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Monday, January 8, 2024

Winter Clothes Purge: The BIG Clean Out!

Not Sponsored: Last week, I wrote a post about Winter Makeup Purge: The BIG Clean Out! This week, let me talk to you about your Winter Clothes. Over the next several weeks, it will be a GREAT TIME to SELL, DONATE and/or THROW AWAY your winter clothes. Why? Because it's still WINTER, people are looking for great deals (now and for next year) and some places experience winter conditions for a lot longer. PLUS, Spring/Summer is coming! Make some money to buy new things for yourself (what you need) and clear out some things in your closet. Remember, Winter began December 21, 2023 and it lasts until March 19, 2024.

 Image by Venita Oberholster from Pixabay

1. Winter Coats and Jackets

Do you use ALL of your Winter Coats and Jackets? I bet you have your favorites, that you wear over and over again. But what about the others you barely wear? Did you buy a bright yellow coat or jacket, that seemed like a good buy at the time, but you never wear? When was the last time, you tried on ALL of your coats and jackets? Do they fit or are you assuming they fit? Have you checked on the condition of ALL of your coats and jackets? Are they are in good shape? 

Everything above, happened to me! I went several years without trying on my coats and jackets. I loss weight. Guess what? Several, are too big for me. I bought a pink jacket on sale. I was at my thinnest, but now it doesn't quite fit. There are some jackets in my closet, I've just fallen out of love with (no longer my taste). So what's a girl to do?

I for one, took pictures of EVERYTHING and put them ALL up for sale (discounted) on eBay (you can sell them on other outlets - Read my post 7 Ways to Save Money On Fashion #5). This is the best way to recoup some of your money. Consider bringing your coats and jackets to a consignment shop. They can sell them and make you some money. Another option is donating your outerwear to a local women's shelter, Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc. Someone is always in need of a coat and/or jacket. Unless your outerwear is in really poor shape, try not to throw it away. Find some use for it.

2. Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers

Shockingly, I had about one pair of boots and one pair of shoes to put up for sale. Both were a little snug in the toe area, based on how they were cut.  I put them up for sale on eBay. The boots sold right away. So take a look at your Winter shoe collection. Are their shoes, boots or even slippers that you're just not wearing? If they're just sitting their collecting dust, put them up for sale! Bring them to a consignment shop! Donate them!

3. Winter Sweaters

What's going on with your Winter sweater collection? My tastes have changed over the years. Because I'm busty, I no longer like cardigans for myself. I had a couple of novelty sweaters, I'm no longer in love with. Whether its color, style, or fit, don't let sweaters pile up in your closet (so easy to do) and make a permanent home. Sell, donate, repurpose (make them into pet sweaters, socks, beanie, drink cozies etc.) or throw them away!

4. Winter Accessories, such as Hats, Scarves, Gloves, Like New Pajamas, Purses etc. 

The above items can pile up! They can pile UP! Remember that pink coat I purchased (mentioned above) that is now too small? Well I also purchased the hat, gloves and scarf to match. They really don't look great other than with THAT pink jacket. So do you know what I did? I put them all together up for sale as a SET. So the person that buys the coat also gets the accessories that go with it. So gather all of your accessories. Pair them with what you plan on keeping. Anything that does not work with what you got, make a decision. Make some money (Sell)! Donate it! Repurpose! Throw it away! 

Get a head start on your Winter Closet Clothes Purge today! Do a little bit each day, or every weekend. Whatever fits your schedule! Don't be afraid to part with what doesn't work for you! You will feel better. It will give you more space. It will give you extra money in your pocket (which we all need). You will also be helping someone else. So get going! Get started!


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