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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm A Barbie Girl!

In my Barbie World! Remember that song? I swear it will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day! Whatever happened to Aqua? I answered my own question. LOL 

Well Anyway... Zoya ran a special the beginning of January for all of their customers: Pick 2 nail polishes for FREE and pay $6.95 for shipping and handling. I never tried Zoya, so I thought this would be a great way to try out their products.

I wanted a PINK polish, but didn't want ballet or hot pink. I always pick those shades! It was time for something different. Two shades of PINK caught my eye. One was called 'Barbie' and the other was called 'Sweet' (hmmm, I wonder why I chose that one? LOL)Well enough of my jibber-jabbing. Here they are!
(Left: Barbie by Zoya, Right: Sweet by Zoya) 

My Review: This nail polish really didn't work for me you guys. Omg'sh! Kim's not being sweet!?! It pained me to give a bad review, but it is what it is. I even gave it a second chance and tried applying it several weeks later only to get the same results. It took forever to dry. I sat at the computer for hours to let it dry. When I did my household chores like make up the bed, wash dishes etc. it smudged really bad and left nicks. Durability was a major issue for me. It's like a creme or something.

I really liked the Barbie shade. I thought it was a very pretty shade of pink. It reminded me of cotton candy and bubble gum. I applied two coats to achieve this look.The Sweet nail color had more purple and lavender in it. I didn't particularly care for that shade.

Zoya is probably saying she's a Barbie B@#$%! LOL In all fairness though, if anyone else has used Zoya nail polish, please give me your take on it. They always have great promotions and offer a wide nail color selection. Maybe I'm just spoiled with Essie, Opi and Dior.

Do you have a love hate with finding the right PINK polish?
FYI ~ the first image (models) came from a 2008 'Barbie loves MAC' makeup campaign

...the WINNER of the box of Godiva Chocolate is (drumroll please)...
 Shea of I Would So Rock This

 Yaaay! Congratulations Shea!
I'll send you an email today! Everyone, check out Shea's blog!



  1. That's a pity it didn't wear well, the first colour link is really nice! :)

  2. Congrats to the winner!!

    So that's the song that you last listened to that you couldn't tell us about in the "Cute Blog Award" interview...hahaha

    I love pink nail polish!! One of my favorites is Essie's Fiji! I do love the brightness of these colors too thought :)

  3. i must be the only girl who hasnt tried zoya! i love that shade of pink. im going to keep my eyes open

  4. That stinks that the polish took forever to dry! I usually buy Essie polishes, they have such pretty shades! But if there's a shade I want to try out and don't want to spend a lot on, I'll just buy Wet N Wild polish for $1.

    The Tiny Heart

  5. well shoot that the polish didn't work out because it's a great color!

  6. i never fancied barbie as a kid..i think i told you that once before..i came to like pink only a few years back..

  7. I totally remember that song! Haha. I get super bummed when I take a chance on something and it's a fail. But, like you, I've been spoiled by OPI and Essie. You won't find me complaining about spending the extra dollars.

    Congrats to the winner! Have a great day, Kim! :)

  8. How crap it didn't work out, it's so pretty! But, fair is fair and glad you said it too!! I used some nail polish yesterday and it was crap as well, had the same problems, took ages to dry and then smudged all to heck, was so annoyed!! I loved Aqua back in the day, still do actually, haha!! I think the girl still sings, but not sure!! I added some new stuff on my blog, 'the doll girl' page and the little heart logo at the bottom on the right hand side..let me know what you think as it's a new project I'm working on and I value your opinion!! Thanks my dolly-pop!! ;) xoxoxo

  9. hahah As soon as I saw the title of your post, I thought of that song!! Hilarious! Yes, now it will be in my head all day. Thanks girlfriend. teehee.

    I love those shades! Especially the 'sweet' colour. That is so disappointing that the polish sucks. I can't stand polishes that take forever to dry. I rarely have half an hour to let my nails dry let alone any longer!
    Thanks for your honest review!

  10. Kim: what a shame that they take forever to dry and smugde. This is great to know so i dont have to spend my dollars on them despite all the ads and hype.

  11. LOL....i had that album on a cassette tape....Loved them!!

    I love both the beautiful and girly!! Both look great! I love Zoya nailpolishes...thanks for sharing :)

  12. OMG I love the polishes so pretty:)

  13. Thanks for posting that song! I haven't heard it like in forever. I think Aqua might've been a one-hit wonder.
    It's a shame the polishes didn't work out cause the pink is so pretty. I have a few Zoya polishes and I didn't have such an issue with drying time and durability but my formulations were also more sheer so I wonder if that had something to do with it.

  14. ohhh congrats to the winner!!! kim thank you for always finding time to check out my blog and comment, i really really appreciate it.
    unfortunately zoya never satisfied me, although they have some pretty shades they were a big let down for me and not just for their drying time which took ages just like it did for you but also due to the fact that the color had an almost matt due which i didn't sign up for. i wanted it to be shiny and it wasn't shiny at all.
    i tried 2-3 different zoya nail polishes and i was pretty dissapointed.
    so sad cause they have awesome colors and the bottles are so charming.

  15. Hahaha I love that song!! Those shades are both really pretty. It's a bummer they didn't work for you!

  16. Congrats to the winner and a big fat belated Valentines day to you!

    I love the sweet colour on you! Such a pretty colour!

    Big smooches,


    p.s Anna looks the same in almost every single picture...

  17. funny thing is, i'm about to do a Nails of the Day post soon featuring the 2 polishes that I got from Zoya as part of this promotion.

    i got two very different shades (although I do like that Barbie shade on you). and basically, one of them chipped easily, but the other was pretty fab!

  18. The colors are so pretty! But like you, I wasn't too fond of the quality. Oh well, at least you got it on promo! :) I do have a love/hate relationship b/c I've yet to find one I really love.

  19. I really like the barbie color, bummer it didn't work out for you. I have a similar shade in OPI at home, let me see if I can track down the name for you!

  20. never tried this brand but will def think about it after this review!

  21. I like that you were honest in your review. I am a nut when it comes to picking the right colors for my line. The pink for spring is so candy-like, but that's the color of the season!

    Hope you had a lovely valentine's day!

    xo Mary Jo

  22. This color is so Barbie-esque. It's insane, and I love it!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  23. Too bad it didnt work out because those colors are gorgeous. I HATE polish that smudges, which is why i rarely wear polish and I tend to spend the large amounts of money to get pink n white at the salon. Im BAD lol

  24. Haha I remember that song, it will be in my head forever now! I really like the Barbie shade too, it reminsd me slightly of a nail polish I got today called Soda Pop Pink by Models Own. Have you tried Models Own nail polishes? They dry so quickly and the colours are nice :) xx

  25. Hi Kim, what a shame - the pink Barbie shade is soo pretty :) Anyways Aqua are still alive and breathing (reason I know is because they are danish ha ha)
    Have a great day sweet,

  26. I'm sorry to hear you don't really like these! I actually like the shade on the left, it looks really nice. It would look great on the toes in the summer. I'm all about trying all different shades of definitely gotta go with what works on your skin tone!

  27. I'm not usually a 'pink' girl, but lately I've been loving it! I bought myself a pair of dusky pink skinny jeans, and I've been living in them ever since.

  28. kim is always aweet hehee.. lovely colors sux thy didnt werk out

  29. I'm a little annoyed that you got that song in my head. Geeeez. Bummer that you didn't like the polish. I haven't tried it and now don't really want to :)

  30. I like the left color pink, but too bad it wasn't great quality. I find a lot of pinks that shade look like pepto bismal. I too find it difficult to find! <3 A-

  31. Great colors. I'm going to have to pick up the barbie color. It's so pretty.

    Thanks so much for your well wishes, Kim. I'm still feeling foggy but getting better every day.


  32. I don't know this brand of polish - pretty colours but a shame it's not long-lasting. Not heard the song for such a long time - can't get it out of my head now - still, it's very cheerful!

  33. I remember that I'm going to have it stuck in my head all day :(
    It is a pity about the polish, because the Barbie pink shade looks gorgeous. I haven't seen this brand here in SA before.

  34. woow that colors are so barbie world haha.. love them xxx

  35. I'm rocking a similar color the the 1st!

    xoxo navy & orange

  36. Always love an honest review and I'm kind of brand whore for nail polish based on what you experienced, so basically use Essie for most days. Love the colors though.

    Sorry been MIA Kim. . . been swamped and feel so behind. Thank you for your lovely comments girl. Hope you had a great Vday, wishing you lots of love!

  37. The Barbie shade is so pretty, I am considering a similar color myself after seeing one of the ladies wear it on the Real Housewives no less!

  38. Aw man, that sucks that the polishes didn't work out so well for you, Kim! The Barbie colour is such a lovely shade of pink!

    I've actually never tried Zoya since they don't ship to Canada! Someday... I'll stick to OPI for now, hehe :)

  39. Aw, wish they'd worked out! Those are lovely shades of pink.
    And haha, oh yes, that song is now stuck in my head just from reading the first

  40. I love the Barbie shade! Aww it's a bummer your polishes took so long to dry. I'm telling you though, different Zoya polishes dry at different rates - the Trixie dries super quickly! I really like how chemical free they are too so hope it's worth another try to you!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  41. I do love that Barbie pink! So pretty! But that's exactly why I never paint my nails; I'm too rough on them. It's really funny you wrote about Barbie because I am writing about Barbie tomorrow!

    Katie- Hems For Her

  42. I love that Barbie polish! I was such a Barbie girl growing up too! I had the houses, the cars, the RVs, and giant bag of at least 20 Barbie's with me at all times. Can you say spoiled? Heheh!

  43. I have never bought Zoya because I really LOVE Essie and OPI too much. Too bad, the Barbie shade is really pretty!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  44. Haha You're right, that song is now playing on repeat in my head. :) I am glad for an honest review. I hate it when a nail polish doesn't dry because I can't sit still for long. I do like the barbie color though!

  45. Oh, I really like the Barbie pink color....too bad it didn't set well... I've never tried Zoya before, I don't even know if we have it in Canada! Sometimes, I find with certain nailpolishes, you can only apple one thin layer at a time...anything thicker and it will never set :(

  46. Hey Kim, that's interesting you say that because a friend was saying the same thing about Zoya yesterday- she said it basically peeled off her nails in clumps while typing! Too bad because the colours are great and the brand is ammonia and cruelty free! On a different note- love Barbie girl! :)

  47. I hate hate hate polishes that do that.

  48. I love Zoya, but many of their polishes are hits and misses! The Barbie one looks pretty good! but you never know until you try it.


  49. Oh no!! What a disappointment that the Sweet nail polish turned out to be a bum deal. :S It was such a pretty shade of pink too. I'm glad to see this review of it, because I could easily picture myself seeing this in the store and buying it without a thought.

    The Barbie shade looks flawless on you, however.

    And hahaha I love that you posted the music video to that song! That takes me back!! :D

  50. haha, Kim I totally just had a flashback from that song. Thanks so much for sharing and I really like the Barbie shade too but i have to say I won't buy it because I'm always doing things around the house and I'm sure mine would chip too. You're smart to be honest eventho it is a really pretty color.


  51. how disappointing that the nail polish didn't work for you because the colors are gorgeous! but i hear you, it's important that they dry quick and don't knick.

  52. Bahaha, is it weird that by name is barbie and my favorite color is aqua?! That song was a hit when I turned 21, gosh that was a long time ago!

  53. I too would hate to get the right color but a bad product.=( anyway, I feel like pounding my head in the bed, Godiva chocolates.. hehehe.

    I am not fully back yet, but just the same giving you back some hugs.=)

  54. The shades look nice, so it's a shame they don't work for you. xoxo

  55. i prefer the barbie shade!!! i think its fit more to you :)
    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  56. Hi Kim,
    Oh sorry that it didn't work out with the pink. I can't blame you because in all honesty after Barbie, I was done with Pink. I use it scarcely in my self styling these days. Always good to take a risk right?


  57. i swear, finding the right pink polish is like trying to find the perfect shade of red lipstick!

    i never tried zoya, but haven't found anything that stands up to essie. thanks for the review!

    Share the Love - Giveaway

  58. For spring, I am so ready to rock this color.

  59. This is really nice that you have shared here. I want to purchase Barbie girl set. And also want to that Barbie girl song.


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