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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ganache For Lips Gourmet Lip Balm Review

Dessert for your lips! Those were the "oh-so-delicious" words that attracted me to these lip balms. I much rather dessert for my lips, than my hips! LOL Ganache for Lips lip balms have yummy scents, feel great to the lips (very moisturizing) and they're long-lasting! You know how I constantly rave about Fresh lip balms? These last just as long and they are just as moisturizing. Ganache for Lips lip balms are also all natural and the company only uses unrefined ingredients from botanical sources. I do want to note, these lip balms DO NOT have any taste. So, don't expect that! Oh, how I wish they did! HaHaHa I didn't swatch these, because ALL were colorless. These can be purchased individually, but I couldn't decide... so I ended up purchasing both their Chocolate Parfait and Chocolat aux Fruits Collection. There were some outstanding scents and maybe 1 or 2 OK ones! Read my thoughts on scents below. Click on pictures to make larger.

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)
Ganache For Lips All Natural Gourmet Lip Balms are Sweet

Chocolate Aux Fruits Collection {contains chocolate orange, chocolate raspberry, lemon mousse and chocolate mousse} Chocolate Orange and Chocolate Raspberry are exactly such! The fruit & chocolate scents blend delectably together. Think of chocolate candies with orange and raspberry  in the middle. Lemon mousse reminds me of lemon chiffon. The scent is very light (almost undetectable). Chocolate mousse is a fruit? That's new to me! HaHaHa It's scented just like chocolate mousse, pudding and even a hint of fig. All are very moisturizing (4-6 hours).

Chocolat Parfait Collection {contains chocolate mint, mocha latte, chocolate hazelnut and vanilla mousse} Any COFFEE LOVERS out there? Get Mocha Latte! Instead of wanting that second, third or fourth cup of coffee, you'll be reaching for this lip balm. It's scented as such. It's the strongest out of both collections. My next favorite is Chocolate Mint! I can't eat chocolate & mint, but I sure do love the scent. HaHaHa This is scented just like those Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies and has the coolness of Peppermint Patty candy. Very nice! Chocolate Hazelnut is lightly scented. You smell more hazelnut than chocolate. Vanilla Mousse is more mousse than vanilla. HaHaHa It's scent is almost non-existent. Again, ALL are very moisturizing. Those are my thoughts! I will say this, after testing all of these my lips are super duper moisturized! HaHaHa >.<



  1. These lip balms sounds really great, glad that they worked well for your lips Kim! Have a nice day! Kisses <3

  2. These are so fun!


  3. The Chocolate Mint and Chocolate Hazelnut sound divine!

  4. The Packaging looks adorable cuteeeeeee :)

    Happy Day Kim ,kisses <3

  5. These are so cute! And I love that they are all natural! I would kind of be disappointed that they don't taste like anythingd though lol!! I sware you find the cutest things Kim with all these delicious scents!

  6. These sound so delicious! My chapstick bin next to my bed is already overflowing buuuut a few more lip balms couldn't hurt right? I'm especially intrigued by the fruit set, they all sound amazing to try out :)

  7. OMG! nice products <3 I love it! kiss

  8. I would love to try lemon mousse and chocolate mint

  9. these ALL sound yummy! if this could help me cut back on the coffee...that would be awesome, lol!!

  10. Kim, you crack me up with:"I much rather dessert for my lips, than my hips!" Hahaha! These sounds just wonderful.


  11. Kim you find the cutest things this lip balm packaging is adorable and it works moisturizing your lip double purpose why we should try it thanks doll.

  12. Oh my Kim, they are so mine lol! Both collections sound so amazing with a heavenly scent, plus if they havent any taste though, are even more perfect (in fact I dislike when lip balms leave a kind of taste in the mouth). Im a coffee lover as u know, I pick the mocha latte!:D

  13. These lip balms are super cute! love the packaging :)

  14. Yes I agree with everyone Kim, these look really cute and fun. Have a nice day!
    Julie xo

  15. I love love lip balms and these ones sounds so yummy for my lips!

  16. You had me at Mocha Latte! I need this in my life. Now excuse me while I get my third cup of coffee. :B

  17. LOL...that's too bad that they don't taste like the smells! I'd be licking my lips the whole day...hehe

  18. I like that they have the scents but not the tastes, I'd be prone to licking them off my lips all day if they had a yummy taste too haha!

    I remember I had a tasty lip balm when I was in was strawberry. Actually think it might have been from the body shop? It never stayed on long as I always licked it off haha!

    Away From The Blue

  19. Brilliant review, Kim! My lips are still dry and chapped occasionally, won't lie, I'm now suffering from crack lips on the right corner of my lips, freaking painful and I look like I have herpes lips or something...not funny. Ugh! So this review came at the right time...I'll be looking for these!

    ps: OMG! I actually checked the website and there is one store that carries it in this small tiny town that I live in!!! I'll be heading there today!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  20. It's interesting that these don't actually have any taste but the scents sound truly wonderful and it's good that they're so moisturizing.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  21. Better on the lips than the hips, indeed, Kim - ha ha, you crack me up! I've never heard of Ganache for the Lips but I'll definitely be on the lookout for them now :)

  22. Chocolate fruit ones seem like they'd be great! I'm loving Chocolate Week!

  23. Mmm, the chocolate mint one sounds delicious! It's a favourite scent of mine :)

  24. What cute packaging Kim! These chocolate themed posts you're writing this week are so fun to read!

  25. Ahhh! I love chocolate week! We don't appreciate desserts for our hips. No ma'am! The packaging is excellent! I would love to try the clear one!

  26. Mmm these lip balms sounds like they were made for me, haha. Only if they had taste, haha! This week is going to be my fav on your blog!

  27. Oh my it looks so pretty I want to eat them all)))
    Great review!


  28. These lip balms have great packagins, Kim and that sounds great that they're very moisturizing :)

  29. These sound awesome! The packaging is super cute too!

  30. Chocolat Parfait collection? That sounds like heaven! I'm sold! haha ;) I love the presentation of these balms, I can imagine them making adorable gifts for people and would ensure a guaranteed positive reaction too! I love that they're moisturising as well, for many scented/flavoured lip balms tend to dry out the lips! Great review as always, have a lovely week :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


  31. I've been meaning to try Fresh products, especially lip balms because my lips are always cracked. Let's see if i find them online :-)
    Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi

  32. Food combined with makeup...mmmmmm, why must they torture us? Haha, or treat us?? These chocolatey balms sound absolutely delicious. I'd probably accidentally eat it 0_o

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  33. These lip balms sound great, even though I would want them to taste as good as they sound, haha. I love hazelnut, and lemon. :) <3
    Luxe Accessories

  34. Ooooh...these look marvellous, love them :) xx

  35. omg haha I really want to buy those! it looks so cute also


  36. These are wonderful Kim, you definitely know how to find the good stuff!

  37. I like the package <3 Very nice design.

  38. I know I'd love the chocolate mint! I love the scent of the mint GS cookies and love when there's that cooling feeling with mint lip balms. Have a fab weekend, Kim! T.

  39. Looks so yummy! I will take Ganache for the lips anytime.

  40. Chocolate aux fruits collection sounds perfect to me. I really need to see your make up collection because it seems like you have tons of them..ha ha ha

  41. I know i will want to apply all day long. Yummy lip balms.

  42. Those sounds delish :) I might be tempted to eat them, lol, so it's good they don't have any taste. Have a good weekend, Kim!

  43. sounds scrumptious! and too bad there isn't a taste! :D

  44. Chocolate week was such a good idea Kim !
    I am not sure I like these from the presentation, I would probably not buy them, however its nice to know they were sweet .

  45. That mocha latte is calling my name!! How adorable are these lip balms? Love them all Kim!

    xo Jo

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I'm sure my lips would appreciate this product:)

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