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Monday, April 8, 2013

Thomas Sabo Jewellery: So Charming

Do you like charm bracelets? I've been a fan of them since I was a little girl. I think I'm more fascinated with the charms on the bracelet, than the bracelet itself. HaHaHa Charms always tell a story, don't they? They provoke a memory or celebrate something new & exciting that's about to happen. I put together a couple of boards below using charms from the Thomas Sabo Jewellery Collection from Burns Jewellers. I thought these themes would be fun & cute for a charm bracelet. Have you ever received or given someone a charm bracelet? Did it have a particular theme? Please share your "charming" story in my comments section below. Have a great day!

Thomas Sabo also has a great line of pendants, lockets, rings, earrings, leather goods, bracelets, and cuff links.

Standard delivery is FREE on all orders over £50. International orders can be placed by phone (a price quote for shipping will be given to you at that time).

*This is a Sponsored Post for Burns Jewellers-Thomas Sabo Jewellery,  written and designed by A Very Sweet Blog.


  1. O, I've seen these! I don't personally wear charm bracelets, but they are pretty cute, aren't they? Choosing the ones that somehow "symbolise" you does seem to have its.. dare I say it lol.. charm!

  2. Oh my gosh these really are charming. Like...seriously charming. The Paris collection - wow.

  3. Thank you for asking Kim, well back in the day, they were de'rigeour. I knew girls who were lucky enough to be well-travelled and they'd have all sorts of things hanging off the links, Eiffel towers, Greek evil eye things or pyramids. N silver or gold you could get just about anything. I've just recently given mine to my niece, it is silver has a big charm for every link (that was every girls' goal!) it includes a poodle, sewing machine and food items. Wonder if they'll ever be back in Vogue like the old style charm bracelets. Love your cheer little blog! Xx

  4. Oh I like the sets you came up with Kim! I have a charm bracelet that I save for "good" occasions, it's rarely worn. It's extremely special to me. When I turned 21, my Papa bought me the bracelet as an expensive gift. The first charm on it was from my Grannie's charm bracelet. She wore hers every day the silver was so tarnished it almost looked gold. When she passed, each granddaughter got to pick a charm to remember her by. With my Papa having now passed too, it's nice to have something to remember them both by.
    Every other charm I've added to it has been a gift from someone who understands how special the bracelet is to me, and marks various things in my life.
    Charm bracelets are lovely pieces you can customise to mean anything, and mine is full of wonderful meaning. :)

    Away From Blue

  5. Hi Kim,

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog today - always great to know what people think:)
    I adore the Paris selection (I love Paris) sp cute.
    Happy Monday sweets,

  6. I love the idea of a charm bracelet as a keepsake to commemorate important life events - the charms are the best part, because each one is unique to the owner and has a special meaning. But when it comes to wearing them, I always find that they're quite clunky on my (admittedly small) wrists. That's what really appeals to me about the Thomas Sabo charms; they look delicate enough that they could actually be both worn and treasured. Thanks for sharing this, Kim!

  7. I was big on charm bracelets as a child, I had masses of them! But, haven't had one since then. But, I do like them. These ones are sweet. The Paris one and the rock one are my favourites, I would wear those :))) Super post doll. I hope you have a fantastic Monday & week to come!! x

  8. Oh, I've seen their charm bracelets in shops over here, but have not bought one yet. They are really sweet and I'm actually thinking of getting one for my niece - when she's a little older ;-) Have a lovely Monday xo

  9. My daughter has a bracelet full with the charms....they are so pretty:) Have a lovely week Kim!

  10. Jadore the Paris collection! I have a penchant for all things French. :)

  11. Such cute charms - I love the idea of adding a whimsical piece to add personality to a look!

    Pearls & Paws

  12. those are indeed charming! my best friend recently gave me a charm necklace.. now I know what I could give to her in return ) thanks for this post Kim :)

  13. So cute! I love the shoe and lipstick especially. I haven't worn a charm bracelet forever! This may change my mind :) Heather

  14. Wow thomas sabo rocks!!! lurv them all, the styles of the jewels are so funky and classy.

  15. Just catching up on your posts. We have the Thomas Sabo shops over here too. I especially like the French themed charms and they are great little gifts. The red scooter has also caught my eye! Have a great week, Kim.

  16. The handbag and shoe charms are too cute!

    The Tiny Heart

  17. I find charms for charm bracelets fascinating. It seems like the options can be endless and they are so awesome for expressing a bit of your personality. Love you picks especially the Paris group.

    Have a great week Kim!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  18. These are so cute. I love the Paris collection!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  19. I'm actually not big on charms because I get them snagged on everything. But one can't deny that they're cute!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  20. They are definitely cute, but for some reason I always end up losing my charms!

  21. These are adorable. But I can't even think about charm bracelets without crying.

    When I was 12, my mom gave me her beloved charm bracelet to wear while I went to Universal Studios with friends (we were living in Florida at the time). The bracelet had charms she had lovingly been collecting from elementary school to high school, symbolizing different things, like her first kiss, marching band, her best friend, etc. I had begged her to let me wear the bracelet because I was so obsessed with it.

    Well, at the end of the day, I noticed that the bracelet was gone. It must have fallen off while I was either on a ride or somewhere inside the park. My friends and I spent hours looking all over the park and went to lost and found. Nothing. I spent months calling Universal Studios afterwards to see if anyone had turned it in, but got nowhere. My mom was upset, but not as crushed as I was at the time. It was one of the saddest times in my life. I couldn't believe I had done something so stupid. It just broke my heart.

    And now to this day, even if someone just mentions a charm bracelet, I get tears in my eyes and hate myself. I still feel so awful.

    Even my mom tells me to lighten up about it. Lol.

  22. I did have a charm bracelet back in the 1960s as a kid. It wasn't however this lovely . . ..

  23. Charm bracelets are really sweet! I never had one, but I think I would like some of these ones, too cute!

  24. I used to collect charms, my parents gave me for every birthday. I love this jewellery, especially the sunglasses and 'Rock me baby" styles! :-) Thanks for reading the post and your commenting dear. xx/Madison

  25. Actually, I was never that into charm bracelets, but I must say that I do like the cute charms featured in this post. I would definitely be more into these types of bracelets now if I had super sweet charms like lip gloss, butterflies, heels and cocktails. :)

  26. I've never been a charms girl! But I will admit, some of them are soo cute!

  27. I was totally into charm bracelets as a kid (but didn't get any), then I was a teenager and liked other things and now I'm back to loving them! haha

  28. I love charms and cannot get enough of them! These are so cute--when my British teddy bear charm that I picked up in London loses his charm I will have to pick up some of these.

    Hope you are off to a happy Monday Kim!

    xo Mary Jo

  29. omg so so so soooo cute!! i love all the charms you showed how fun and gilry

  30. Hey Kim, I used to be crazy about charms especially the ones from Juicy Couture but these are cute too. I usually look at their watches but I will keep my eyes on these charms the next time I pop in their stores.

    xo Jo

  31. what cute fun little charms! i love them! my girls would just die for those :)

  32. Awwwww!! this is so cute love it let`s go Paris and Rock me baby!!

  33. Like you, I'm a huge fan of charm bracelets too and you are right, even I'm more interested in those dangling little things than the bracelet itself!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  34. i love the pop ones! i was actually looking for a charm for a cute backpack i bought
    nice post!

  35. love your blog

  36. Oh these are just adorable! I'm so glad you featured Thomas Sabo because I use to always walk past the store only peering through the glass windows. Next time I'll have to step inside. I love the travel collection!

    xx Jenee C.
    {camo meets couture}

  37. You always introduce me to the cutest stuff Kim! I love these adorable charms - I want the Converse ones ^^

    Trendy Teal

  38. I love their charms :) got my boyfriend a woven black leather necklace with a red chilli and a T charm (for my name) and he wears it all the time :)

  39. Those charms are super cool. Love.


  40. I haven't worn a charm bracelet in a while, but you've inspired me to pull it back out!

    Fizz and Frosting

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  42. Cute! I love the heart sunglasses one.

  43. Thomas Sabo is such a neat brand :) I love their charms a lot, and luckily I have one bracelet - thanks to the fiance ;) I hope you're doing fine, dear ♥ xo

  44. I have Thomas Sabo Charm bracelet. It was given to me by my good friend and there was an Eiffel Tower and cocotail charm on it. Back then, I've not been to Paris yet and so she hoped for me to be able to sip cocktail on the Eiffel Tower. Then my hubby added on to the bracelet when he got me a bag (which could be opened... how cute), a red dress and a mobile phone charm all from Thomas Sabo as well. He said the bag is a branded bag of my choice; he would love to see me in a red cocktail dress and that my mobile phone is my everything. Lol... The charms do tell a story from the giver most of the times.

  45. The word "Charming" reminded me of this TV Series "Once Upon A Time" which I'm currently watching and still waiting for the finale. It's getting exciting though..
    Thomas Sabo is a very special brand for me. In college, financial is definitely tight so having a Thomas Sabo charms bracelet only happen in my dreams. Then as time goes on, more temptations start to haunt your dreams like Tiffany & Co., Cartier, etc etc etc. When my bf bough me my 1st Thomas Sabo charms and bracelet, I'm beyond happy! I know that in terms of dollar sign, it is nothing compared to Tiffany & Co., but it definitely brought me back to the root of my dreams to have something from Thomas Sabo. What's important is that he made a dream came true =)


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