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Monday, July 16, 2012

CNN's Fashion Backstage Pass with Alina Cho

Hey Everybody! Hope you had a great weekend. It rained everyday in NOLA! Booooo! HaHaHa So I mainly did indoor stuff.

I was watching television and stumbled upon a 30 minute show that you might be interested in watching. Have you heard of Fashion: Backstage Pass on CNN with Alina Cho? I really like it. CNN hasn't done a show like this since STYLE with Elsa Klensch.

Cho was in Paris covering Haute Couture Fashion and interviewed designers Donatella Versace, Marc Jacobs, Karl Lagerfeld and Lenny Kravitz.

I found the Karl Lagerfeld and Lenny Kravitz interview to be very interesting and decided to share those with you today.

This  special will re-air on CNN International the week of July 27th. So look for it!

In the Karl Lagerfeld interview, he mentioned Haute Couture is made by hand and can take hundreds of hours to make, CHANEL Haute Couture can cost anywhere from 30K - 250K per item, buyers of Haute Couture are getting younger (the starting age is now between 30-35 years of age), and buyers of Haute Couture are more International (China, Japan, Middle East, Russia, India and Brazil) To view that video click HERE.

In the Lenny Kravitz interview, I found out he is an interior designer, has a home in Paris (he also has homes in Miami, Brazil and the Bahamas) that he's lived in for 7 years, designed the couch and chandelier that's in his home, founded Kravitz Design (CLICK ON THE WEBSITE, it is EXQUISITE) in 2003 (a residential, commercial and product design company) with offices and staff in New York City, has designed condos and hotel suites in Miami and his goal is to make a lifestyle brand. Oh yeah! He also doesn't allow anyone to wear shoes in his home. So make sure you've had your pedicure if you get an invite there ;)

I hurriedly took the video below with my iPhone so excuse the quality, but at least it gives you a glimpse at his Paris home. Start it at :50. Have a Great Monday!



  1. Very nice Kim!! I am def going to check it out when it re airs.

    Yes it did rain in the Nola but I def enjoyed myself. Maybe next time I will get to see you.

  2. oh looks like it would be a great show to watch! Shame it won't air here, we never get anything fun! :P

  3. I hope it'll be available to watch in the UK. Looks very interesting.
    Wishing you a great week, darling!

  4. sounds like a superfun show, Kim! I wish I had time to watch it!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  5. I haven't heard of this but I'm definitely going to keep my eye on it!

  6. im so happy u shared! i will look out for this. And she looks great by the way!

  7. Ooh this looks like fun! I was just lusting after a Chanel jacket and wondering if it is worth the splurge!
    Lenny Kravitz is such an interesting guy and I like his design work too!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  8. I haven't heard of this show but I'll have to check it out! That is so crazy that the Chanel haute couture starts at 30K! Who has that kind of money?!

    The Tiny Heart

  9. Lenny Kravitz! I forgot about him.

  10. Can I sit down with Lenny??? Pleasseee!!!! So jealous of her!

  11. I have never seen this show! Looks interesting ! I love her dress- the print is amazing!

  12. Lenny Kravitz is so dang cool! I totally believe Karl Lagerfeld when he says it takes hundreds of hours to make couture. And it takes seconds to make some disposable clothing in some sweatshops. We need more middle-ground, don't you think?!

  13. I sort of forgot that Lenny Kravitz existed. HA!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  14. his freaken house is gorgeous!!! thanks for sharing!! sorry bout the rain!! booo! lol Our weather was in the 90s all weekend!!!! GGrrrr!

  15. Thanks for sharing Kim! Lenny has an amzing home... remember seeing it from years back.
    Where else can i watch the full show lady?
    Have a super week Kim!

  16. Sounds like a really interesting series, hope we get it here on our CNN Africa version. Lenny Kravitz the interior designer?!! Now I am really intrigued, who would have thought?

  17. Thanks for sharing, Kim! Will surely watch it! Great pics too!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  18. I haven't heard of this at all! It looks like a pretty interesting program. I may have to check it out! Sorry to hear about the rain in NOLA!

  19. I hadn't heard of this until this post so thanks for sharing it, Kim.

    I would love to work for Kravitz Designs, and not just because Lenny is awesome and beautiful, but because his stuff looks great!

  20. Ha, I'll definitely get my pedicure lined up for my visit to see Lenny Kravitz! =)

  21. How cool is this series? I had no idea Lenny Kravitz was into interior design. I'm going to watch this tonight, thanks for finding it Kim!

  22. hey, kim! i watched a couple episodes a while back... but nowadays, i don't even have time to watch it even though i have it on DVR... i love the way alina cho conducts her interviews. :) hope you have a lovely week!

  23. Whoaa too cool! Totally going to watch this, Lenny Kravitz is amazing!

    If you have a free moment I would so appreciate if you could check out my new post: Bare Escentuals Product Review

    The Urban Umbrella


  24. She has a lovely style.
    Will look out for the show.
    Style Id Net
    Filomenas Closet

  25. Love this post, Kim! I'm opposite of Lenny. I make sure people wear clean slippers in my house. Haha!

    xo Jo

  26. WOW! So Lenny Kravitz really IS like a real-life Cinna? (Hunger Games) That's awesome! Wouldn't you just DIE to work in a building designed by him?! Fabulous!

    BTW...I didn't get another ticket, just used that Instagram pic for Pic a Day. I'm still mad about it :o)

  27. Saw a preview for this the other day! Looks interesting! :)

  28. I lived for style with Elsa! It was the only way I heard of fashion in my tiny town.

  29. Wow, who knew that about Lenny Kravitz. Aside from being and incredibly sexy rockstar, he has design chops as well. I am intrigued.


  30. Great post Kim! Wish I had that staircase in my home:) Have a fab week!

  31. I just love Lenny Kravitz...he is so attractive! And how amazing to hear how much time/money goes into couture gowns, they are gorgeous.

    <3 CAMBRIA

  32. i had no idea kravitz was in design! that's awesome. and a fashion show on CNN?! i am so out of the loop!


  33. That would be a fascinating show, too bad they don't broadcast it here in Finland - at least yet. But thank you for telling the highlights of those two interviews, the facts were really interesting :) Have a lovely week! (hugs!) xoxo <3

  34. Oooh, loving these snipets--I'm going to have to find this and teevo all of them, thanks Kim for the tip! Hope you're having a wonderful Monday!

    xo Mary Jo

  35. Thanks for sharing darling! Karl & Sexy Lenny. You can't go wrong! :)


  36. Such a cool post! I had no idea Lenny Kravitz was an interior designer!

    xo erica

  37. Kim, Lenny is hot. Those photos of him are gorgeous. He is so well rounded, I never knew. Great post, I chuckled about the pedicure..too funny. dawn suitcase vignettes xo

  38. I can't wait to see this - mainly for the Lenny Kravitz portion. Although I will always adore Chanel, I have never been a fan of Karl Lagerfeld and he always winds up irritating me when I hear him speak ;) On the other hand, I am very intrigued by this other life Lenny Kravitz has been living as a designer. I clicked on the link to his designs and they are To. Die. For! Thanks for sharing Kim, I never would have known about them otherwise!

  39. This looks so cool and she is so stylish and gorgeous!

  40. So interesting - but oh my gosh, can you imagine spending 250k on an item of clothing?!? Even if I was a billionaire I don't think I could justify it! xo

  41. Im working in haute line, its true that it really takes time to make a garment because you really take especially with the fit of your garment and the placement of some things. The workmanship translates to cost, unfortunately.

  42. the sad thing is sometimes you are paying so much for these hand made garments whereas the real karigar doesn't get even a fraction..not talking of chanel..but it does happen..haven't seen this show ..seems cool..hope you're having a great day kim!:)

  43. I'ce never heard of this show but it definitely sounds like my kind of television. I did not know Lenny Kravitz was an interior designer. Fascinating! Thanks for sharing Kim!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  44. Lord, I wish I had extra money to burn on CHANEL Haute Couture items. So crazy expensive!!!!

  45. So cool!! Wish I had the money :)) I hope you have been well doll, it was nice being away, but I did miss blogging and everyone here :)) The weather was good and I have lots of photos to share over the next posts. :))


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