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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

All The Riches A Girl Can Have

Marie Antoinette! When I first set eyes on this fashion editorial spread, I couldn't help but think about Marie Antoinette. I know. It must be the HAIR! hahaha But seriously, what do we know about Marie Antoinette? She was a shopper! She loved to spend money on the latest and most lavish designs of her day and she enjoyed (let me rephrase that INDULGED IN) the "good life". When asked about her indulgent lifestyle vs. the poor and famished people she served in France, she exclaimed...LET THEM EAT CAKE! HaHaHa But did you know there is controversy on whether SHE uttered or originated that phrase? Hmmm. Read HERE. If that's true it kind of ruins it for me. LOL I've always equated that phrase to her! Hmmm. Have you heard about this controversy? Do I have any bloggers on my blog roll that majored in History? I would love to read what you have to say! My readers would love to read your thoughts! Do tell!!!

Magazine: Vogue Japan October 2012
Title: All the Riches a Girl Can Have
Photographer: Giampaolo Sgura
Model: Ymre Stiekema
Stylist: Anna Dello Russo
Hair: Andrew Guida
Make-up: Jessica Nedza
Manicure: Annarel Innocente

What do you think? If Marie Antoinette were alive today, would she wear these designs? Do you think she would wear pants? I think the first dress looks like pink cotton candy (candy floss as my European readers would say. hahaha see i read and learn from you guys). Have a Great Tuesday Everybody!


  1. When I visited Paris and read a little about her, I felt sad actually. To see where she had lived and how her life ended in the prison. If she lived today, I don't think she's one that would wear pants =D That's how I visualize her in my head. She would still stick to big skirt or princess-cut dresses =D

  2. I don't think she would wear pants, but these pants outfits are really pretty. The whole photo spread is gorgeous!

  3. Love these images. I researched her after watching the movie of her with Kirsten Dunst and I was quite taken at how the movie glamorized the lifestyle so much, but not her demise. The last years of her life were horrible and so sad. Yet, only people remember or talk about her fortunes and rich lifestyle. I read that she didn't exactly say the famous line as it's expressed. She led a sheltered life away from the public, so she had no clue that people were poor and hungry as they were, she thought everyone was living as she was. Historians don't believe she said it as there were many slandering campaigns against her at the time. But, only someone who was near her at the time, could give us any truth in it all. Besides it all, she is a very fascinating woman and I just enjoy learning about her like any person of history. And who would say no to wearing any of these garments!?! haha ;)

  4. Love the decadence and over the top outfits in this shoot! Reminds me of Marie Antoinette too!

  5. Hello sweetie! If that sentence is just a legend, I think it may have originated from her actual spoiled demeanour. Though these picture are luscious food for the eyes, and I would dive in that opulence of fluffy gowns, my sympathy for the royal couple has a very low score. On the other hand, they were both very young and served as a scapegoat in a moment of high social distress. Still I'm not keen on MA. All my sympathy goes to the plainer but wiser Virgin Queen. Would you mind if I took your post as an inspiration and wrote one about Queen Elisabeth? Lots of love my dear xxxxxx

  6. OMG, this is absolutely GORGEOUS. It's so regal and lush. I love it.

  7. Gotta love that pink hair. If she was still alive today, she may have ombre hair with a mixed id pink and purple..i think.

  8. The comparison to Marie Antoinette is very fitting for this photoshoot - it has all the opulence and glamour that is usually associated with her life...though I find some of these outfits almost too edgy for her. Anyways, I really adore the concept of these pictures ( and that hair, oh my goodness! what impressive coiffures ). The only thing that was less than appealing for me was the font they used in the first 2 pages.

    ♥ Xixia |

  9. Beauuuuuuuuuuutiful editorial! And yes I did read about the quote before... still like it, though. :)
    Just don't think I know a lot about history - I wasn't good at it at school at all. Loved the Ancient Egypt/Greece, but then lost interest completely... Too many wars I am afraid.

    Have a fab day, darling!

  10. these are very opulent - and quite intricate - very perfect for japanese vogue

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails // current giveaway

  11. fabulous!
    i don't know much about history but it is translated as "cake" but it was actually some other type of delicious pastry or something. lol
    i do remember i had a small roll on perfume named "let them eat cake" and it was the most delicious foody scent with lavender touch. i miss it!

    i absolutely adore these dresses. my favorite is the all black one! would love to wear something like that. ;)

  12. Loving this! I've actually been contemplating some pink streaks, so this really calls out to me!

  13. Haha, that pink dress does look like cotton candy! I wasn't a history major so I have no idea regarding the "let them eat cake". Either way it's a gorgeous, opulent editorial!

    The Tiny Heart
    Sept. Group Giveaway

  14. This is an awesome concept! Thanks for sharing :)


  15. wow great pics! Anna Dello Russo is an icon!!! Would you maybe like to follow each other?



  16. i would love to be on a set like this but it looks cold to me maybe cause the mansion is so big.. :) love it

  17. I enjoyed the movie of Marie Antoinette, the costumes were fantastic but I really am in awe of this editorial, wow these gowns are out of the planet, so exquisite!

  18. THese pictures are beyond stunning and beautiful!!!! WOW breath taking. Thank you for sharing :)

    Want to follow each other???

    ZARA gift card giveaway for $400 on

  19. No doubt if MA were alive she would be one of the few that could afford that Jil Sander coat of my dreams! I love this spread, and being a true geek had to click over to see the origination of "let them eat cake' - haha, let them eat meat just doesn't have the same ring! Love your post!

    Hope your week has been a good one so far Kim!
    xo Mary Jo

  20. Aah I love the pink dress and the buckles on the shoes in these looks. Not sure Marie would have worn pants but thse pants are pretty elegant!

  21. i always associate MA with decadence. and cake ;)

  22. Everyone like this blog!Because it so good!

  23. I love these pictures! In my mind the baroque era was the height of all fashion (still waiting on the invention of the time machine).

    Actually, I was a history major, but I mainly studied Imperial Russian history, so I'm not too much help! However, from what I've heard from other profs, the general consensuses is that Marie Antoinette didn't say it, but the statement is so famous I don't think it really matters!

  24. Such a fun editorial - you alway find the good ones! THAT pink hair is just the best! Like icing on a cake! LOL! And I LOVE that Balenciaga pearl beaded dress - so pretty!

    xo, sam

    **Style of Sam**

  25. Amazing pics <3 But I guess she would still wear those gorgeous royal attires & not pants! But anyways, who knows :p

    Nice blog honey!!

  26. Look at all that hair! I love this editorial! It's stunning and unique.


  27. Aw, I really love this editorial. Beautiful.
    I remember in high school studying Marie Antoinette and her not actually saying "let them eat cake." Now you have me interested about her again. I love me some history. :)

  28. I love marie antoinette and i definitely feel like i could see her wearing some of these looks...i love this entire shoot.

    xo erica

  29. I love marie antoinette and i definitely feel like i could see her wearing some of these looks...i love this entire shoot.

    xo erica

  30. I love marie antoinette and i definitely feel like i could see her wearing some of these looks...i love this entire shoot.

    xo erica

  31. Thanks so much for dropping by our blog. :) I actually love this editorial. Love the richness of the colours and all the insane details. I saw her room at Versailles, it's gorgeous. But our guide did tell us that her life story issn't all that rosie.

    Ash :o)

  32. This post was so captivating, I made a point of both tweeting and liking it on FB !! :D lols

    The pink hair is to die for!! And those ruffles!! Gosh...what wouldn't I give to wear a dress like that!! :D

    And how funny! I actually didn't know that phrase was attributed to her! Mmm..I wonder if it's true...what an amazing woman! So sad about her last years though :((

    p.s. Thanks for your GREAT post!! The colors made me happy ..:))

  33. AHHHH I died just a little when I saw these opulent images. I wrote an essay on Marie A when i was 14 - still fascinates me the whole arrogance of the french (or any court) but I suppose she did end up with no head :( So they didn't eat no cake, but the farmers won in the end. But she was a shopper indeed:)
    LOVELY editorial Kim, have an indulgent day sweets,

  34. This is lush - I'm kinda obsessed with Marie Antoinette! I'm jealous of your first noter - would love to visit where she lived in Paris! xo

  35. I think this shoot did Marie proud- I love the elaborate brocade and over the top luxury... amazing!


  36. I love the whole theme! And I loved the movie Marie Antoinette as well! But I haven't learned about her more than that! :D

  37. I visited Versailles this summer and became obsessed with French revolution history - Marie Antoinette being my focus. Did you know she had a hamlet on palace grounds where she would play "commoner"? So crazy. Love this ad campaign also - especially the hair.


  38. i can totally picture her in those voluminous gowns..and i think she would definitely wear pants.

  39. You know, the Marie Antoinette thing has been done to death but I find these rather refreshing. Trust the Japanese to put their own crazy spin on things.

    xx Jenee C.
    {camo meets couture}

  40. I've been fascinated with Marie Antoinette when I visited Paris and I was confused after reading many text on her as to why exactly was she so hated and why was she executed. There are simply too many stories.

    That said, the colours featured here seem a liitle too bold for her. I still love the fashion spread though.


    Your comments always make me chuckle. I’m glad you enjoyed the post as much as I enjoyed sharing it with my readers. I haven’t had the time to visit your blog for a while after my comment but I do hope that you have recovered.

  41. I definitely can't see Marie Antoinette wearing pants. :o)

    Great styling on these. I especially love the black with cream patterned long sleeve dress thingy with the red/green hat. So fab!

  42. ALWAYS a TOTAL sucker for anything Marie Antoinette.

    <3 Cambria

  43. such a beautiful spread!!

  44. That is a stunning editorial. I want all of these is a dream that will never come true. I have always had a thing for MA inspired clothes
    Cammi @ Cammilicious

  45. Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog Kim. Love these photos... stunning!

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog

  46. The hair does take you back to that period. In the entire costume history, this is the only period that had the craziest costumes ever. The details were crazy and so extreme. The hair was not washed for months and so lavish. I love the period after this.. the empire waist and simplicity is my kinda thing. :)

    Heel in Mint

  47. Btw, I love your new profile pic and changes on your blog. Great job and it is as sweet as you are. :)

    Heel in Mint

  48. an absolutely amazing photoshoot and spread ! really beautiful !


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