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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Karl Lagerfeld Olympic Themed Collection at Selfridges

All Hail King Karl! I'm being sarcastic.HaHaHa Flags were flying, window displays were set, the boy toys were dressed and in position, there were trays of macarons emblazoned with his image...and yep, the STAR of this private party was two hours late for his own soiree (according to published reports)! HaHaHa Who am I talking about? Why, Karl Lagerfeld of course!

Selfridges of London was host to THREE of Karl Lagerfeld's Collections Tuesday, July 24th. The three collections were Team Karl (Olympic Theme), Karl Collection and Karl Lagerfeld Paris Man.

I want your thoughts and opinions guys! I have a love/hate for Lagerfeld's work. The feathery wedding dress he featured in Paris Haute Couture was absolutely breathtaking. Loved it! The Cruise Collection. Hated it! The Little Black Jacket Exhibition. Loved It! And the verdict is still out on the Shu Uemura collaboration.

Now he's created an Olympic Theme Collection and doesn't plan on watching the Olympics! Ummm?!? What kind of message is that? Ohhh Karl!

Looking at the Olympic Themed Collection, I get the jacket, I get the pants, I get the blinged out collars, but what I don't get are the tshirts that have a medal on them. I like the Karl Lagerfeld "discus" and "torch" tee, but that big ass medal imprinted around your neck (see pic below). C'mon Karl! Ugggh! It reminds me of Flavor Flav and that ginormous watch he wore around his neck. :P



  1. Kim, he looks like he is Anyway, I think people will just buy his stuff because of the name. I agree about the tee...not pretty. I like his collars and sparkle. I chuckled when you wrote about me being a little black the other day...I have been told this many times in my life. From my body type to my attitude...I am your white sister all the way around. Love ya kim!! dawn suitcase vignettes xo

  2. HAHAHAAH! oh gosh, Kim. You are so right. Those medallion tees are just so... tacky.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  3. Haha Kim, this post made me laugh! I agree it's pretty crazy that he'd design a collection inspired by the Olympics and then not actually watch them. The Flavor Flav comment cracked me up! I can see the resemblance :D

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my Daisy Rae giveaway!

  4. so cute! lol i would have never paired a man who wears nothing but black suits with anything atletic, but hey, it looks like it works perfectly! u gotta love it!
    have a good one!

  5. Not sure if I am loving this... =/ =P

    The Urban Umbrella

  6. Haha..oh Karl..Mr. Eccentric that's for sure. I agree, the medal shirts are bleck. I like the sparkly pants. The gold-splattered jacket is cool too but I'd definitely get rid of that medal!

  7. So major! But, too over the top for me!

  8. I like his stuff but he still upsets me after what he said of Adele... Hmm!

  9. I love Uncle Karl! He can never do wrong in my book.

  10. Kim,

    This post is super cute I am loving the sparkly collars the most. I sooooooooooooooooooo want one :)and I will take one or two of the male models!!

  11. I like that flag most!
    Love him as well :) He looks so healthy as always!!!!!!!
    Amy x

  12. I'm a Karl Lagerfeld fan, but yes the Tees are certainly not my favourite. Love the sequins collars. You made me laugh about the Flava Flav resemblance! lol :)

  13. I am not his fan most of the time...people will buy it because of the name. I like the collars, sparkle is good. The rest can stay at the store, in fact stay at the factory, I don't want it, hahaha! :)

  14. Gotta admit, I hate all of this! And I especially agree with you about those tees with the medals on them... not a fan.

  15. I think the tees are kind of cute! You certainly wouldn't need to wear a statement necklace with them anyway :)

  16. LOL at Dawn's comment- he looks like he is embalmed!!

    He is a very odd man with very hit and miss collections. This is a miss for me, but I love the flags with his silhouette on them.


  17. Karl is a great designer and all of it. But I always feel he is full of himself. Who would want your face on every flag pole and t-shirt?

  18. loving the bling! how hilarious though that he has his image everywhere!!!

  19. Hahaha. I know I promised not to spam you but that picture/drawing of Karl posing with a Discus is just hilarious! It reminded me a little of one of Michael Jackson's famous poses.


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