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Monday, November 4, 2013

Just a SPOONFUL of Pyure

This is a product review for Pyure. It was designed & written by A Very Sweet Blog
All opinions are 100% my own. I was given a box of Pyure Organic Stevia for review.

Do you use sweeteners? I do. I use packets of sweeteners in cups of coffee & tea, in punch, and sprinkled on halves of grapefruit. I always find myself using more than one packet. When Pyure made the claim that only one packet was needed to sweeten food & drinks in comparison to two packets or more of my regular brand, I was eager to test it out. Well this stuff is sweet AND delicious! As a matter of fact, I only needed a half of packet when I tried it. It's that sweet! Plus its USDA organic, calorie-free, sugar-free, gluten free and non-gmo. As Mary Poppins would say, "it's practically PERFECT in every way." A spoonful of Pyure is all you need :) I was VERY impressed and I highly recommend it! Thank you Pyure for the sample! I love it!
supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)
Pyure Organice Stevia is SUPERSweet


  1. Hey Kim:

    Nice review and I lov the packaging! I think I will try it out!

  2. I do like herbal teas I must try this out

  3. Super review doll!! I don't take any sweeteners as they give me bad migraines. But, I love tea :))) Superb review and the pictures are so pretty!! I hope you had a gorgeous weekend my friend & your week will be bliss too xx

  4. I have tried Stevia leaves, but this sounds interesting.
    Thank you dear Kim for your always fascinating posts.
    Have a fabulous Monday.

  5. Wow.. wana have these right from the pic..Nice presentations. what you use for pics..Like these moving pics! Good nice feature.
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  6. I bet my husband would love to try this! Thanks for the review dear!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  7. This looks a lot like a sweetener I use which is made from Stevia Leaf and has a hint (maybe that's just me though) of a caramel smell to it. The one thing I can't get my head round though is the fact that 100g contain 99g of carbohydrates, yet 0 calories - huh??? How does that work...??? Have a lovely start to the new week xo

  8. Hi Kim, you know as far as I am super greedy, I usually dont use sugar in the tea or coffee, but if I really need it I tend to use sweeteners as well. This one looks very good and healthy, I havent heard of it so far. Your review is really helpful and complete. Happy Monday dear! xo

  9. I should give this a try! Mark's still using Splenda--several packets each time... Sounds like this would be a better option! xo T.

  10. I use sweeteners instead of sugar . But here i Turkey we dont have this brand, I like natrene and canderel most. This is a nice review Kim, the photos made me want a cuppa tea :P

  11. Great Review ,much Thanks <3

    Happy Monday ,kisses

  12. I love this product, I use sweeteners. Yes! I use sweeteners,I have been using truvia and stevia for sometime now,it's sweetened with stevia plant extracts. I will be looking out for this product should in case i find it in my local store.
    Have a lovely Monday.

  13. I never use sweeteners, I'm probably one of the few!

    always, koru kate

  14. Ooooo...something new to try. Great review, Kim. I'm a big fan of sweeteners, esp. since being on the Dukan Diet. I've been using the Equal and Splenda tablets a lot, but this one sounds pretty good. I'll try it if I see it here in Toronto.
    Have a great Monday:D

  15. Very nice review! I am not one to use sweeteners, but this one does sound almost perfect :)

  16. I love stevia. I'm hooked on the liquid one from Trader Joe's.

  17. I never use sweeteners because I have always heard they aren't good for you so I tend to stick to honey or raw sugar for my teas and coffees. However, with this being an organic product I would be more willing to give it a try! :)

  18. Hi Kim, nice review honey! It's something new to try out. But I never used sweeteners because I think I'm not a health conscious like you girls! I don't like much suger but take some in my tea and coffee! Have a nice day sweetie <3

  19. I stick to using sugar instead of sweeteners...I find the taste just is not the same, no matter what kind I've used. Thanks for the review!

    The Tiny Heart
    Ad Space Giveaway!

  20. Hi Kim, I commend you for always introducing interesting new foodie products to us. I would like to try this one. Have a great and productive week ahead dear!

  21. Great review. I have yet to try stevia. Maybe Ill have a second look. :)

  22. Great review! I'm more of a pure sugar kind of girl, but I bet this is a great choice for those who love sweeteners!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. Not much of a sweetner person. But glad to have it in mind incase I need.

  24. I don't use sweeteners but I will start to use them since I'm kinda on a diet :) Wow,I had no idea there were already sweeteners for food.That's amazing.
    Style Of OzOz
    Style Of OzOz Facebook Page

  25. Awesome review Kim! I don't use sweeteners, but my mom does! I will tell her to check this one out!

  26. nice review and thanks for sharing....
    keep in touch

  27. I don't use sweeteners but these seem to have many advantages and the packaging is attractive too. (I'm always drawn to nice packaging!) I don't have sugar in tea and just half a teaspoon in coffee but I have a couple of friends who might be interested in this product.

  28. such a lovely blog! I will be here more often - I'm ur new follower!

  29. This is grea to read, Kim! I've been wanting to move to Stevia from my usual sweeteners because it's more natural, but I haven't found a brand that I really enjoyed - I'm definitely picking up some Pyure! Thanks for another great review :)

  30. Glad you were so impressed by it! I should totally introduce my dad to this brand.. he loves his Splenda, haha :)

  31. I use Stevia cause I don't like to use sugar. I've never heard of this product before though but I really must check it out when i run out of my current sweetener. Thanks for the review Kim!

    I'm having some tech issues with my blog feed and just wanted to mention that I'm celebrating my blog anniversary with a giveaway for a pair of BaubleBar earrings in case you might be interested.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  32. Kim Interesting product, but I must be honest I do not use sweetener. Have a nice week Kim!

  33. Wonderful review! Such a great post sweetie!


  34. I love all natural sugar subs - thanks for the review!

  35. Hello Kim! I love Stevia and since I saw it on Dr Oz's show, this is the only sweetener I use:-)
    hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena

  36. Hey Kim, I never use sweetener but this one looks good! Nice review. How's carpet cleaning?

    xo Jo

  37. Dear Kim, I used to use sweeteners a lot, till I found out how toxic they are: one can believe or not they are carcinogenic, but the truth is they fill you with toxins if not with calories. As I like my coffee hyper sweet, I started looking for an organic sweetener, and that's how I found out about stevia, a plant from South America with higher sweetening power than artificial sweeteners. In Italy they started selling stevia-based sweeteners only few months ago, but they are mixed with other ingredients. If you haven't guessed it yet I am enthusiastic about your review, because now more people will know about it. If you're interested I will send you the link to a trustworthy site where you can buy pure Stevia. Big hugs
    Coco et La vie en rose
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  38. Kim I enjoyed your review it was well informative and now I am tempted to try it out.

  39. I am actually going back to the "real thing", sugar.
    Good bye artificial sweeteners.

  40. I don't used sweeteners. I heard that they contains some bad stuff. We used organic agave at home and we like it so far. Thank you for sharing this though.


  41. oh man i just love sugar, it's hard for me to use a substitute. i tried stevia once and didn't like it.

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