Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Relaxing Instagram Accounts

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for AVEENO®. I'm a 2014 AVEENO® Ambassador. All opinions are 100% my own. I received a 12 oz bottle of AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion and a $100 Visa gift card for participating in the #AveenoDailyChallenge. Come with me on my three week personal journey, as I commit to activities that will help me de-stress, meditate, reflect, and take time for myself. I'll be using AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion everyday, along the way.
Challenge #7 - Use Instagram To Relax - Instagram is my favorite form of social media. It's where I keep up with fashion week, learn about new beauty products, connect with blog buddies and find inspiration for new topics. There are several instagram accounts I follow, that are relaxing every time I visit them. They're styled to perfection. Their pictures are dreamy. You just go ahh! I want to share my top 7 with you today. Some I know personally and others I don't. If you follow any relaxing or dreamy instagram accounts, please share them in my comments section.

#1 - Cee of Coco and Vera - This is the blog, that introduced me to the blogging universe. This is the blog that made me want to blog. When I saw Coco and Vera, the very first time, it was like stepping into another world. You can read about it HERE. Cee, just gets better and better. I LOVE her Instagram account equally as much. Exquisite style, beautiful personality, and a love for everything French. She's a pure joy and it reflects in every picture & blog post! She's a faithful reader & commenter of A Very Sweet Blog and for that I am truly honored.

#2 - Carole of Mademoiselle Poirot - Styled To Perfection! I've told Carole numerous times, she needs her own magazine or television show, because what she does is so awesome. She can bake, cook, design a room, do interior decorating, put together breathtaking floral arrangements and is a fabulous photographer. Her photography is so good, you want to reach for that berry, crumb or taste that cup of coffee. She's so sweet. She sent me my first Figgy Pudding and Mince Pie this past Christmas (Read HERE) I know she's blushing right now, because she doesn't like a lot of fuss :) But it's true! Her blog & Instagram accounts are beautiful.

#3 - Kizzy of The Dainty Dolls House - Kizzy is my personal friend (here). We've been blog buddies, since I started blogging. You're going to hear her name a lot in the upcoming weeks, because she sent me a fabulous parcel of Soap & Glory products that I'll be reviewing. Kizzy lives in Scotland with her beautiful family. She has a rich education in history. She can tell you the story behind the story of important places, paintings, etc. I love her! Beautiful both inside and out, Kizzy's blog and instagram account transports you to far & beyond places, unique fashion, and most importantly a peaceful place. She's your friend to the end!

#4 - Sandy M Illustration of Ooh La Frou Frou - Sandy M is SIMPLY THE BEST! She is a superior illustrator! I LOVE illustrators! I LOVE illustrations! Sandy has a client list, that's out of this world. She stays really busy. She can bring anything to LIFE! She has a passion for fashion and anything exquisite. I'm happy to have met her through blogging. She's revamping her blog, but you MUST check out her Instagram & Pinterest pages. She is a Pinterest Diva! Everyone follows her. Dreamy New York City life, fabulous dresses & heels, scrumptious macarons...she can do it all!

#5 - Becky of Milk Bubble Tea - I started following Becky's blog and Instagram account last year. Everything about her pictures are DREAMY! I love the pictures she takes and the products she showcases. Her background for pictures are mainly white. I always feel like I'm in Heaven (haha) or sitting atop a white cloud, when viewing her pics. She's always showing cutesy, uplifting and unique things (that you can actually BUY and AFFORD).

#6 - Darah Gabrielle of Pacific Avenue - I just recently started following Darah's Instagram account. All of her pictures make me HAPPY! You look at every picture and just SMILE. You look at every picture and say to yourself, "I would like to do THAT today".

#7 - Nicole of Gary Pepper Girl - Nicole is THE MASTER of color! She infuses it in her outfits, background pictures, food and how she lives. I love the places she travels to, people she meets, and the designer clothes she wears. Her life is truly amazing. I've always been a fan. You can read about it here and here.

Please share Instagram accounts YOU find RELAXING and DREAMY in my comments section!

I stopped by Walgreens yesterday! Guess what I found? AVEENO makes a Stress Relief Body Wash!
I purchased it and will test it out for you :) Has anyone tried it?


  1. I should follow all these instagram accounts! They all have lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing! :)

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  2. All these instapics are really beautiful and soothing! I don't really use my Instagram account and dont spend that much time browsing my feed. But I believe in the relaxing power of images. Sometimes, the best thing to do in an evening of doing nothing is going flicking through a fashion magazine and enjoy the photos :)

    Have a nice day x

  3. Wow, the pictures from the Instagrams you follow are so colorful and pretty! I wish I was creative as them. Mine is so boring *sigh*. I need to learn to be creative. I look at a lot of #dogshaming pictures. :X

  4. Thanks for sharing, darling! We can all yous this kind of colourful and happy inspiration every day! I hope you're enjoying a lovely day!

  5. Hmmm--- not sure I have ever looked to Instagram for relaxation-- but these are good finds! I am interested to see your review of the Stress Relief products!

    ~Alexis Grace of North On Harper

  6. those are such beautiful instagram account Kim! :)

    My feed is full of cute dog pics on instagram, haha! I'm always grabbing DH to come look at a cute doggy video or photo I've seen :)

    Away From Blue

  7. They have shared really cute and amazing pix.....xoxoxo....^_^

  8. Thank you for the recommendations, Kim! I follow see, but will be adding a couple of other girls to my list. x

  9. I'm definitely going to go check out these instragram accounts! Thanks Kim! :) xx

  10. Ohhh I should jump on the Insta bandwagon. I can't believe I haven't yet. I don't really know what it is (so tech savvy) but the pictures are all very nice. haha. and obviously I know Kizzy. How exciting you will be expecting a Soap and Glory delivery soon! Do you not have it in the States?

    Haha your lil story about spanx made me laugh. Believe it or not, I have had my feet in one of those Dr. Fish tanks, but I've never been back since watching Piranha 3D. haha. Have you seen it? Hope you're doing well. Rosemary x

  11. Well, this is very sweet. Thank you so much for including me & all the kind words too, that made me feel really nice. I really need to remember to take more pictures for instagram more often, but I tend to forget. But, it's nice to share little bits of life on there :) Carole does take amazing pictures, always so nice!! I look forward to seeing the Soap & Glory, I do hope you liked them. :) Have a wonderful day doll, again thank you so much, you are a real friend!! Love you lots <333

  12. OOOOHHHHH, thank you for including me in this selection. And you're right, I am blushing at your words… I'm just trying to do the best I can and still have so much to learn. I love IG because, in a way, it is like a collection of little moments and it's fun to go back and look at them all. I will take a peek at the other accounts. Thank you for the lovely words :-) xo

  13. Hi Kim! I became addicted to IG recently, you shared the loveliest and inspiring accounts. I agree with you about Cee and Kizzy, while I dont know the other accounts, except for Nicole Warne, need to check them out, their photos are beautiful!:) Hugs! xo

  14. Thanks so much, Kim, for including me in your post!! Definitely will check out your other lovely recommendations, the only one I follow currently is Gary Pepper Girl and all the rest look like beautiful accounts! What a nice surprise to wake up to! xox

  15. Beautiful accounts to share they have amazing images. I do enjoy a little more real images.

  16. Thanks for sharing these instagram accounts!
    Your blog is very interesting, too (^_^)

  17. Must be great to be featured in your blog. Thanks for sharing all the blogs above.

  18. I also use Instagram but if I have to be honest I like more reading blogs. I checked your instagram choices and they all are very inspirational. I haven't tried the Stress Relief Body Wash, is it good?

  19. Thanks for sharing these accounts, Kim:) Will check them out.
    This is kinda silly, but one Instagram acct I just stared following that I find kinda relaxing is the Elizabeth and James one.

  20. I dont have an Instagram acct, but i follow some of their blogs. Looks like I will be adding some more. All the photos look beautiful and certainly take you to a nice relaxing place :)

  21. oh these are so dreamy and sweet! i love how you find inspiration and relaxation in instagram. i do as well! so many great people out there!

  22. I think my favorites are Gary Pepper Girl, Milk Bubble Tea and Mademoiselle Poirot! They all have different styles, but have such nice picures @_@

    Neko Bunny U=・ x ・=U

  23. I have to check all of these out! Those Sandy M illustrations are so cute...I love the one of the shoes!

    The Tiny Heart

  24. These look wonderful. It's a shame I'm not on Instagram as I'd probably follow all of these accounts.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  25. Kim! What a wonderful surprise to stop by your blog this morning and see my own instagram account at the top of your list of favourites! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. I so treasure the relationship we've built up over the years through our blogs and the fact that I had anything at all to do with you starting a blog just warms my heart.

  26. These are awesome Kim. It is a joy browsing through beautiful photos on Instagram. As you know I am very new to the Instagram and not very active. These are some great ones to start with in addition to yours.

  27. Love using instagram to relax - it's pretty much how I fall asleep at night!


  28. very nice pics!

  29. Kim, I love instagram too! I have to check these bloggers out, thanks for sharing!

    xo Jo

  30. These accounts look amazing!! Beautiful pictures!!

    <3 Shannon

  31. oh yes, these IG accounts are definitely dreamy and relaxing! I'm with you, IG is my fave form of social media. It's almost an addiction!!

  32. Great IG roundup!

    Ok so about the YSL foundations, I've never tried the touche éclat, but I can't rave enough about the Youth Liberator one. It's so light and covers perfectly. One of my all time favorites. Hope that helps!

    xx Hélène

  33. You have selected some gorgeous accounts for us here, Kim. Yes, those images are so dreamy. I follow Cee's lovely blog and Sandy's but not their Instagram accounts. I must check out your other recommendations too. I like the sound of the Stress Relief Body Wash too.

  34. Wow, I never knew Instigram had such useful and creative things on it!! Most of the people I know use Instagram as an extension of FB to showcase their party/drunk pics.

    Hmm...This makes me want to open an Instigram account.

    Great post!!

  35. Thank you for sharing! I'm going to have fun checking out all their instagram accounts!

  36. Thanks so much for sharing this:). I've leant the Ig thing from your. I'm not a huge fan of all social network. Blogging is only my fave so far to work with. I hope your bad allergies is better soon( my face is freaking swollen now) I don't blame you not to do the make up post:).

  37. Gorgeous Kim....thanks for sharing,I have lots to check out here!!

  38. Wonderful post Kim! Thank you for sharing. I know Cee from beginning of her blogging, but I have lot of blogs to look.
    I haven't seen in Ireland these Aveeno products. Maybe we will get them later. At the moment I have Aveeno eye cream.

    xoxo Ra

  39. Great post! Love your blog, how about we follow each other via GFC? (google friend connect) just let be know on my blog and I'll be sure to follow back! x

  40. Ooooh, Instagram is my favorite social media app! Aha, it's so cool to scroll through and see the pretty ways people share their life through photos. Definitely going to check out these accounts!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  41. These instagram accounts are wonderful. Such beautiful pictures.

    I have tried the stress relief body wash and love it.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  42. I love all of these photos! Such a lovely post :)


  43. Loving the eye candy! I'll definitely have to subscribe to these accounts as well. Hugs! T.

  44. Congrats to all the fun Instagramers mentioned! You've selected some great ones Kim. Thanks for sharing! :)


  45. I love Instagram too
    Thanks for you recommendations

  46. Thanks for this post, I love discovering nice Instagram accounts! :)

  47. I love Gary Pepper

  48. Thanks for showing some good Instagram accounts :)

  49. Getting a sneak peek into some of these bloggers lives through instagram can definitely make you a little jealous! I love Cee, she is such a wonderful, beautiful person!
    Chic on the Cheap

  50. relaxing it is! thanks for sharing!

    thanks for visiting my blog. sorry it took long to visit yours, been really busy with my final exams.

    keep in touch!


  51. I love finding new IG accounts to follow and you definitely shared some that peaked my interests.

    I follow they style verdict and she has some really good stuff too!

  52. Ooh I follow some of these accounts, apart from the fashion world like to follow me also accounts landscapes in the world, it relaxes me, Happy Easter Kim!

  53. I haven't tried the Stress Relief line from Aveeno yet, but I want to wait until after your review ;)

    And I like Carole and Kizzy's blogs too! Such great photo, and fashion inspiration!!

  54. funny you mentioned gary pepper. i have no idea how, but i somehow stumbled upon her instagram, then her pretty :)

  55. Would you believe I do not have an instagram account?
    I can barely keep up with reading blogs and Twitter!

  56. Thanks for sharing! I'm gonna discover them one by one. ^_^
    Kaibril's Sweet Life - Delicious desserts

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