want to contaminate the contents within. I will say, this spatula is MARVELOUS and worth the investment! It's not stiff. It has a rubber tip that bends. The handle is wooden, with FRESH inscribed on it. It's small and PERFECT for scooping just the right amount out of the jar. It's a superb spa tool (you'll want to keep) because you'll want another jar of this stuff...yes you will! Ok, look below! My bathwater started CLEAN and after you use both of these products it will look brown (and unfortunately not chocolate brown) LOL. I also show the remnants both leave behind. So expect a brown shower or bathtub. But it's not hard to clean or greasy. Ok ... NEXT!!!

Fresh Sugar Lychee Body Lotion - Supersweet

This bottle is SQUEEZABLE! Love! I hate stiff lotion bottles, where you have to hit it like a ketchup bottle to get the last drop out. Also this is splash-able...wipe-able...oh you get my drift. Fresh put a lot of thought into the design. So how's the lotion? I digress. You'll love it! It's white. It's creamy. It sinks into the skin (you can feel it). I love the scent. Very fresh (no pun intended). It has a very light but sugary scent! It also has shea butter. This is a year round lotion! It's not too heavy. It's not too light.

Fresh Brown Sugar Scented Candle - Supersweet

And finally, we have Fresh's Brown Sugar Scented Candle.  I was enamored with the light baby blue box it came in! This candle is serenity, peacefulness and tranquility in a jar. The blend of caramel, musk and citrus make for a UNIQUE combination. It's CLEAN! I don't think this candle could offend anyone. Very grown up. Very chic. Very light. To me it's like fresh air! Almost scentless.



  1. Kim! Even the candle looks edible.
    I can't believe you did not take a bite at the
    Soap bar. It looks like you had a very
    Relaxing me time.

  2. Wow that body exfoliant even looks like brownie batter, haha! You did well not tasting them, the chocolate-y look and smell would have meant I was tempted to take a lick. I'm sure I would have regretted it right away though, haha!

    Sounds like an awesome relaxation and bathtime routine! Especially with the scented candle too! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  3. I will love to try the scrub it looks like a product I will enjoy great presentation Kim.

  4. I've always loved the line Fresh:) I can you go wrong with cocoa, right? hehe....And yeah...I would've been mad to find out that you have to buy the spatula! Good to know it does its job though:D

  5. I have never tried anything from Fresh because it was pricey back in Malaysia and now that I'm here in Canada, the brand totally escapes my radar. Thank you for these reviews, Kim, they all sound absolutely fabulous and I'm going to surf Sephora website after this....and thanks for making me crave for chocolate cake at 7.00am. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  6. My best friend is obsessed with all things chocolate and next time it comes to buying him a gift, I know just what products I'm going to pick up. Those chocolate exfoliators from Fresh look and sound wonderful, particularly the scents - and a good chocolate scent can be so hard to find!

  7. These products look and sound fabulous. Being of the chocolate sort is such a bonus! It sounds like Fresh hit a home run with this line!

  8. I love the way that candle looks!! It's so simple and pretty! And all of this stuff sounds so nice, Kim! I was pretty much sold when I saw the word cocoa LOL!!! I've never used an exfoliant body soap before. I seriously need to try more stuff from Fresh, everyone I see it I just want everything lol!

  9. Supersweets all around. :) I need some... :)

  10. Everything looks so nice! I hate when you get all that rubbish stuff left over from a scrub in the bath. I also hate when you get a squeezy bottle of lotion and have to use both hands to give it a good old squeeze to get anything out!
    Pretty Mad Things .. x o

  11. I can almost smell it...
    and you had me at CHUNKY BAR!

  12. I like the Fresh line, and that candle sounds very sweet. I am a tad obsessed with candles. I think I'd like that, as well as the cocoa body exfoliant.
    Thanks for the review Kim, now I want to try these.
    St. Patty's Day

  13. All these products sound awesome! They also make me really hungry lol The chocolate body exfoliating scrub interests me the most. I love body scrubs!

  14. After reading your review, I just want to run out and buy all of these Kim ;p Fresh always does such a great job on their products especially with the scents. I have to try the Fresh Body Spatula. You had me at chocolate pudding!

  15. I want it all all all! This looks like you had such a fun mini spa experience and I seriously wish I had a tub (I only have a shower) but still...even if I can't soak for hours I still want this!!

  16. I've been wanting to try Fresh products for quiet a while. Amazing you gave them all a Supersweet rating. Now I really want that soap!!!! Cocoa lover over here.


  17. I need these products for a pamper day.

  18. These products look so scrumptious and delicious in terms of scent, how lovely!

    Laura xo

  19. Now I want to get all of them Kim, and also made me want to eat a piece of chocolate too!:P xo

  20. These products look so good. I feel like I can smell them through my computer!! ;-)

  21. I like exfoliating soap bars left me more relaxed after the bath in addition to feeling the silky skin, this brand is incredible!

  22. I'm not even a chocolate fan and I would definitely try these products Kim. Thanks for going the extra mile too and showing what the tub looks like after using them, but it's good to know it wasn't hard to clean. I would love the exfoliating bar of soap! Great post and it's good to catch up with your posts


  23. Oh yes, scented candles please! Enjoy your weekend, dear! xoxo

  24. love how created your post

  25. aww fresh products are so lovely! :)
    great that you took them with you on your getaway!

    Winn | ♥ | Instagram

  26. Looks like very relaxing bath time. I would love to try these products :)

  27. Wow, amazing! I can't decide, I think I would want them all! The lotion sounds like the perfect consistency. Great review!


  28. I haven't tried any Fresh products and reading your review made me want to purchase the whole range, everything sounds amazing!

    Ela BellaWorld

  29. With this post you got me in love with Fresh! I'm not a fan of brown bathtubs (did you read my mr bean scrub review?) but if it's not greasy, both the bar and the spatula sound great! The lotion is a must try, and the candle is the perfect complement for a home spa day! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose new post

  30. Looks awesome. Just the scent as you describe it makes me want to give it a try. Great review Kim.

  31. love the review Kim! I have been meaning to try more fresh products, the soap and the exfoliant looks amazing! glad you liked them, will have to try them out!
    been watching your snaps and i love following your adventures hehe
    hope you are doing well! xo

  32. Oh, how sweet of her Kim! She's very supportive with my blog too. Fresh products never disappoint, love them!

    xo Jo

  33. Oh these sound absolutely it!! And I'm glad you loved them too and enjoyed yourself doll, you deserve it!! xx

  34. It all looks so refreshing for a bath! You are so on point here!

    ~ Styleccentric Fashion' | BLOGLOVIN

    xo, Alyssa

  35. Supersweets across the board! Sounds great :) and it looks like you had lot so pampering. Now that is supersweet! ;)

  36. Yay, how awesome that all of these products are super sweet! I seriously had no idea what to get but these products had the mixture of usefulness and a great scent. The spatula looks so cool too! I'm so glad you are using these products!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  37. So happy to hear that Fresh's body products are supersweet as I love their face cream and mask. I'll definitely be adding this to my list :)

  38. I'm amazed with all of these products, Kim, especially I love body exfoliant and the soap, great review, Kim :)

  39. You took some great products with you, Kim! My mouth started watering reading about this review! I would love to try the body exfoliant. It sounds amazing!

  40. Loving the exfoliating soap!

    K ♥

  41. It was really a nice post. Thank's for sharing. Keep Updating More post like this. Body Scrubs, Foot Reflexology

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