Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Little Beauty Retail Therapy...

Let's Shop!!! To keep my mind off of things at home (Hurricane Isaac), I decided to do a little Pre Labor Day shopping while in Cincinnati. Shopping is always good therapy. Right?

My aunt lives near a huge mall, called Kenwood Towne Center, so my mom and I went there early Friday morning. I decided just to visit two stores, Sephora and  Bath & Body Works.

I felt that was enough, because I'm not much of a mall shopper. You guys know I'm an online girl! HaHaHa I viewed the mall's layout (map) online and found out that both stores were near Macy's.

Can you now tell how far I will go to avoid crowds? HaHaHa So let me tell you what I purchased...

First Stop... Sephora! I go freakin' nuts when I shop Sephora online, so you can imagine how I acted when I stepped into the store. It's like BEAUTY PRODUCT HEAVEN. The sales people there were really nice. I purchased the new Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation. The sales lady helped me pick the right shade. As you can see from the pic below, there are a multitude of shades. I will do a Sweet or Not Review of it soon.

Remember, I suggested to you guys to take pics of things 
you want from magazines? 

Well, it truly helped me while in Cincy! I've been wanting to try the new STILA stay all day waterproof liquid eyeliner. Saw it in a magazine, Thandie Newton says it's her favorite, so I bought it! Again, I'll do a review later. Then I bought some old and new favorites. LOVE Pure Grace body wash by Philosophy! It's my everyday bodywash. LOVE Benefit's Boi-ing Concealer!!! I swear it's the best concealer I ever tried. It STAYS ON, without feeling heavy and doesn't slide off your face! The Sephora girls loaded me up on samples and then I headed to...

Bath and Body Works!!! My mom loves their Japanese Blossom and Warm Vanilla Sugar (both are classics) line. So she bought those. I purchased their SLEEP and STRESS shower gels for only $5 (Sale!). Love those!!! I also purchased the Brown Sugar Fig Collection for my fellow blogger-friend  Kizzy of The Dainty Dolls House Blog that lives in the UK (Scotland). I love her! Kizzy, I'm rounding up all your stuff girl. You should get it by Christmas...cause stuff keeps happening! HaHaHa But ladies, the topping on the cake were their candles. Each one smelled SO GOOD! It was fun seeing Halloween stuff out to. The Bath & Body Work's sale lady was so helpful. She was a doll!

Do you believe in angels? 

I just want to take a moment, to recognize a lady (that was a stranger) that was in Bath & Body Works and she overheard that my  mom and I were from New Orleans.

You guys, she had the prettiest, BRIGHTEST BLUE eyes and two young children in a double stroller. Her eyes and stare were piercing and it was almost like she was in a trance! Her eyes were hypnotic and they did not look like contacts. She handed me several sheets of coupons (she said her computer/printer just kept spitting them out that morning). She held and touched my hand.

Don't think I'm crazy, but I swear God was working  through this woman. She was like an angel! After I finished purchasing everything, I walked through Macy's and this woman just stared at me and said omg'd your complexion is so have this glow! You guys this happened right after I encountered the woman with the beautiful blue eyes. I just felt I had been in touched! It still gets to me. I just wanted to share that experience with you. That's why I believe in giving what I can to others, whenever I can. This concludes my stay in Cincinnati. Hope you enjoyed my posts! :)


  1. Precious!! Am glad you had such a fun time out. I am with you, I don't like shopping malls and rather shop online. You're precious, I love bath & body works, I could live in there, hahaha :))) I used to go in there so much when I lived in the states, they asked me if I wanted a job, hahahahaha. I knew all the products by heart ;) So nice of you to pick me up something sweet, I shall enjoy it for sure & your items are piling up here too, I keep thinking of more things. The dress you have on is stunning, just love that colour too. What a wonderful story about the woman, I love meeting people like that, it just shows us we're not alone in the world and are connected in ways we have no comprehension of. Beautiful. You are a star, love ya too :)) Hope you have a super weekend my friend xx

  2. I love shopping online but I do love the mall more! Being able to feel the clothes is something you just can't do online. I can't wait to see the product reviews!

    The Tiny Heart
    Sept. Group Giveaway!

  3. I shop on line, but I go insane, INSANE in malls.
    Just a few weeks back I was in the US for my brother's wedding and i think i bought too much unnecessary stuff - but it's kinda late now :)
    I was not able to get to B&Bworks thought, because it was being remodeled.
    You know, I do believe in angels and i also believe that we all have a sixth sense that sometimes we don't stop to consider... and that sense probably told you she was an angel :)
    A couple of years back my grandmother told me that you can request to know the NAME of you angel, all you have to do is ask during Easter or Christmas.
    I asked to have the name of my angel at night on Easter week, Went to bed and the next day i woke up and wrote the name down on a paper.

  4. I totally believe in angels! You gave me chills reading this. Love B&BW and Sephora is like heaven! Have a great weekend :) Heather

  5. A little retail therapy is a great distraction! I'm more of an online shopper too cause of crowds. In a way I'm glad we don't have malls in NYC. You looked so pretty in your ON dress. Sephora really is like a beauty candy store. I have to stay away from there cause I can never seem to leave without buying something lol. That story is wonderful! I believe in angels as well.

    Have a fab weekend Kim!
    Rowena @ rolala loves

  6. I'm not even super into makeup stuff, but I can be in Sephora for hours. They have so many awesome things to look at! Also love spending time at Bath & Body Works whenever I do find myself at a mall. It smells so nice in there.

  7. totally believe in angels! and i loveee sephora.

  8. i love the feather dress on you!
    it's an amazing experience you had in the B & BW store!
    prolly she was an angel (i do believe in them) but more importantly you felt their presence and how God works through them.
    maybe it's a shame we don't feel that presence more often in our daily lives.

    have a wonderful weekend! :)

  9. Seeing your makeup shots makes me want to head over to Sephora NOW! It's such a magical place, filled with such beautiful makeup and brands <3333

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  10. It never occurred to me I could shop Sephora online. The retail store we do have is miles away so thanks for the tip.
    Love your story about the angel-lady. I do believe there are those out there who do carry the spirit of God in them.

  11. all those pictures are heaven! and that dress is too cute looks great on u girl!!..

  12. I love visiting Bath and Body Works during the holidays. Yes, I believe in them too! Have a great weekend, Kim!

  13. Kim, I think retail shopping is always a good thing in times of trouble, lol. I love that you are such a beauty junkie--someday you and I will have to meet up and hit Sephora, I was out of control in NYC at that place. Not sure why because they have them here, but something about being in NY and all that makeup, haha! I do believe in angelic visitations, and no doubt you had one looking out for you!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    xo Mary Jo

  14. god i miss nordstrom. i love montana, but sometimes living here is kind of stupid!

  15. You can't beat a bit of retail therapy! Sephora is one of my favourite (no it is my favourite!) beauty stores and we don't have one here. I have to stock up when I go away and I spend absolutely ages in there!

  16. Wow reading about that lady sent chills down my spine! I do believe in angels! Also I now want to go to Sephora and buy tons of makeup, lastly - LOOOOOVE your feather dress!!

  17. That is so beautiful that you met that kind woman!
    Aww you are so sweet to Kizzy! She is lovely and it is great you are stocking up on goodies for her. I stock up on stuff in the US whenever I am back too.
    Ooh and Stila eyeliner rocks!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  18. Looks like a great shopping trip! Love your dress :)

    That lady is so nice to have given you lots of coupons too, so sweet. She sounds like she made such an impact on you, it's amazing how a little bit of kindness from a stranger can pick up your day!

  19. I do believe in Angels and that story is so touching about the woman in the all. It's really beautiful how you wrote it too Kim. I guess I take going to Sephora for granted, I just figured they were everywhere, but I'm so excited you got to see the store and what a great idea to take photos of what you wanted. You look so cute in the photo too, love how you showed the detail close up on the print of your dress. It's adorable


  20. Wow these stores look amazing! *o* I'd probably have the hardest time choosing what to get and end up spending too much~~
    So maybe it's a good thing we don't have them here? :D

  21. OHHH I wish we had massive stores like that here in Denmark, but like the country - the shops are smaller, and so is their selections. I'd go nuts here ha ha- look forward to the reviews.
    Happy weekend sweets,

  22. I love the images they are so cute! I love the Hello Kitty range! I love your blog, would you like to follow each other?

  23. Nothing like some good retail therapy! I'm glad you're back and okay! And that lady was so sweet to you! :) Sometimes little gestures from strangers make a day great. ;)

  24. So much fun! Thanks for bringing us to the mall with you!

  25. Hello beautiful! I find Sephora therapeutic too!By the way, if you had to suggest a compact foundation, dermo-friendly, with a good coverage for red spots, anti-shine, which one would you name?
    Bath & Body works looks like heaven too! Too bad there's none of it here :(
    Your story about the angel made my heart leap...
    Love dear, big hugs Coco

  26. We unfortunately do not have somethig like this here in GErmany... :/ Everything looks so great!!

  27. I loved this post, the malls looks so huge there (compared to Europe)!
    You DO have the most amazing skin lady, and I've said before you look incredible.

    I also believe in angels, since one answered my prayers in a very freaky moment when I was in australia...

    Looks like you had oodles of fun, don't think I would have controlled myself in the make up department anywhere!

  28. i wish there was a sephora here..and that is such a precious thing to happen!!
    now i want to see that lady!

  29. Shopping literally is the best thing ever. Looks like being in Cincy was a blast!

    A Southern Drawl

  30. Wow - that story at the end gave me goose bumps! Can't wait to read your reviews Kim, hope you're having a lovely weekend xo

  31. YOur dress is adorable! And what a cool experience you had with the blue-eyed woman!!! Wow!

  32. Such a lovely ending to your post! I wish we had a Bath & Body works here, I want everything in it! xx

  33. i do believe in angels for sure. I think thats so beautiful!!

    have a great start to ur week!!

  34. wow, now that was thorough!!!!

  35. You make me want to visit Nordstrom, which is a very dangerous place. Look at all that makeup! Tempting.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

  36. cincinnati really does have some people like that - especially because you get some of the northern kentucky love (all the neighborhoods there people always wave at you). i'm glad you had those two people be so nice to you - that's awesome! it's great when people are sweet. and i know these places oh too well - i grew up hanging out in that bath in body works (it used to be next to the sephora actually.....before sephora was sephora! ahha!)

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails // current giveaway

  37. i still have my sephora cards that i need to use! i get so overwhelmed when i go in there, and i end up leaving with nothing!! i need to sit down and do some product research. thanks for sharing your picks!


  38. oooh you picked up some really good stuff, I cannot wait for your reviews of the eyeliner and foundation!

    I definitely believe in angels/spirits, and it sounds like you may have been touched there in the mall!

  39. How awesome is that?? I freaking loved the Paris section!! :)) I wish could have been there!! So amazing..

    I really enjoyed seeing all your pictures. Your blog is sooo cute :)

  40. oh Kim that story is just amazing. I hope that happens to me sometime. Note what I told you in my previous comment in your previous's your spirit that connects to like spirits. She was an angel for sure. Your complexion is beautiful and it matches your spirit. I have tried the Grace body wash and loved it. Have a great day. I may purchase the under eye concealer. thanks for the great advice as always girl. dawn suitcase vignettes xo

  41. I love sephora! I can literally stay in there for hours!! What an awesome shopping trip you had!!


  42. I haven't been to a mall in ages, I guess it's about that time for me to re-visit one, haha. Looks like you had a great time. I definitely think you were touched by an angel (I know...kinda corny) but it's true!


  43. Isn't it amazing where angels turn up, just to spread a bit of joy? I love getting a healthy dose of retail therapy and you visited two of my favorite stores.


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