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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Humble Organic Potato Chips Review

Disclosure: I was sent four full-size sample bags of Humble Potato Chips for review. All opinions in this blog post are 100% my own and honest.

PR Sample: Hey Everybody! I had a tasty time, reviewing these delicious organic Humble Potato Chips, this weekend. PR sent me four full-size bags of their organic potato chips in various flavors: Original, Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar, Smokey BBQ, and Creamy Dill. Before I start my review, have you heard about Humble? Let me give you a little background information. They are a Canadian brand (their potato chips can also be purchased in the United States), that was started by a husband and wife duo (Jeff Lahey and Alicia Lahey). They simply wanted a more sustainable lifestyle (consuming more organic food, being more choiceful at home of the products we purchased. [they] even started working for Natural & Organic food companies). Their Mission Statement says EVERYTHING! To Humbly help snack eaters give back and pay it forward to our environment and future generations, one delightful chip at a time. That is their Humble beginning. 

The Humble brand goes even further! Their potato chips are all certified USDA Organic (NO synthetic chemicals, pesticides or GMOs). Their packaging is certified compostable (which means their bags can be sent to a commercial compost facility and turns into compost in as little as 90 days ... No microplastics, No toxic trace, Just dirt) for BPI North America which is the only authorized certifying body in the USA. The boxes they use are recyclable. The packaging peanuts are made from plant based corn starch and simply dissolve in water in your sink with no harmful chemicals left behind. Awesome!?! Right!?!

So you're probably saying, Kim ... All of that's awesome, BUT HOW DO THEY TASTE? I have EXCELLENT NEWS! Am I exclaiming? Yes, I AM EXCLAIMING! ALL FOUR FLAVORS ARE EXCELLENT. I cannot pick a favorite. I can't. I love them all. These chips are so delicious. They're crisp, light but hearty, have an excellent crunch to them, not greasy and have a delicious flavor. As I was taking pictures of them, I kept eating them! I almost didn't have any left for the pictures or Instagram reel.

THE ORIGINAL has a subtle dusting of sea salt. This chip has an excellent potato taste. They use organic potatoes, organic sunflower oil and sea salt.  The SEA SALT & CIDER VINEGAR has sweet apple cider vinegar tones with a dust of sea salt. It has a kick and is delicious! Their SMOKEY BBQ has the perfect blend of spices and natural smoke flavours. Unlike other chips, this bbq taste is authentic. And last but not least is CREAMY DILL! Which is a lemony dill. I love it as well. There is another flavor that wasn't in my sample box, but based on the one's above I know it's good ... It's called HONEY MUSTARD. Ooh, I'll have to try it! Again, I loved them ALL and know you will as well. Definitely give them a try!

Where can you buy these delicious chips? Click HERE for an overall listing. In the USA, you can find Humble Potato Chips in all WHOLE FOODS stores Nationwide and of course Amazon (which owns Whole Foods). 

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff) 
Humble Potato Chips are Supersweet

Humble Organic Potato Chips | Original

Humble Organic Potato Chips | Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar

Humble Organic Potato Chips | Smokey BBQ

Humble Organic Potato Chips | Creamy Dill


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