You're going through your blog roll, reading and commenting. Everything is peachy keen and jelly beans. However, when you click on the next's been deleted. You sit there staring at your computer screen in amazement, wondering what happened. The blogger's last post gave NO indication, that they were ending everything. There were no goodbyes or explanations. They're just gone! They've entered the blogging abyss, never to be heard of again. It's as if Dracula snatched them! Eeek!
Death Becomes Her! The Sloooooooooooow Blog Death!

The Promises Kept, Promises Broken Blogger. You need an Omen to figure out what's going to happen next!
I think everyone has witnessed this one before. The blogger promises to return after he/she completes (fill in the blank) school, having a baby, getting married, when they figure things out, write a paper etc. Well we know what happens next! Some bloggers keep their promise and start posting again, and others do not. Throughout the entire time you're hoping for an omen to foretell the future of their blog.

This is when a blog sits for weeks and months at a time accumulating comments from their faithful readers such as, "where are you?", "I miss you!" "I hope everything is ok!" and there's NO response. At this point, you're wondering ARE they coming back? Can't they see their readers miss them? And as the weeks and months increase, you're just hoping and praying they create a post either saying goodbye, I need more time, or I'm returning.

Blogger Apparitions! Who You Gonna Call? GHOSTBUSTERS!
You truly feel like calling Ghosbusters on this type of blogger because they show up on all forms of social media sites EXCEPT their blog. They've abandoned their blogs for whatever reason, but you know they're still around because they "like" your posts on Facebook, pictures on Instagram and respond to you on Twitter. It's great to see that they're around, but what are their plans for their blog?

They're baaaaaack! This is when a blogger returns from a serious long hiatus and decides to blog again. At this point you just want to give them a great big BLOG HUG because you've truly missed their inspiring posts.
I dedicate this post to my blog buddy Nelah of 52 New Days Blog. Nelah has blogged for years and was one of my first readers. She just recently decided to end her blog, but HOW she did it was exemplary. She let her readers know what was going on with her and her thoughts. I found that very courteous, and thank her for acknowledging her readers.
What's your opinion? Have you witnessed the end of some of your favorite blogs? Does a blogger owe anyone an explanation before pulling the plug on their blog? Does it really matter how you exit? Does it matter how you exit whether you have ten, hundreds, thousands or millions of readers? As a reader should you not become attached to the writer and only concentrate on their content? I get so attached. Let me know your thoughts on this topic!
If ever and whenever I decide to end A Very Sweet Blog, I will definitely create a post letting you know of my decision. Don't worry, the time is not now. I personally prefer giving my readers some type of closure.
We have seen so many of our favorite blogs just disappear. I guess life and other things are more important than blogging, but I agree, we as readers should get a goodbye or something! Heather
ReplyDeleteNever realised there were so many ways to end a blog before! My first blog I left for aaaages without posting and I eventually deleted it - but I hadn't been blogging long and had a handful of readers anyway. I'm much happier with my current blog, it's so easy to do everyday and I love hearing tips from my readers so I don't think that would happen with this one! :)
Of course I get a bit sad when I see some of my favorite bloggers disappear from the blogging world, but I guess you never know what is going on in someone's life so I try not to be too upset about it. If it's a blogger that I am close with, I will send them a private email to make sure they are ok. I never want to see good blogs end!
ReplyDeletexo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I've seen a lot of blogs do this. There was one I read all the time and the girl who's it was just never came back. She was really sweet as well and always commented on my blog and left really lovely comments and we became good friends, so I thought. She just vanished, I kept saying hi on her blog, as I hoped she was ok as the last post she made said she was sorting out some problems, but never got any replies. I even emailed her to let her know I was thinking of her, but I got no reply. It's sad, but I understand how life gets and some people don't take it all too serious. We just have to take them as they come I guess. I would never quit my blog without telling my readers, they deserve a notice. It's a bit rude not to do so. You can say a lot of blogs are like ghosts as well, as they post something everyday or whatever, but never return comments or anything like that anymore. Strange times....have a wonderful day doll :) xx
ReplyDeleteI think it's definitely a personal preference whether you explain an absence, or altogether quitting, of a blog. I follow some bloggers who apologize each time they are absent for the blog for even just a day, which I find a little excessive, but I think in the case of deleting it or leaving for an extended period of time, it should be noted and explained to some extent.
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about me? LOL I guess I'm the serial can't commit blogger. When I recently started my pet sitting blog, I discovered blogs I had started years ago and totally forgot. Many of my blogs were personal journals of different topics which were really for myself, friends and family. When my main personal blog started getting followed by strangers, it was a little odd, and then I felt pressure to "perform." Consistent blogging takes a lot of work and I've been so proud of what you've accomplished Kimmy! You've inspired me to start my pet blog and I'm so excited about the material that I think I can keep that one going. :-)
ReplyDeleteChristy H
loving these little cartoons! and I agree, say goodbye at least!
First, I loved this post- so creative :) Second, I've definitely seen this happen quite a few times and the ones that just disappear I always sit there hoping they're ok!
ReplyDeletei myself nearly went off of blogging last summer just because i was so busy and came home late almost everyday. i guess i have come back, though. lol
ReplyDeletethere was a blogger who joined my site for the first time and she is such a sweetie, but one day she just disappeared. she had a health issue so it made me really worried. i still miss her and hope she is doing well. :)
It's a very interesting subject and I really liked it how you managed to come up with different categories...
ReplyDeleteI never thought of the reasons to why some people stop blogging. I saw a couple of blogs that were popular, had comments etc etc etc, and one day girls simply stopped, without any prior notice. I guess there were changes in their lives that didn't include blogging...
Personally, I stopped blogging twice. First time, due to an accident - I wasn't feeling that great and blogging suddenly seemed unnecessary. I stopped for months, then returned only to find out that the content got stolen and published on some other site - pretty much a whole year worth of posts. I felt so bad that I couldn't actually get back to my blog any more, so I stopped and closed it. I did leave a message, though. Not that anyone acted on it. :)
Then my new blog happened and I think it was the right time and the exact spot because I really did get into it. Can't imagine my days without blogging now. I adore this little space. :)
Haha Kim i was reading this post thinking "did Kim write this one for me?". Well yeah it was surely for MOI!! This post best drscribes how bloggers end their blogs. It was such a HUGE relief to me to do what i did to end it after months and days of frustrations. It was no longer for me and i strongly sensed it. At times i thought i would just delete it without saying goodbye but a friendsip that i had with a few bloggers like you made me think twice that i should do a proper farewell and let they know how to keep in touch. Thank you Kim. You are the BEST. I will let you know when i am ready (and can get rid of my laziness) to return. Hopefully sooner or later.
ReplyDeleteI can speak from personal experience, when you write about your life and life takes a turn and you just don't want to talk about it, its so much harder to find material. Plus my blog is like a journal, things I didn't want to face, I certainly didn't want to write about. But I got over it and came back and reading my favorite blogs is like catching up with old friends. Like you!!
ReplyDeleteYep, you've hit the nail on the head with all of these.
ReplyDeleteI've had a couple blog friends disappear into the night because of a major tragedy. Death of a spouse, parent, or child. Those are the worst. :(
I've had a couple of blogs on my reading list just stop. It is nice when they write a last post sweetly bowing out, but I don't think one can expect that of all bloggers; after all, it's their prerogative, and who knows what's going on in their personal lives. I just offer my friendship and support as long as they're around, and then pray they're ok when they leave the scene!
ReplyDeleteThis sort of topic seems to be on my blog reads today. Yes, I have seen a few of my favourite bloggers drift away, some without notice and others due to personal life situations. I still ocassionally go back just to see if maybe a new surprise post will be up. But, hey that's life, and like singing on stage or sewing garments it's not for everyone, lol! I just hope that my favourite bloggers who left have found their niche and happiness in other ways. -xx Happy Monday Miss Kim.
ReplyDeleteI hate it when bloggers just drop off the face of the earth - I know when I eventually stop blogging I'll let everyone know.
ReplyDeleteChic on the Cheap
Very interesting post!
Kim this was so well written and well thought out. Those little characters kept jumping up and down which is totally cute. I read your twitter, thank you by the way, the rain is coming down, girl. Wind is howling. Anyway, I will definitely say goodbye when it is time to quit but I have to be sure because I don't want to leave and then explain why I can't stay away. I have a blogger friend who keeps leaving and coming back, I just welcome her back and wonder where she is when not around. Shoot, I left the scene too for a bit but I knew I was coming back. Great post, very interesting and creative. dawn suitcase vingettes xo
ReplyDeletelove Hallowen! thanks for sharing, Kim!
Inside and Outside Blog
Ha ha, this is a funny post to me right now because I haven't posted anything on my blog for almost 3 weeks now!
ReplyDeleteI know for me the reason I'm not as regular in my blogging as I was over the summer is that I'm working full time now. I'm in no way short of inspiration, i just don't have the time. However, I do utilize the "schedule posts" ability, and I try to reply to comments left on my blog regularly, so people know that I am at least still alive and checking my blog!
It is a little annoying, though, when bloggers drop out of site without so much as a post saying that they are taking some time off or something. I've actually stopped following a lot of blogs because these bloggers in limbo.
these are really facts in blogging. i started blogging since 2009, but i deleted the old post, because it wasn't what I wanted. i just recently came back and hopefully will never leave again ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm reading this and going 'oh cra*'... At least I wasn't gone on purpose! Ha!
ReplyDeleteTotally loved reading this and it looks like you've covered all the bases!
It's a little weird when some bloggers kinda disappear, without at least a mini explanation, since most of the blogs I read I feel like I have some kind of connection (attached) with/or rather they are my blogger bud... then after months of disappearing it's good to see them come back regardless of the reason they left blogging.
Anyhoos, if you disappeared I'd miss your bubbling personality and all that sweet goodness I always find here.
I hope baking was fun this weekend!
Ahh Kim you make me laugh with this one! It's so true isn't it, there are times when bloggers just disappear off the face of the earth!
ReplyDeleteIt should always be fun I guess though, and when it stops being fun and starts feeling like a chore - kapoof! But as you say you should really let people know... I've seen some of my favourite bloggers have a hiatus and I began to get seriously worried about them! Or maybe I just spend too much time
Hope you have a great week hun!
Vanessa x
I have to say that I have seen bloggers I read suddenly disappear.. and i do feel that I want to know what happened to them.
ReplyDeleteI have always thought of doing a post and scheduling it for the end of the year - as a farewell post.
So if something were to happen to me, the post is there. It's creepy but it's a good way to close the blog.
I have been thinking about the same thing this past weekend (not with my own)...but some of my favorite bloggers have been lacking with posts lately...where are they??!!
ReplyDeleteHappy baking. Yes. I've seen blogs disappera and re-appear- and disappear. When things become overwhelming I take a blog break which is always mentioned on the blog. Others feel it's not so important to write a goodbye/blog break post. We are all different. I enjoy reading your blog, though;)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Kim! I can so relate. I've seen so many great blogs go in each of these ways. So sad. It's the worst when they just disappear without a goodbye. Almost feel like I lost a friend.
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a happy Monday! We're staying safe indoors here in NYC. Praying for the best. Thanks for your well wishes.
Hope to see you tomorrow :) xoxo
have you got any idea how much i loved this post!your halloween connections didn't go unnoticed..i always feel weird when this happens..i would like an explanation..because as you said you become attached to the blogger too..this one time i seriously got worried someone had died.not kidding.or that something seriosu has happened to them.i tweeted to them,left a comment on the last response.then you missed one kind-the ones who go away and then come back after a hiatus and seem like a totally different person,like they don't really want you around but isn't yet ready to let go of the posting ritual.this happened with 2 bloggers i knew.
ReplyDeleteSuch a fascinating post. yes, I have seen a few blogs disappear...and it is like you are left hanging wondering "what happened?"
ReplyDeleteSometimes, I think a blog has created a new name and maybe the way it was done created a hole in the blogging world instead of a loop?
I do hope you DON'T go away though! =D
One of my favourite blogger dissapeard before the Summer, it was so sad, I used to read her every single post and then nothing, then a few weeks ago she let me a comment on my facebook page saying she has moved to Germany and doesn't have internet conection yet, but she will be back soon, which was actually great.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, if people are reading you every day, the deserve unless one post saying you are going to stop, for a while or for goo.
Great post honey, have a wonderful week and hallowen!!
Helo, dear!) your blog is soooo cute!
ReplyDeletemaybe follow each other? just let me know!
some of my faves have left, some have stayed away, and some have come back. i love your original take on blogging!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great read! It seriously opened up my eyes thinking of the good blogs I've read here in the blogsphere so far. I never thought that maybe one day they will just end. I think I'll be so sad if or whenever that happens. :( I hope you continue this blog for years and years because I really do enjoy reading it Kim! :)
ReplyDeletexo - Sheila
Kim! Thank you so much for becoming a follower of my blog again! It really means the world to me! I love a very sweet blog and am happy that you liked mine enough to follow! I hope you are well! I enjoyed this post... as I have thought about quitting at times. Im glad you aren't!
Kim, I ADORE this post! Yes, I get disappointed if any of my favorite bloggers stop blogging because I think that it's just courtesy to inform their readers. Then again, I'm a person who's always looking for closure. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteCan you believe blogging is one of those things where there are no deadlines? I constantly remind myself why am I still blogging. For money. No. As a hobby. Yes. Inspiring others. Yes. The most important is because I have READERS and really I don't care how many. As long as there's one reader that reads a blog, I think I will continue to blog unless something comes up. Anyway, sorry for this long comment. Just wanted to let you know, I really APPRECIATE and LOVE you! You're way more supportive than my friends and family. Have a great Monday!
xo Jo
It's sad to see blogs just disappear, but you never know what's going on in someone else's life, so I try not to worry too much about it. I do agree though that it's nice to give people a heads up. I just started mine 6 months ago, so I'm not an expert by any means.:)
ReplyDeletexo, amy
Very interesting post, Kim!
ReplyDeleteI've closed a couple of blogs before and both of them had a sort of natural death as the project/adventure they were related to eventually came to an end. The first time I simply left my blog "unfinished", but the second time I wrote a farewell post. Anyways, none of those blogs had readers to miss them but I think they thought me lessons which are proving very useful for my current blogging adventure.
Hope that A Very Sweet Blog keeps going for a long time, it is actually a very sweet read!
x Irene
What a clever post! I've seen a few bloggers come and go, but there's one in particular I do miss. It was the cutest, most fun blog to read! But I suspect the reason for her vanishing was because of the criticism she was receiving from some internet trolls.
ReplyDeleteAhhh so scary! I hope my blog never dies :)
Oh I hate that goshbusters one when I see a blogger all over social media but for some reason or another is never on their own blog.
ReplyDeleteI think however someone wants to end their blog is their business, but I do appreciate it when they give a heads up.
I have seen all examples of bloggers leaving and it is sad because we build little blog relationships through shared interests and posts.
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't exit any time soon and was glad to see you back after the Hurricane.
Actually i hope we can work together somehow down the line as well too! We will see!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Great post, Kim! I've been thinking some of those same things, just not nearly as coherently as you have! It does feel bad when a blogger you love disappears for no reason. If I ever decide to stop, I'll definitely say something! Tania of What Would A Nerd Wear was one of my favorites for a long time and she made a very graceful exit, I believe. I'll check out Nelah, even though she's saying goodbye!
ReplyDeleteYes I would like a closure. I have seen many blogs I have followed just disappearing. I would let my readers know I think that is the correct thing to do. So many take time to follow you and comment so why not let them know what is going on.
I hate when blogs I love suddenly end. I wish they would let us know what's going on but who really knows what's going on in their lives.
Interesting and funny post! I'm kinda' a closet blogger, so hardly any readers and I'm cool with that. I've always thought of my blogs as my e-diary with the idea that it could stop and start at any time depending on my mood, but as much as I don't think it would make a difference with my blogs fortunately, your post gave me a diff perspective, for sure. Thanks!:)
ReplyDeletelol this is so true.
ReplyDeleteThe last one is the one that always makes me chuckle... I havent been reading blogs for long time but it always makes me laugh when someone goes away for a long time and then just pop back on as if nothing happened. But you never know what goes on with ppl.
great post!
I love this post Kim, especially your very creative Halloween twist on it. It's sad so many great blogger just disappear. There's been a few instances where I've been tried to reach out to the blogger with emails and facebook but alas no response. It's kind of funny because even though you never meet these people in person, they feel very much a part of your life nonetheless.
ReplyDeletexx Jenee C.
{camo meets couture}
I love how you added a creative, Halloween spin on this topic. Sooo true on each and every point you made! I hated seeing some of my favorite bloggers end their blogs. I definitely was able to appreciate it when they at least warned me they were pulling the plug.
ReplyDeleteTrendy Teal
First of all, I want to tell you that you have written such an interesting post ! Many of us wonder about the same but never thought of writing on this subject. I too wonder at times, where are my favourite blogger friends ? No mails, no reply , nothing and they are just gone ! Although they are online friends, still, I consider them as human beings so sudden exit feels so uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that there should be a "proper" goodbye. Because we do care as friends.
I also loved reading about the different categories of bloggers and their unique ways/reasons of exit from the blog world.
Thank you for sharing this post with us.
Kim, This is such a thoughtful post and every type of 'blogger who exits' types you came up with were so right. I think it's so creative how you tied them into halloween too. I definitely notice when blogs I read take big breaks and sometimes I wonder if they'll come back and what made them take a long break. There are definitely points where it seems like it would be tempting to exit for a month, but I think once you build any kind of audience you feel connected to them too. Also, I think it's harder to exit the more time and $ (aka re-design hehe) you put into a blog. I love that you wrote about this though because it's such an important part of blogging and I think it's good to say goodbyes if it's really an exit forever. :) P.S. Thank you so much again for referring me to Sugar studios, just got my new design up this weekend
The death of a blog is tough, because it really highlights the difference between the real world and the virtual one. We all feel connected through our blogs, but the reality is that there is a lot going on in our lives that we don't share, so when a blog disappears for what appears to be no reason to readers, it may seem to the writer that no explanation is needed. I went through one particularly traumatic blog death - one of my good friends, who is also a blogger, abruptly disappeared from the internet one day. She had a very large, content heavy blog and it was just gone... It was a very bizarre feeling, honestly. She later came back with a new blog, but it was only opened to a select few readers and I have often wondered how others felt about her disappearance, which to them would have been complete. Great post Kim, very thought-provoking!
yay! this is a very interesting post. All points are so so true!
ReplyDeleteInteresting post and I've definitely seen all of these! I personally prefer closure but yours better not be anytime soon lol!!
ReplyDeletegreat post, makes huge sense, i did laugh at one point! you so funny but they all facts.
I've actually always wondered about this too. I've lost so many good blog buddies in cyberspace, they just disappeared into thing air and that sometimes makes me worried that something happened to them. I think if you're going to stop blogging, you need to tell your readers.
ReplyDeleteLOL...this post made me smile coz I have seen a few of these blogs, and it's sad especially when it's a blog that you always frequent.
ReplyDeleteAnd TY for the blog comment:)
I've thought about this one for sure! As life gets busier, sometimes it's tough to keep up (also considering I do my blog for fun and not business).... still gotta pay the bills. I think bloggers definitely owe a "goodbye" to their readers should they choose to end their blog.
Pearls & Paws
A very well-writen post, and very cute! I do get sad when people stop blogging without any owrd, I love making friends, and I always hope that nothing bad has happened to them.
ReplyDeleteyup,yup...I found a similiar case about this one, I've blog that I left too!because I lost my password but I came back with another new blog...hehe
ReplyDeletebut it never really happen with my fav blogger, I hope ;)
taking inspiring is the hardest part of our as a fashion blogger, maybe that's the best reason why we were ended the case of blogging...but I don't hope it happened to us!hehe
happy halloween dear,
hugs and kiss
Fun post my dear! I think it's so fun to bring this topic up, this way, this close to Halloween. I've seen some blogs come and go, and I'm surprised how difficult it is for people to say they need a break - or that they just can't handle blogging anymore. People should own up to it, and tell the readers they're going to be gone - more or less. It's arrogant and rude to leave people hanging in there waiting. :P That's why I always tell my readers even if it's about 3-4 days, so that no one has to be in the dark about the blogging part of my life. ♥
ReplyDeleteumm where you speaking about me? lol loved this post doll. very true everything you stated and im not sure if id give a goodbye cause then youd get alll these nooo and sorry and i would want people to feel sorry you know? idk im mixed about this question but i loved this post very much sweetie thank you :)
ReplyDeleteI think closure is so important. When you start reading blogs you feel like you know the blogger and they are a part of your daily life. Just calling it quits with no explanation is hurtful. The readers deserve some sort of reason or good bye post.
ReplyDeleteKim you made me laugh out loud!!!!I agree with you, some type of closure is required, because - if you are not cold hearted - you develop affection for the people you share your thoughts/interests with and who are virtually near to you. By the way, when you were away for the storm evacuation I missed you terribly!!! nighty night dear, I'm dozing off and hopefully my daughter will sleep a few hours in a row.
ReplyDeletethere are definitely blogs i read and then one day realize i haven't read them in awhile and go to visit and voila - nothing! or worse, they still leave comments and are active like you said - but no blog posts. that drives me nuts because i usually think if they commented, they might have a new post, and i get all excited!
ReplyDelete<3 katherine
of corgis and cocktails
Kim, firstly, this is such a well composed post! I loved the comparisons :) I have seen so many bloggers stop blogging because of so many reasons. Some just get tired of it. Some have goals that they couldn't fulfill in a specific time, so they just give up. Mostly though, I think life just gets in the way or takes over.
ReplyDelete♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
Omg, this post is just speaking to my heart! Haha, I was trying to see if our blog fits any of the categories here. I'm sad when my favorite blogs close down and it will be nice to have a simple closure so that we know how the bloggers are doing.
ReplyDeleteHey thanx so much for still dropping by our blog!
Fang Ting
ooh hell yeah, thier was this blog, qqueenofhearts, she was the one that inspired me to start blogging one day i come to visit her blog a usual and its all gone... something inside me definitely died :(.
ReplyDeleteGreat post love
HAPPY HALLOWEEN KIM! Trick or Treat!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust in the nick of time to read your post (which btw, loving the halloween graphics LOL). There are so many reasons why bloggers start and end their blogs. I've seen some really nice ones just phase out, others totally stopped blogging. I always wondered why. I agree if you're going to sign off from blogging, a farewell is a courtesy for those readers that have invested their time.
Hope you have a great and safe Halloween! BIG HUGS!
yes, i have seen many disappear. i talked about this once on my blog as well. i think it's nice to get some kind of notification, even if it's as simple as...i'm going on hiatus.
Hi Kim, yes I too have had a few favorite blogs disappearing into the abyss. I agree with Oomph - I'm going on Hiatus is a perfect explanation. HAPPY Halloween sweets,
I have been noticing this a lot too! It's a sad day in the blog world but everyday new blogs are created for us to discover.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if a blogger gave it's loyal readers a heads up if only to say thanks.
Man, you're so on your game lady! This point hits home for soooooooo many of us. It's hard to keep at this thing day in and day out so blogger burnout syndrome is rampant. I do think it's common courtesy to say adios to readers who've watched you grow and been loyal and it doesn't have to be a freaking novel! Just say, listen peeps, it's been fun, it's been real but I gotta take a break for xxxx time to sort out my life and other ishes. Deuces! Just vanishing is a major sign of disrespect. I'm just saying.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very touchy post. Well, I don't think a blogger needs to give any explanation but closure is always a good thing. :)
Heel in Mint
This post is hilarious! And so true. I did encounter a 'Hit delete and never return' blogger only after a while I suddenly saw a feed from ♓èл blog in my blog roll. I thought my eyes deceived me and so I clicked, lo and behold there §Ħз was with an explanation of why §Ħз deleted. Though §Ħз did say ♓èл goodbyes before deleting the first time.
ReplyDeleteOh, I really love the humour in this post.
Lovely article! And so true :) Congrats on the IFB feature
So many of my favourite blogger have gone, saying they'd come back but eventually they just deleted their site. =(
ReplyDeleteSo many of my favourite blogger have gone, saying they'd come back but eventually they just deleted their site. =(
ReplyDeletei've seen this happen. i have to say i've never, ever run out of ideas or steam. if there's a day i don't feel like posting, i don't. it's not a job; it's my fun hobby! but i do work hard on it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post ! I think the lack of feedback definitely makes me wonder if I should continue, but then I get comments from people who I've been communicating with forever and it's all worth it again :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a well-written post, Kim. And I like how you brought Nelah in. I adore both of you.
ReplyDeleteAll your analysis and resultant elaboration is just so true albeit being in a comical manner.
YOU MUST not stop ok? I know that if you do stop blogging, you would definitely have a post to explain why and by then all of us faithful and understanding readers would respect your decision.
I'm sorry for not being able to comment so often. I've been busy and if you read my latest post, it would shed some light too.
Keep blogging!
Congrats on your feature in Links A La Mode on IFB! I liked your post very much, a great topic, well writen, with amusing illustrations. Almost Halloween themed! :) I agree that readers should have some kind of closure, you kind of owe it to them for being so loyal and sticking with you through thick and thin (I'm talking about the real readers, not follow-for-follow bloggers).
ReplyDeleteIt happened to me a few times and I admit, I felt betrayed in a way. I hope every one takes your advice on how to make a closure, say goodbye and move on. Once again, love the post! xx
Good article : ) I laughed with some of your descriptions ! I think some bloggers start to forget why they started blogging and don't know how to take their new direction : )
I love this post. I have seen all of these happen. I don't like it when bloggers just disappear, and are never heard from again. Not that they owe the readers an explanation, but a good-bye would be nice. You never know what happens to people that you only know through cyberspace.
i am about to become the blogger who never came back :(
I've seen this happen to a lot of local blogs here. There was this one time I commented on one such blog before I noticed that the last time she posted was two years ago. lol. It would have been nice if she said goodbye or something.
Such an interesting post Kim and I like the way you have used the categories. A couple of my favourite blogs suddenly came to an end - one with an explanation and the other one without - just no new posts. When it's so sudden it makes you fear that it's because of illness. Anyway, I do hope A Very Sweet Blog continues well into the future as I always look forward to your updates. Keep up the good work and you know I always appreciate your visits to my blog with your thoughtful comments too.
I felt that way with the "hyperbole and a half" blog! It was my favorite comic blog I've ever followed, and then POOF!! Allie disappeared last year and never went back or updated her blog!! :(