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Friday, January 19, 2024

How To Promote Your Beauty Product Online

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

In order to get your beauty product to sell, you need to market it. And what better place to market it than on the internet? A growing number of us are choosing to solely buy beauty products online due to the greater range available. Customers are actively looking for new niche products, and only through online promotion can you help customers find these products. Below are just some of the different online promotional tactics worth exploring.

Build a website for your product

Every brand needs a website. This can give your product legitimacy and can also be a great place to sell your product from on your own terms. Consider paying a web design agency to build a site for you rather than opting for a DIY site. While DIY sites can be cheap, you need to know exactly what you’re doing to pull these sites off. When choosing a domain name, try to find something that closely aligns with your brand. There are sites where you can search for available domain names. It could be worth paying a photographer to take some professional photos of your product to use on your site. These are likely to look better than photos taken yourself.

Optimize your website with keywords

Keywords are a vital part of SEO. By targeting the keywords that your audience are Googling, you can make sure that your site ranks highly for these search terms and can increase the chance of customers discovering your product. Don’t just target the most obvious keywords, as there is likely to be a lot of competition for these keywords. Instead, consider more niche keywords related to your products and various long tail keywords that other companies may not have considered. Copywriters can help you to incorporate these keywords in a natural way.

Advertise on social media

Social media is the most popular place for consumers to discover new beauty products. Consider running adverts on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Image-based adverts are very effective at selling beauty products, however you can also try out video adverts. You can work with graphic designs and video production companies in order to create high quality adverts. Make sure to consider the text in your adverts to - use buzzwords and emojis that will hook people.

Share beauty tips through blogs and videos

Sharing beauty tips online can improve your credibility as a brand by showing that you know what you’re talking about. Such beauty tips should be related to your product (for example, if you sell nail art kits, try to focus your advice around nails and nail art). Tips can be shared in the form of blog guides or video tutorials. Use titles that directly target questions consumers may have such as ‘how to conceal lip wrinkles with lipstick’ or ‘what is the difference between balayage and ombre?’. During some of these blog posts and videos, you may be able to directly promote your products, although you should try to keep them largely informational.

Connect with influencers

Influencers can greatly help you to gain exposure by sharing your product with their large audience. These influencers could be YouTubers, bloggers or popular social media users. In most cases, you pay them a fee and they then promote your product in their content. Of course, influencers can choose which products they are willing to promote, so you need to pitch your product in a convincing way. There may also be variations of payment such as ongoing payment for ongoing sponsorship or affiliate marketing in which you get paid per lead. When it comes to influencer marketing with bloggers, there are platforms you can use to connect with influencers. There are separate platforms for connecting with social media influencers or YouTube influencers that you can also try.

Start a mailing list

Setting up a mailing list can allow you to provide customers with constant updates about your product. This could help you to maintain loyal customers by reminding them of your product. There are bulk mailing tools you can use to compose, schedule and mass-mail these updates - either via email or text. The hard part is convincing customers to sign up to your mailing list. Website pop-ups, tickboxes during the checkout process and social media posts are a few ways to promote your mailing list. You can also build subscribers by promising perks like exclusive discounts. In fact, this is one of the major reasons why people joining mailing lists - so consider using it for this purpose. Other content could include new product announcements or recommendations.

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