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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

How Exercise Can Help You Get Ahead In Life

Photo by Minna Hamalainen on Unsplash

We all know that exercise is good for our health. It helps to improve our cardiovascular system, strengthens our muscles, and can even help to prevent chronic diseases. But did you know that exercise can also have a positive impact on our cognitive function? That's right - working out can make you smarter, more productive, and even more successful. Let's take a closer look at how exercise can help you get ahead in life.

1. Exercise Improves Your Brain Function

When you exercise with something like HOTWORX, your body releases chemicals called neurotrophic or growth factors. These chemicals help to improve the function of your brain cells, making them more resistant to stress and improving your memory and learning capacity. Exercise has also been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus - the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. In one study, researchers found that people who exercised three times per week had hippocampi that were two years younger than sedentary adults of the same age.

2. Exercise Makes You More Productive

Exercise has been shown to improve our ability to concentrate and focus on tasks. In one study, workers who exercised before starting their workday were able to complete their tasks more quickly and with fewer errors than those who didn't work out. Furthermore, regular exercise has been linked with increased productivity in the workplace - meaning that not only will you be able to get your work done more quickly, but you're also likely to see a boost in your career if you make exercise a part of your daily routine.

3. Exercise Can Make You Happier And Less Stressed

Regular exercise, whether cardio or otherwise, has been shown to improve our mood and reduce stress levels. One study found that workers who exercised before starting their workday reported feeling happier and less stressed throughout the day than those who didn't work out. Furthermore, exercise has been shown to release endorphins - hormones that have mood-boosting effects - which can further improve your mood and decrease stress levels.

4. Exercise Can Help You Lose Weight (And Keep It Off)

If you're looking to lose weight, regular exercise is key. Not only will it help you burn calories and build muscle, but it will also help you keep the weight off in the long-term. One study found that people who exercised regularly were more likely to maintain their weight loss over a period of time than those who didn't exercise regularly. Furthermore, regular exercise has been shown to decrease appetite and reduce cravings - meaning that you're less likely to overeat if you make exercise a part of your daily routine."

5. Exercise Can Improve Your Sleep Quality

If you're struggling with insomnia or other sleep issues, regular exercise can help. One study found that people who exercised regularly slept better and felt more rested during the day than those who didn't exercise regularly . Furthermore , regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality by reducing stress levels and increasing endorphins. 

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