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Friday, August 21, 2020

Avoid The Common Hangups Women Have About Themselves With This Advice

For women, many of us will find that we have certain hang-ups about our bodies. Some of them will be similar to others. Many of them unique to ourselves. But the core matter is that we all have the hangups. Why is that? I think it is because we live in a world where beauty dominates the magazine covers. You find many celebrities today have been airbrushed to look perfect. We can all look at those fake pictures and think about how beautiful they are. How perfect their skin looks, how toned their bodies are. It can then make us feel inadequate. Where we look at our own bodies and wonder why our skin doesn’t look that perfect. Why do our bodies look flabby and not toned?

The truth be told, those women on the front of the magazines, albeit naturally beautiful. All wake up with bed hair, bad skin, and morning breath. We are all human after all, and that the fundamental fact. But, this doesn’t help with our body hang ups I hear you say. While that is true, now is an ideal time to explore some of the most common ones. After going through covid and lockdown, we may be feeling at our lowest. We can look into them in more detail and figure out why they cause us confidence issues and what we can do to feel better about them. So without further ado here are some of the most common body hang ups women have today.

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Breast issues
Our breasts are complicated things. Although they shouldn't be, for many women we can all have a different hang up. Some may worry that their breasts are too large. This can cause them back ache and to feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothes. Some women may worry about their breasts being too small, and again worry about how they look to others. Some women have issues with one breast being bigger than the other. This might worry you, but honestly, it is more common than you realize.

The thing that you have to remember is that breasts don't have to be a certain size to make you look, and feel more womanly. Sure you may have an idea in your mind on how you should look but we all come in different shapes and sizes. You are unique to you, and that goes for your breast size. While of course there are extreme measures you can take for getting the perfect breasts, in the way of cosmetic surgery. You could also try other remedies to get your desired look. Breast enlargement creams are becoming more popular in the beauty world as well, however, do they work? The answer is that you won’t know unless you give it a try. If you are more conscious about reducing the size, then exercise and diet can play great parts in this. Sometimes having a better diet and reducing fatty substances can help you lose weight. Breasts can get bigger because you put weight on initially. The best thing anyone can do is become more comfortable in their own skin, be happy with your unique body.

How our skin looks
Women can suffer from skin problems way beyond the adolescent spots you get in your teens. Some women can struggle with acne into their adult years. Some women may also suffer with issues of skin tone and general dry or oily problems that can appear over time. First thing in the morning no one looks flawless. No matter what you want to believe. The best thing you can do if you are unhappy with the condition of your skin is taking a look at your skincare routine. Sometimes your skin can grow used to the products you are using. Especially if you are loyal to a brand. So try and change things up a little if you can. Perhaps you may want to consider a different morning routine to what you do at night. Or maybe every try a new tool to help with skin care such as a derma roller. Another way you can help your skin is by increasing the amount of water you drink. Water is nature's natural detox and has many benefits. It flushes your body of bad toxins which can have a negative effect on how your skin looks. However, if you are struggling with spots and this more serious than the odd one here and then, then please visit your local doctor. They can prescribe medicated skin treatments which can improve the way your skin looks. You will start to grow in confidence once more.
Toned figure
We all want to look good in our activewear, right? But a toned figure doesn't just come to you, unfortunately. You do, I’m afraid, have to work for it. But it isn’t all bad news. Exercising can be a lot of fun, and it doesn’t mean you have to spend every night in the gym. A toned body can be achieved just by becoming more active. This means that by choosing to walk to places instead of driving can be the best change you make. You can track how active you are by using your smartphone. There are plenty of apps that will do this. Or you could invest in something you wear on your wrist like a Fitbit or Apple watch. Both will acknowledge your activity and help you keep on track.
If you are serious about working on problem areas then enlisting the help of a personal trainer might be beneficial. They can advise you on the best exercises to take to achieve your end goals. Another great toning method is to take up exercises like yoga. It’s not only great for the mind but also fantastic for your body.

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Stomach worries
Most women will probably tell you that their biggest hangup will be the stomach area. For many different reasons. Some women will have had children who will have made a lasting impression on their body. Others may have lost weight too fast and find their stomach hasn’t shrunk back as much as it should have. For whatever reason it may be your stomach might be one of the hardest things to overcome. But a lot of how you think is to do with your mind. Exercise techniques will be able to help overcome some of the stomach issues. Of course, you could consider a more permanent thing in the way of surgery. All of which should be researched and taken into consideration.
How can our lifestyle help?
For many women, our hang ups can be sorted through changing your lifestyle. This means your diet, what you drink, and how you move. Most mantras will tell you that if you put the right things into your body as fuel. If you are active and move about, and if you feel healthy in the mind, then you are on the right track.
This might mean looking at your whole life and trying to make positive changes to help you overcome your body hang ups. The first places you can start is your diet. Do you eat a healthy balanced diet? For many of us sometimes those sweet treats and comforting carbohydrates are too much of a temptation to pass up. While you should never deny yourself anything, you should always have those things in moderation. A healthy diet will include a good dose of protein, healthy carbohydrates, and lots of fruit and vegetables.
As mentioned earlier on, increasing your water intake can have a healthy benefit and help overcome some of your body hang ups. But that’s not all it can do. Increasing how much water you drink can also have a lasting positive effect on your mood, how you sleep and also your energy levels. Meaning getting more active is much easier. Try and cut down pr avoid drinking too much alcohol and caffeine.
Don’t forget to work on your mindset
Finally, a lot of how we feel is to do with our mindset. Feeling negative and having thought of a negative kind means we are more likely to point out problems we have with ourselves and feel anxious. This means we are more likely to look at our tummy area and be upset, or think our skin tone isn’t what it should be. This is the easiest thing you can overcome, and you will find that all of your worries, or most of them, will disappear with the negativity. It’s more about thinking positively and turning anything negative into a positive thought. You can also start by being grateful. Having a gratitude diary is a great way to be more aware of your thought process throughout the day. Taking time in the morning and the evening to be grateful for what you do have.
In the grand scheme of things body hang ups can affect our lives and confidence, but you have to focus on what you do have. You may have your health, a beautiful relationship, and amazing family. Those are all things to be celebrated.
Let’s hope this has helped you overcome some of the most common body hang ups. You should embrace the body you have and be proud of what you have achieved.
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