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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Your Business: Stepping Up Your Digital Presence

Your business will still exist if it doesn’t have a digital presence, but in this day and age, it may as well not exist. A significant number of consumers — some 95% — typically Google brands before giving them their money, which means having a robust digital presence is more or less essential for any business with eyes on success.

Happily, having a watertight online presence is something that’s within your control. Even if you don’t currently have the best website/social media accounts/SEO credentials, by taking action you can ensure they’re part of your brand. In this post, we’ll look at some effective ways to push your brand’s digital side in the right direction.

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Get Serious About Social Media

Want to reach an internet audience? Then you’ll need to go where they hang out. It’s no secret that people are spending a significant portion of their day on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Of course, just having an account won’t help your business. You’ll need to post engaging content that actively attracts followers. It can’t just be a site to promote your products/services, because no one will be inherently interested in those things. Instead, post valuable content as a way to build brand awareness.

Improve Your Website

People have high expectations for websites these days. If yours is falling short, then it’ll be inevitable that your visitors have a less-than-stellar view of your business. After all, you probably wouldn’t have the best impression of a website that looks like it was stuck in the early 2000s. If your website needs a nudge in the right direction, then focus on the user experience, which should be one of the key goals of modern websites; it’ll help to ensure that people who come across your website actually enjoy using it. If you’re not sure where to start, then consider working with a website development team.

Manage Reviews

You’ll know how important internet reviews are to the decision-making process based on your own internet usage. You probably wouldn’t work with a business if they had only negative reviews, or even if they had no reviews at all. You can build credibility in your brand by actively encouraging your customers to leave reviews; if they’ve had a good experience with your brand, then they will likely be more than happy to help you out. Got a bad review from a customer? Reply to it directly — you can’t change what people say about your brand, but you can control how you respond.


Finally, look at your investing in your website’s SEO credentials. After all, there’s little point in having a fantastic website if no one knows that it’s there. There’s a formula to optimizing your website for Google, so make sure you’re following those steps. If you can do that, then you’ll surge up the Google results page, which will result in more people visiting your website and hopefully more sales. Again, if you don’t know how to do this, then hire an agency to do it for you.

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