I sang about them (We Wish You A Merry Christmas) and colored them in coloring books, when I was a little girl. I read about them (A Christmas Carol), as a teen. Now I get to taste them, as an adult. This is truly a wish come true! I can't thank Carole of
Mademoiselle Poirot blog enough for the beautifully wrapped parcel of Christmas Pudding and Mince Pies. Carole
mentioned in a blog post that she didn't care for mince pies or Christmas pudding. She was making Christmas tiramisu instead. In my comment to her, I mentioned I didn't think I would like them either, but if ever I traveled to London I would definitely want to try them. I've always been curious as to how they would taste. Well, she sent me some to taste (I was so ecstatic to receive her parcel). Carole wrapped each box in beautiful snowflake wrapping paper. She even used tissue paper underneath. I swear she's the best wrapper. She wrote a beautiful message to me in her card. I was so touched! So would I like Christmas Pudding and Mince Pies? Let's see.
Sainsbury's Mince Pies
I use to wince, at the word "
mincemeat", so I didn't think I would like
mince pie. I don't know why I would think such a thing, I never tasted it before. I just always put mincemeat in the same category as American
spam...yuk! LOL Well, this is different! It didn't taste like MEAT at all! I heated one of these pies in the oven for a couple of minutes before eating. It was really, really good! The pie crust was tasty and the filling was delicious. It had raisins and fruit in it. It was like a fruit filling (an apple taste). It was sweet, but not overly sweet. I loved it. One pie filled me up. I really liked them.
Sainsbury's Christmas Pudding (also known as Figgy or Plum Pudding)
I'm not going to lie. When I first saw this
Christmas pudding (The word "pudding" is different here in the States. The British term for pudding is synonymous with dessert.), I was like there is NO WAY I'm going to like this. It looked like a ball of (fill-in-the-blank). Well you guys, NEVER judge a book by it's cover! Never!!! I constantly have to remind myself of that at times. I heated the Christmas pudding in the microwave as the directions stated. I sliced it and scooped a tiny bit on my fork. When you've never tasted something, you can't prepare your taste buds. I was praying. HaHaHa It was excellent!!! It's rich too! I could only eat half. It's like cake (consistency), with fruit and nuts in it! I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked it!

Carole, thank you so much for sending these. You fulfilled a wish of mine, without even knowing it. I would've never asked on my own for you or anyone to send these to me. So this was truly a gift, that I will always cherish and touched my heart!
I ask everyone to pay a visit to Carole's blog (London blogger). She is superior in interior design, decor, baking, cooking and photography. There's such a grace about her. She's very humble too. Her blog will blow you away. It's truly a treat to visit everyday. Have a great day everybody!