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Thursday, February 7, 2019

5 Family Activities To Enjoy In The Spring

With the festive season already a distant memory, and with the seemingly endless month of January finally behind us, we can all start looking forward to Spring. Warm rays of sunshine, lighter mornings and glorious sunsets. Not forgetting little lambs, beautiful flowers and everything coming back to life! We’ll also get the chance to get out and about with the kids without them complaining they’re cold and tired! So, with that in mind, I’ve come up with 5 family activities you can put on your to-do list and enjoy together this Spring. Have fun!

Get Out In The Garden
You probably haven’t given much thought to your outdoor space since the Autumn. But now things are starting to come back to life – why not make the most of it and get out there? There will be lots of little jobs to do, whether that’s clearing all the debris, leaves and mess that winter leaves behind, or planning where you’re going to plant some new flowerbeds or even planting a new tree – check out The Tree Centre for all you need to know about introducing trees and shrubs to your garden. Raking, diggings, clearing, planting, cutting and pruning there’s lots to keep you all busy – the kids can even plant some spring flowers and watch them grow!

Go On A Picnic
As the weather gets warmer, you can spend an afternoon at your favourite spot and enjoy a picnic together. It doesn’t have to be a grand affair; you can put together a picnic in no time. Sandwiches, crisps, veggie sticks, fruit, something sweet and a drink. You might want to bring a flask, just in case the temperature drops a little! And if you’re caught out by those pesky April showers, then don’t worry – having a picnic in the car is just as fun, and you won’t get wet!

Give Nature A Helping Hand
Wildlife is in abundance during the Spring, and with lots of little Spring babies to look after and feed around the clock, why not give them a helping hand? You could spend an afternoon crafting birdfeeders or putting up a bird table for larger birds to visit. If you have a pond, make sure you leave a little walkway so smaller animals can easily get back out again.

Get Those Bikes Out
If the kids got bikes for Christmas then they’ve probably been itching to get out on them! Now the weather is a little more obliging, you can all head out on a nice bike ride. Check out your local area for bike routes that are family friendly. Don’t forget your helmet!

Feed The Ducks
Who doesn’t love feeding the ducks? Now that ducks will be heading back to the UK after spending the winter in sunnier climes, they’ll be plenty of hungry ones around. So, go out for an hour and spoil them. Remember to avoid feeding them bread and opt for things like oats, seeds, even sweetcorn! Take plenty of pictures!
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