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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Does Your Home Need Better Security?

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In an increasingly digital world, we have all updated our homes to include more tech. It could be having multiple TVs, voice activated speakers like the Amazon Echo, or even just having more smartphones and iPads in the house.

One way that tech has revolutionised our world is by keeping us safer. Technology has enabled airports to become fastidious in their security measures; it has aided businesses in their efforts to avoid and solve crime; and yes, it has made us safer as individuals too.

In today’s post we will explore the question: does your home need better security? We all have standard security measures in our homes, but might you need to take it to the next level? Read on, and all these questions will be answered for you!

Do you need security measures in your property? Check out for more information!

How to tell if your home needs better security…

First thing’s first: you need to think about your home circumstances. Some homes are inevitably safer than others, depending on many factors which we will explore below.

Let’s take a look at how to tell if your home is unsafe.

1. Do you live in an above-ground apartment, or a ground floor home?

When it comes to security, apartments are generally safer than ground floor homes. This is because apartment buildings tend to have high level security, such as a building intercom system, and in many cases employed security guards, to protect all the homes that are inside that building.

In addition, it is harder for criminals to break and enter into apartments, due to the simple fact that they may more easily be caught, and it will be more difficult to get away fast. If you live in a ground floor home that is exposed to a busy street, for example, it could be that you need to update your security measures.

2. How many points of entry are there into your home?

If you live in a small place with only a few windows and doors, you are less likely to leave any of them vulnerable to a break-in. However, large properties are often more vulnerable, as an entree could enter undetected through a weak or open window or door.

As the owner of a larger property with many points of entry, you could invest in a more comprehensive security system, such as manual-locking windows or CCTV cameras.

3. Do you live in an area with high crime rates?

Crime rates are, unfortunately, drastically different depending on where you live. Although we like to think our society is becoming more equal, it is often the case that lower income, urban areas are subject to higher crime rates. It is always worth reading up on the crime rates in your area to determine whether you need to be more vigilant with your home security.

4. Do you store valuable belongings in your home?

If you have many valuable assets that you store in your home or on the property, you need to think carefully about how these could be viewed from a criminal point of view.

Assets that are highly attractive to those looking to break and enter include:

- Jewellery. If you wear expensive, high quality jewellery and watches, this could be discerned by someone looking to break in.

- Technological devices, including TVs and laptops. If you leave your devices in view of the street, this could increase your chances of a break-in.

- Cars. We all like driving nice cars, but it can make your home more vulnerable to a break-in. It is best to store high quality cars in a closed garage if possible.

- Livestock or other animals. Unfortunately, animals such as horses and pedigree dogs are preyed upon by criminals who want to sell them for profit.

3 Ways To Improve Home Security

Now we’ve examined some factors that would contribute to your home’s security and vulnerability, it’s time to look at some practical solutions. If you feel that you need to improve the security of your home, here are 3 easy steps to take.

1. Install conspicuous security cameras outside your property.

Security cameras work on many levels when it comes to making your home safer. Firstly, they act as a deterrent. The more visible the cameras are, the better they deter any potential criminals - nobody wants to be caught breaking into your home by a camera.

Secondly, of course, if there is a break-in, it is much more likely you can catch the culprit and recover your precious belongings.

2. Invest in central locking.

Central locking is a fantastic tool that can essentially lock all the entry points of your home, at the touch of a button on your smartphone. There are many providers of central locking systems that you can browse.

This is largely only suitable for new-build homes with easy locking. If you live in an older home with unique locking systems, this might not be a great option for you.

3. Store valuable belongings out of view in a safe.

If you are someone who owns a lot of jewellery or tech devices like laptops, the easiest way to keep them secure is to keep them in a safe, out of view of any of your windows. Storing valuable items in a safe makes them invisible to onlookers, but also keeps them from being stolen if there is a break-in.

Similarly, if you drive an expensive car, it is best to park this out of view from the general public - or if it is in view, it should be inaccessible to anyone. This seems like a drastic measure, but expensive cars are one of the most attractive assets for a potential criminal who may break and enter.

Final Thoughts

Not all homes need to have a total security revamp, but once you start paying attention, you may realise that your home has more weaknesses than you think. Use this helpful guide to update the security measures in your home, and keep yourself and your belongings safe.

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