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Friday, March 3, 2023

The Connection Between Hydration And Skin Health

There is an intense connection between hydration and skin health, and something as simple as drinking enough water can drastically improve the appearance of your skin. When our bodies are not adequately hydrated, it creates a ripple effect that affects our entire system, including our skin.

When your skin is hydrated, it's better able to fight off environmental aggressors and retain a youthful appearance. This is probably why skincare products focus more on helping the skin stay hydrated.

This article will talk further about how proper hydration affects your skin. It will also give tips on increasing your overall hydration level and how drinking enough water helps your skin look better. So let's get started!

How dehydration affects the skin

The skin is the first to suffer when proper hydration isn't maintained, as reduced blood flow due to dehydration causes a shortage of nutrients in the skin cells. Consequently, you'll see signs like dryness and flaking, which are evidence of inadequate water intake.

Dehydrated skin also looks less plump and elastic due to a loss of volume. Depriving the body of water can also cause inflammation, which shows up on the skin's surface as redness and irritation.

Benefits of hydration for skin health

  • Diminishes the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Supports collagen production for firmer, more elastic skin.
  • Improves overall complexion.
  • Reduces redness and inflammation of the skin.
  • Promotes better blood flow to nourish skin cells with vital nutrients.

Best practices for staying hydrated and promoting skin health

  • Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages, like coffee and soda, as they can cause dehydration.
  • Take shorter showers and avoid hot water to reduce the risk of skin drying out.
  • Use a gentle cleanser that doesn't strip your skin of moisture.
  • Use a moisturizer that fits your skin.

One underrated practice is to sleep with your mouth closed. Doing so will ensure you don't suffer from a dry mouth in the morning, which can hamper saliva production.

And while you're at it, ensure you close your mouth correctly by practicing mewing. You can get more info on mewing by visiting

Recommended daily water intake for optimal skin health

Most sources suggest that the average adult should drink at least eight glasses (or 64 ounces) of water daily.

Don't take this number to the bank, though, as your age, lifestyle, environment, and other factors all influence how much water you should be drinking.

Here are a few tips if you find it tough to complete your daily quota:

1. Carry a water bottle wherever you go.

2. Set reminders on your phone or watch.

3. Always keep a glass of water on your desk or by the bed.

4. Add flavor to your water, like citrus, herbs, and cucumber slices.

5. Eat fruits and vegetables high in water, such as melons and celery.

Other factors that can impact skin hydration levels

  • Certain medications can cause dehydration and affect skin health.
  • Smoking can also dehydrate your body, thus reducing blood flow and collagen production.
  • The natural oils can be stripped away when you use too many harsh products on your skin, making your skin dry and irritated.
  • Dry air is another factor that can lead to dehydration. During the winter, temperatures drop, and the air gets drier. This can make your skin dry and flaky. To combat this, buy a humidifier for your home or office and ensure the correct humidity level.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your skin hydrated is essential for your skin's health. The key is to ensure you drink enough water and avoid habits or environmental conditions that can hinder your skin's health. With a few simple practices and lifestyle adjustments, you can ensure your skin stays hydrated and looks its best.

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