Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Soap and Glory Clean On Me Shower Gel Review

Next in my Soap & Glory Series, is Clean On Me Shower Gel ($16 USD / RRP $16)! This has to be...THE MOST... girl-iest shower gel... I've ever used. HaHaHa How can I describe it? Think fluffy, pink powder-puffs with lightly dusted powder. Think Barbie. Think Pink (well the formula is actually a white-ivory color. HaHaHa). Think light floral scents. Think Cher in the movie Clueless, with her pink fuzzy frou-frou pen. This is positively, unmistakably Girly-Girl! I think of three things when I use this...powder, flowers and sugar. HaHaHa If you like those three things, then this is for you. If not, wait two weeks and I'll have another Soap & Glory product just for you (Think Whipped Cream). This scent had to grow on me (I ordered it online). I liked it, but I didn't LOVE IT. It wasn't love at first shower gel, like my beloved Sugar Crush. HaHaHa I'm liking it more now (I love how the scent smells (so soft) after I shower, more than when I'm showering), but I would still buy Sugar Crush over this one (just my personal taste). What I DO LOVE about this shower gel, is how well it lathers (the lather is very rich) and how it rinses clean! If I were you, I would test this scent out at the store, to see if you like it (before purchasing)! This product has been out for a super long time, so MANY have already used it (and from what I've read, love it... however, some can't get with the scent... so that's why I mentioned it). The bottle states, it has a built in body lotion, but I think you'll still need a body lotion afterwards (at least I did, and I have very dry skin). It's available via Sephora (US), eBay and I was a little perplexed when giving this a grade. It doesn't deserve a Bittersweet rating. It's better than ok. I will say, it's on the low end of my Sweet scale. I'll let my readers express their feelings in the comments section. I always love hearing what you guys think. Next week, I'll showcase the body lotion that pairs perfectly with this scent. Have A Great Weekend Everybody!

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)
  Soap and Glory Clean On Me Shower Gel is Sweet


  1. Want it ,hihi :D
    i stay tuned for the Body Lotion Review <3

    Happy Friday :)

  2. Hmm well after reading your review I wouldn't buy it. I would definitely opt for the Sugar Crush as well. Looking forward to the body lotion review.


  3. It is uneasy reviews like this that have kept me off Soap and Glory for so long! I have heard good things about their Archery brow felt tip, however. I will look forward to the rest of your S&G reviews as I have been doing so far. Hope you're doing well, Kim. Rosemary x

  4. Thanks for the review, sounds like this is one of those that needs to be tried at store first. The packaging is awfully cute though! Have a good weekend, Kim!

  5. Hmmm, I'm curious to see what I'd think of the two scents and how they compare...again, another wonderful, honest review Kim! Keep it up :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  6. Oh,thanks for the review!

  7. Well, I like flower, powder and like sugar :). Maybe I should give it a try then. I somehow like the packaged though! I have a moment think Pink every now and then though:). Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm not a big fan of floral scents, as well as, your low end of Sweet scale did not turn me on... hehe~ I'm sure others will love it! :)

  9. Hiya doll, I don't think I've ever used Clean on Me before, I've been so stuck on the Sugar Crush, that I've not bothered to try any others, haha!! Sounds nice, but I think when you find your perfect one in the other, it's hard to let go :) Super review doll xx

  10. Oh that's the tricky thing with scented products - if you don't like the scent that much it's difficult to really love anything else they do! I had to give up all scented products in pregnancy - as my likes and dislikes changed so frequently. I still can't stand the smell of my favourite everyday perfume. I'm hoping that fades!

    Away From Blue

  11. Hi Kim! You made me curious about its smell, seems pretty rich so I dont know if I would love it either! For sure the other one, Sugar Crush, inspires me much more. Happy Weekend you too Kim, many kisses! xo

  12. I haven't heard about this brand before, maybe because I'm not for U.S., but the products look cute, I adore design of its!

  13. Oh how I LOVE Soap and Glory products - they're just gorgeous!!!

    Layla xx

    P.S - if you have any requests for youtube just let me know!! :)

  14. This product sound good and the packaging is super cool XD
    Happy week end dear

    MySecretPoison || GIVEAWAY!

  15. I like that is girly scented is important to have a nice smell while using the product great package and I wish I could get my hands on it. Have a great weekend.

  16. I've never tried this brand, and I do feel like I'm missing out! I'm not too fond of girly scents myself, but the Sugar Crush...after your review, I really wanna try it:D
    Have a great Friday, Kim!

  17. It sounds like the one for me!! I think you would look great in a semi sheer maxi skirt with flat sandals or ballerinas!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  18. Scent is so important to me! If I don't like the way a product smells, I won't use it, even if it does something amazing haha.

    The Tiny Heart
    Bugsy's Box Giveaway!

  19. That's a tough one, Kim - and why I admire all of your reviews so much. Sometimes, you know that even if you don't love something, that doesn't mean there's anything inherently wrong with it. It's just... not for you. Scents especially are such a personal thing. This one doesn't sound like it would be for me, either, but I'm there there are lots of people who would love it.

  20. This is why I love your reviews, Kim: you see when a product is Sweet, but, not your type of treat (see what I did there?)!

    I might try this as I like sweet (but I'm not a powder scent fan). I do like Soap and glory products though!

  21. I keep hearing stuff abotu this brand but have never tried it before! IT looks great!

  22. I really appreciate your honesty in all your reviews Kim! I get where you're coming from. Scent is big for me especially with body products so I have a hard time using them when I don't care for the smell. Thanks for the heads up on this one! Happy weekend!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  23. I like how you described this gel, lol, I am the huge fan of these girly floral scents, I think I will like it. Happy Weekend hun!

  24. Soap and glory is not for me I guess. I went through your older post and saw I have missed alot. Was away for a while but now I am back:)

  25. Hmmm, I'll have to give it a sniff on my next Sephora trip. Happy weekend~

    always, koru kate

  26. Oh this sounds like perfection! I wanna smell it!! LOL! Kim, I love these posts, you are so very honest and detailed, it is awesome.

  27. Great review! Thanks for sharing :) I'm following you right back on bloglovin. Let me know if you would like to follow each other on other medias :)


  28. Great review Kim. I have tried the shower gel, and it's not for me, but love your review. I might try some of their other products soon. Have a great weekend.:)

  29. Hi Kim, interesting review hmm I don't know if I'd like it too. I'm not crazy about floral scents. Btw, what do you do with all these products? Lol, doesn't it take forever to finish a bottle and you have quite a few. Let me know cause I used a few products at the same time too and I can't buy any new ones because most of them are not finished yet. Hehe!

    Oh, one more thing, I didn't switch up my blog design, just changed my profile pic and added new ads :)) Have a great weekend my dear friend!((hugs))

    xo Jo

  30. My youngest daughter loves this Kim and the packaging is so cute!

  31. The products packages always get me. Love this and great review as always. Have a good weekend dear! :-)

  32. nice~~~ i also love a really good lather too! :) have a good weekend, kim!

  33. This is a great review! Thanks for sharing your honest opinion! Have a great weekend!

  34. haha..I love how you described this product! =D

  35. Cool review Kim!


  36. The packaging is so well done I love it! I adore using girly bath washes and lathering up it always makes me feel so fresh in the morning. I have to try this.

    Meag xx

  37. This looks really really good, but I cant scent the smell before because I think there is no store selling this product around here xD And if I dont like a scent I have a big problem, because for some reason my skin absorbs the smell super well @_@

    Neko Bunny U=・ x ・=U

  38. I'm not sure I'd go for that super girly scent - I tend to like more crisp scents, especially something with a citrus.
    Chic on the Cheap

  39. I've never used them, but such a cute package. :) Great review, maybe I should try it soon..! xo akiko
    Style Imported

  40. i need to try it :) i love floral scents :) have a nice weekend doll !! xx

  41. I will give it a try soon....My eyes are already on it....nice review dear....xoxoxo....:D

  42. Very nice and honest review!! Though I love scented products!! :)

    Happy weekend!

  43. You always find the most unique products Kim. It's good to know that this shower gel has a very good lather. Got to check it out at Sephora. Happy Weekend!

  44. Enjoy your happy, sweet, girly and fluffy bubbles, Kim! It sounds amazing! x

  45. The packaging looks super lovely! ( A lot of times I buy the product only because of the packaging!) So I would definitely love to give this a try!

  46. the packaging of this gel makes it seem like it will smell very sweet - I prefer a subtle scent for my body soaps or gels. but it is very cute! nice review!

  47. Sounds lovely :)
    I always love the packages from Soap and Glory, they already look so sweet :)

    Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
    Instagram // Faceboook

  48. I love these products. They smell the best!

    7% Solution

  49. The sweetest blog that I've ever seen honey! ^^
    Following you now on GFC and G+. I hope you will do the same and enjoy my blog! <3

    ❤ ✿ NEW POST ✿ ❤

  50. Wow, I want it!!! Lucy

  51. I always love reading your reviews, Kim. They are so in-depth and they certainly stimulates my 5 senses and imagination a lot. I'm now imagining the soft rich lather which I so fancy but I don't think I would like the scent coz I don't like my bath products to be overly sweet smelling. I love light floral, not overpoweringly sweet floral and this sounds very sweet for I could already imagine Barbie and Clueless and the pink frou frou pen.

    I've missed your blog. It has been a few weeks of absence from blogosphere, not counting those short update posts. I wish there were 48 hours a day!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  52. Seems to be a great scent :)
    Want to try it

  53. You had me at "Think Barbie. Think pink." :) When I think of ultra feminine bath/beauty products like this, it makes me think of my grandmother (great memories!). Fab review! T.

  54. Your blog is ADORABLE. I love it so cute. Check out my blog at Elle Charie

    Love from Canada

  55. Soap and Glory products are always great. I have had great experiences with this brand. Great review!

  56. Great review! I love the packaging :)

  57. This is a great review!! You have a very nice blog, would you like to follow each other?
    a beautiful maison

  58. you had me at clueless, lol. loved that movie!

  59. Great packaging!! And great name, somebody earned their paycheck that week. And now I have that song trapped in my head.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  60. I love girlie things Kim, but 16 dollars for shower gel…I don't know if I could. Lol!! Love your review as always!! Can't wait for the next review!!

  61. Soap and Glory is worth every penny spent, the smell is just lush! Great post x

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