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Thursday, January 15, 2015

When Should You Start Using Anti-Ageing Products?

According to many experts, it is never too early to start caring for your skin. As a matter of fact, Dr. Doris Day, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center recommends that anti-ageing methods should be used as early as when a person is a young child. Dr. Day suggests that children get proper protection from the effects of the sun’s rays, along with rest and healthy eating. For teenagers, it’s advised that you treat any acne symptoms you experience with retinoid and products containing Vitamin A in order to unplug pores and create smooth skin. 

Once you reach your 20s, research indicates that the best thing you can do to fight the ageing process is to wear sunscreen and to not smoke cigarettes. For many of us, though, when we reach our 20s, we don’t see wrinkles and we feel invincible, free and young. The truth of the matter is that while it may seem hip and cool to sunbathe for hours in order to get that coveted tan, or smoke that cigarette with our peers, in your 20s your skin needs your help to guard against the ageing process as much as possible. It will thank you down the road. 

As you enter your 30s, you should continue to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis to fight the effects of UVA and UVB rays with an SPF 30 or more. Moisturizing your skin is also key as you enter your 30s and into your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and on. There are plenty of moisturizing products that can help reduce the signs of ageing once you start to notice fine lines under your eyes and wrinkles on your face. Murad is an example of a skin moisturizing product that has been created with the use of advanced scientific research that uses genetic ageing properties and clinical trials to deliver high performance skincare and dietary supplements to help you combat any signs of ageing and give you the healthy glow you deserve when taking care of your skin. 

So, as you can see, from as early in age as possible, the best advice when it comes to using anti-ageing products to take care of your skin is to use sunscreen daily, refrain from smoking, eat healthy foods, use skin moisturizers, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. 


  1. With my 28th birthday looming over me I've been thinking about this a lot. I use sunscreen every day but I don't use any eye creams etc.. my skin is so sensitive I'm just afraid to have a bad reaction. But thanks for the food for thought Kim x

  2. thanks for the advice! I have actually been thinking about this and not really sure when I should start using anti-aging products! definitely going to start using sunscreen every day now!
    - Andrea

  3. Yes ,because i have very dry Skin ,so it works great for me :)


  4. It's a great post with great tips ! It's indeed hard to know when exactly to start with anti-ageing products.

  5. I always use sunscreen even in the winter the sun is strong and we do not realize the damage it could cause. Plenty of water is good to replenish from inside out. Great detail post.

  6. This is the year I will be better about sunscreen! It is my only resolution!

    Emma | Fluff and Fripperies

  7. Great post I had this doubt for a long time!!

  8. I guess I am on the right path since I use sunscreen everyday and have never smoked a cig! I was always wondering when to start using anti-aging products though. thanks for the tips! I just changed my blog name and layout, would be great if you could take a look :)

  9. It's a good thing I have been regularly using sunscreen. I just have to remember to moisturize too!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  10. I have been wondering this myself! My 28th birthday is creeping up, so I have made it my goal this year to develop a for real routine... not just rest and water anymore. Not just moisturizing when I think about it. It's time to get serious! Great post!

  11. I'm guilty of not wearing sunscreen, even back in Malaysia I almost never use it. I'm getting better with it now but still I forget sometimes. Old people brain eh?
    However, on the plus side, I've been using anti-aging products since my early 20s so hopefully that will balance out my lack of sunscreen. LOL!

    p/s: Your last comment on m blog is freaking hilarious! I love ya girl! And for some damn reason I can't seems to reply your comment because the bloody 'Reply' button is not there. :-/

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  12. i remember when someone told me that i should start using anti aging products and i was in my mid twenties. i was slightly caught off guard and felt a little offended. but little did i know! :)

  13. Great post Kim!! I've never been one to sun bathe because Im so fair and pale I just burn. so I've always worn sunscreen since I was very little outside! I think I was probably 18 or 19 when I started using moisturizers and stuff like that and have really come a long way since!! I started using eye cream a year or so ago when I started seeing fine lines under my eyes! Your right it's never too early to start caring for your skin!

  14. The last sentence says it all. It depends a lot on what life you lead. I don't smoke but to be honest, I do expose myself on the sun for hours and this surely isn't good. I don't pay much attention to this right now, but I should start soon!


  15. Thank you for this post, dear, I'm (almost!) in middle of 20s and I use a lot of skin moisturizing products and eye cream (and I heard that I should use to eye cream when I was 18!), but I should start to wear sunscreen.

    Have a great day, dear,

  16. Great post, Kim:) I totally agree with the doctor's advice to start as early as possible. I didn't take care of my skin a lot when I was younger, but did use moisturizer at an early age which I'm kinda thankful for. I just wish I drank more water.
    And SPF really is super important!

  17. Great read Kim. I have to agree with your post the earlier you start the better. We all have our skin challenges but the awareness is key and yes as we get older especially for women, things change. I believe in hydrating and mositerizing at least twice a day. :)


  18. Great info, thanks for sharing. I always try to moisturise daily!

  19. Great post! I got really serious about anti aging products around age 30 and always wear a day lotion with sun screen. I love a heavy duty night cream so I wake up with fresh looking skin (plus all the benefits from the anti-aging ingredients)!

  20. Thanks for this informative post! I just turned 26, so I'm super paranoid now about aging and getting wrinkles. I've been looking into products to stop the wrinkles that I don't have but all the worrying about them will no doubt bring, so this is good information for me!

  21. It's never too early to start taking care of your skin! I've been using anti-aging products since my early 20s. It's hard to know what kind of impact they've really had but better not to know than to risk finding out!

  22. it's definitely never too early kim. i'm a sunscreen devotee and have been wearing it religiously (on my face) since my late teens!

    steph /

  23. I totally agree with this approach. Not just for age-prevention but for general health as well! Nothing is a safe bet but if we can help ourselves, all the better right? =D

  24. This was such in insightful and informative post. I already use a SPF 30 moisturizer so I guess I am already doing what I'm supposed to do :). Great post.

  25. Hi Kim, I think I'm pretty good, did everything you mentioned in the last sentence except the exercising. Haha. I think people overlook the importance of wearing sunscreen. I noticed a big difference ever since I wear sunscreen daily. Have a great week my friend!

    xo Jo

  26. What an important message! I'm all about skincare these days. My only regret is that I didn't start earlier. Oh well...better late than never, right? T.

  27. I started using Anti Ageing products recently. I am reaching for the 30 mark so I think I'm gonna need all the help I can get ;-)

  28. Good stuff Kim! My mom always stressed the importance of using the best skincare products so I started using preventative skincare in my twenties and it's something that has seriously paid off now that I'm older.

  29. Well said all around. You need to take of yourself from the very young age in order to look fantastic when you are older. Genes do play a factor too but if you take care of yourself, you will be happy with your results!

  30. It's definitely not too early for me! I don't know your age Kim but your skin looks perfect, plump and glowing. I'm going to start using Skinceutical serums. They are sort of an investment but I heard wonders about them. Anything to share about them?
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  31. From what I learned, it depends on your nationality and type of skin. I am Asian which is more prone to sagging skin as we age rather than to wrinkles. So I have to use Lift creams more than anti wrinkle creams. Using them sooner than later will give better results.

  32. I started using them when I was coming out of my teens, hahahaa! Well, even in my teens, I always thought you can't fix them once they appear, so why not help prevent them!?! So, I used sunscreen and stuff like that!! I studied beauty Therapy as well and learning about the skin, so taking care of it as early on as you can is very beneficial. Most don't even use sunscreen in summer or winter times. Shame. I love creams, so I'm always trying something out, haha!

  33. i sure wish i started earlier!!


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