Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Too Faced Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar & Original Chocolate Bar Revew, Swatches, Comparison and Giveaway

Oooh! I'm up to my eyelids in CHOCOLATE! I finally swatched my new Too Faced Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette and I'm in love! If I had to sum up this palette in one word, I would choose the word QUALITY. In comparison to last year's Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette, this one is sleeker (thinner & less bulky), the eye shadows are creamier and the majority apply exceptionally well (except for a couple). Too Faced has also engraved the names of the eye shadows ON the palette. The original palette only had eye shadow names printed on a clear sheet overlay. This palette has the same awesome chocolatey scent and mirror! Not only did I swatch THIS palette, but I RE-SWATCHED the original Chocolate Bar Palette for comparison. Below are my thoughts. I'm giving away a Too Faced Semi Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Palette to a lucky reader! This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE (wherever USPS ships). May the force of Willy Wonka be with you :) I hope you get the GOLDEN TICKET! Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.

The outer box is absolutely adorable. Who can resist polka dots, hearts, gold and the color pink? 
And how cute are the names? I busted out my faux truffles for this post.

The palette itself is shaped like a chocolate candy bar. It's lighter in color than last year's palette.
It's also thinner and less bulkier than last year's palette. Here's the front & back!

It smells just like CHOCOLATE! Mmmm! It contains a mirror and a total of 16 eye shadows. I was worried about the colors at first, but after I swatched them I was very pleased with the quality (except for two). I'll discuss below.

Here are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows! In the first row, the only color that was a little chalky was coconut creme.
In the second row, I suggest applying pink sugar wet. It doesn't work well dry. Other than those two everything else was dreamy. I have to give it to Too Faced! They know metallics. I can't tell you how gorgeous they are in person! :)
Here are the eye shadow guides they give you. Actually it's double-sided.

For my FELLOW BEAUTY ENTHUSIASTS that want to compare palettes. I took a picture of both palettes side by side (below) AND re-swatched the original palette, so you can compare colors. Yes, I analyze my makeup. LOL

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)
  Too Faced Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Palette is SuperSweet

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. wow, you arranged it sooo lovely! The review is great and I am so in love with the first palette! its super super sweet!!

    xoxo Colli // my blog - tobeyoutiful

  2. That looks like such a sweet collection! I like the chocolate bar idea, really cute! :) Really like that blueberry swirl shade - the name as well! :)

    Away From The Blue

  3. i've been wanting this!!! crossing fingers!

  4. This is truly beautiful! Thank you so much for this lovely giveaway, I'm so excited!!! :D

    Diana P. | Cups & Roses

  5. This is so pretty. I especially like the Candied Violet shade.
    (Rafflecopter name is Kimberly).

  6. Ahhh...this is so nice!! They look like great ones too :) Love the colours. Good luck everyone :)) xx

  7. Wow, such a nice collection of Too Faced cosmetics. Both palette are just WOW, so pretty shades they have. God luck to everyone. Kisses <3

  8. Morning Kim, I still remember your review about the old one and I still remember the disappointment! Now, the new one is totally another story and Im really craving for it now! The shades are marvelous, love metallics on the lids, all the colors are really so cool! I can imagine even the nice scent!:) The comparison is useful Kim, you did a brilliant job! Many kisses! xo

  9. The palette is beautiful another great giveaway Kim.

  10. What beautiful packaging! Thanks for the review dear - what a lovely set!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  11. The fact that the palette even smells like chocolate makes it even better:D
    Happy Monday, Kim!

  12. If I get this palette, I'd eat it! haha Great giveaway, Kim!


  13. What an awesome giveaway! I actually haven't tried any of Two Faced Products, but I want too! Both palettes look great! Lately the Semi Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette has been keeping my interest! I hear so many people rave about how they like it!

  14. Wow, such an amazing colors <3
    And the arangment almost got me fooled, haha.

  15. Eeek, this palette looks absolutely gorgeous!!! Caramel and Bon Bon looks like it will be my favourite shades. I just love that the palette smells like chocolate since I am a chocolate addict;-) Thanks for the awesome opportunity Kim. Much Love. Xxx

  16. How sweet! You've got to love Too Faced's packaging.

  17. I have never tried the Too Faced palates, but I really want too! My brother's girlfriend got one for Christmas and it looked awesome!

  18. Oh my god! That palette looks more than absolutely fantastic! The colors are so covering and glittering!! Love it and want it tooooo!!

    ♘ ♘

  19. Gurlll, this latest palette is STUNNING! I like the looks of it way better than the original Chocolate Bar. Thank you so much for the giveaway, fingers crossed!
    Hope you had a great weekend, Kim. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  20. thank you for the chance and happy new year!

  21. I was gifted both of these palettes this holiday season and I have to say, I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality. I've never tried Too Faced before and my expectations weren't high, but as it turns out, I love both palettes - the colours give so much payoff and the chocolate scent is such a lovely bonus!

  22. Thankyou so much for a chance at the giveaway! I am all the way from India and I enjoyed your blogs.Happy New Year

  23. Love the colors! And, love the idea of the chocolate bar.

  24. Crossing my fingers. Love the color palette.

  25. I remember when you reviewed the first palette Kim! IT's good to know that Too Faced has actually made improvements to their followup. The packaging looks even better now that's it's streamlined and it's still cute as ever! Thanks for another sweet giveaway!

  26. I loveee how you displayed this. Wonderful pictures and it almost makes me think this is an actual chocolate bar lol. Thanks for the giveaway for this lovely palette!

  27. I absolutely love the first chocolate bar and would love to add this one to my collection as well. You did a great job at swatching and the colors look lovely!

  28. I was doubting to buy the first palette, but now I will defintely go for this one! The pigment looks great as well as the packaging!

  29. What a wonderful Palette! Love a the fantastic Shades <3 :)


  30. I am loving these colors. You always give a very detailed review that I always love to read. Amazing post

  31. Oh Kim!! I want this so bad lol!! I actuslly went to two stores today looking for it but I think it's only online right now. I didn't get the first one and I'm glad now because this one looks so much prettier in my opinion lol!! I'm glad you love it!

  32. Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!! I have been wanting this pallet ever since it came out, so it would be amazing to win! Good luck everyone!

  33. Hi dear! Thanks for the lovely comment!:) omg! What an amazing palette! Its really a wonderful gift! Would you like to follow me back on GFC? I'm already following you..kisses

  34. Awesome giveaway, Kim! I love the way that you arrange your photos! You make me want to buy makeup and candy, hehehe!

  35. Ooooh, what a sweet giveaway! I've actually been wanting a good eyeshadow palette, and this looks wonderful :)
    Definitely entering!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries
    Enter to win a FREE pair of glasses from Polette!

  36. I've been having my eye on this chocolate palette! followed you :) x
    - Andrea

  37. lovely palette. i'm following you, kindly follow back

  38. Hello Kim ♡
    Beautiful review ;)
    I love Too Faced ♡♡♡
    Love Ela

  39. ahh what is this deliciousness! you always find the cutest cosmetics Kim! I bet putting on makeup in the morning is so much more fun with cute packaging like this!

  40. Really beautiful <3

  41. This is so adorable because it fits the theme of your blog perfectly! I've been so excited to try out this palette and would so love to win it! Thank you for the giveaway!

    Much love

  42. This is awesome I would love the chance to win this ! I find the colours beautiful ! :)

  43. Love all
    The colors in the palette! Fingers crossed!

  44. What a beautiful palette and I love the idea that they actually smell like chocolate. You did a great review and love the pictures.

    Rafflecopter name-- Suzanne Giroux

  45. thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing eyeshadow palette! i am obsessed with makeup

  46. Great review. Love the colours! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  47. I LOVE the chocolate bar palette, so I cannot wait to try out the Semi-sweet. The swatches are so beautiful!

  48. Dear Kim, this is fabulous! I really hope to win, and if I don't, I hope to find this palette in Italy! Last year I found Too Faced eye brushes only online. Have you tried them? Very excited about this giveaway!!
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  49. Thank you for the giveaway, it's very generous!

  50. Thank you for the giveaway, it's very generous!

  51. the colors are beautiful I would love to win this thanx for the chance

  52. I've been eyeing up these palettes lately! They just look so cute, not to mention the gorgeous colors in both of them!

    xo danielle @ sage and spice

  53. Happy NEW YEAR!
    Thank you for this chance!

  54. thank you so much for this giveaway! I have never tried the first chocolate bar but this one looks amazing!!!

  55. From the name alone, I'm loving this palette! Great review and giveaway! T.

  56. I've never tried the brand. Thank you!

  57. Amazing giveaway. Fingers crossed here in Sweden ♡

  58. very nice shades of too faced chocolate!!~ ty for this giveaway!

  59. I hope to win. wish me luck :)
    Email :

    Thanks you <3

  60. Great post and a lovely Too Faced palette :)

  61. I´d love to win that palette, but if I don´t I´ll go and buy a big chocolate anyways!

  62. These comparisons are beautiful!
    Thank you for this opportunity!
    Inge x

  63. Thanks for the chance !

  64. wow, such a great colors, such a beautifull swatch!!! <3 i want this! thank you for the chance!

  65. Really supersuper sweet!! I'm in l-o-v-e <3 Thanks for a great giveaway, fingers crossed :)

  66. Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway.

  67. This is such a beautiful pallet... thank you for the chance to win

  68. Awesome giveaway! I love Too Faced products. Would be so nice to win a new palette. Thanks for the chance!

  69. Truly lovely colors, I would love to try out all the different looks.

  70. This palette is so talked and popular right now in the world...
    Beautiful swatches - I love the blue shade ! ♥

    Thank you for the great giveaway.
    Miri Weiss
    My Email :

  71. Very nice selection of colors and amazing packaging!

  72. Thank you for such a great giveaway! the palette is beautiful ♥

    ps Elena Rudaya in the Rafflecopter

  73. Thank you for this giveaway, the prize iz great!

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Thank-you for a chance to win this great palette. I have someone in mind who would LOVE this, even more than I would!
    cspmom at gmail dot com

  76. The prize looks so beautiful! I would love to wear this. I think it will look great on me. - shaunie

  77. Thank you so so much for this giveaway!!! SUCH amazing swatches you have!!!

  78. Oh man I would love to get my hands on these palettes! Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. I already want chocolate all the time =(

  80. This looks awesome! I am in dire need of a new palette, thanks for this review!

  81. Amazing photos. Looks profi and amazing review!

  82. I have just recently become interested in a better, more sustainable, cruelty-free lifestyle. I am ditching all of my cheap, awful cosmetics. Too faced cosmetics are what brought me here, and I will stay tuned, because I have no idea how to do my makeup. Haha. If I can figure it out half as well as you have, I'm set.


  83. Amazing palette! thanks for this lovely giveaway :-)

  84. thanks so much for the giveaway :)

  85. Are you sure you're not supposed to eat this? Haha! Wow, these colors are so awesome! Would love to have this. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Happy New Year to you.

  86. Thank you for this beautiful GIVEAWAY ❤️

  87. I love my Semi-Sweet Palette, I always ensure that I use my shadows with a primer.....

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