Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Very Sweet Blog Turns Ten

Not Sponsored: Twitter reminded me the other day (January 1st), that I've been blogging for 10 years you guys! A decade! It's been a journey. Blogging has helped me so much personally. I look at myself when I first started, how I look now and I can see an overall difference (a change for the better). I credit those changes to other fashion, beauty, lifestyle and travel bloggers. I've learned so much from them and sincerely thank all of them! I've also learned a lot business-wise with this blog. I merely started blogging to read and comment on other blogs. Blogging started as a hobby and turned into a little part-time business. It has provided a little extra income. I'm really thankful & grateful for these years and look forward to learning more. There's always more to learn. Never stop learning. Push further.

I didn't know what picture I was going to use for this post, but when I typed in the number ten a hopscotch picture showed up. I thought it was befitting, because after the number ten there are some footsteps. I thought they were symbolic. I don't know what's ahead, but I trust in God and ask him to lead my steps & thoughts. In the meantime, I put together some goals for A Very Sweet Blog for 2022. I wish you a Happy 2022! May God Bless And Guide You!

Image Source: Pixabay

1. Focus - When I started A Very Sweet Blog, its focus was about beauty & fashion. I reviewed makeup and skincare products. I followed the runway. I showcased the most current fashion editorials. As years went by, I added restaurant reviews, home decor, travel, and even a dream list. I feel, A Very Sweet Blog is a bit overloaded and needs some changes. So I've decided to make A Very Sweet Blog a beauty, fashion, product review and resource (sponsored posts) only site (business website). Anything such as my personal travel, dining, style, home decor, and what I read/think will be on my personal blog, My Dreams, Wishes And Desires that I started in August 2021 (non-business website). So you may see some minor cosmetic changes to A Very Sweet Blog as I rethink things.

2. Beauty Branch Out - I would say, for the past three years, I've truly found makeup and skincare that works for me (REN, Sunday Riley, Bobbi Brown, Sara Happ, Natasha Denona, Lancome (L'Oreal), Aveeno, Archipelago Botanicals etc). When something works, you stick with it. But I feel like, I've been repetitively talking about some of these products. I can just hear my readers saying, "Yes Kim, we know you LOVE Sara Happ lip scrub". HaHaHa I'm challenging myself to step out again and try some other brands like I use to do. I expect these to be more higher end and pricier products, because I have pretty much tried everything on the other end of the spectrum. So this is another change you may notice.

3. Shopping & Gift Guides - I love finding things! I'm just like Alice in Wonderland! Curious and Curiouser! I would always browse the internet and say, ooh isn't that cute or how cool is that? I miss that. I love unique things. So to spark that inner desire, I'm going to make more shopping & gift guides for A Very Sweet Blog.

4. Reading Blogs - Several years ago, I stopped reading blogs. I was so burnt out. I experienced the loss of a family member. I was going through a full remodel of my home. I felt overwhelmed. I needed to take things "off my plate". So I decided to close off my comments and stop reading blogs. There were things that I needed to do on my end. Well now, those projects have subsided. I still have a couple more things to do. So this year, I want to subscribe to some blogs that interest me and reconnect with ones I use to read. I started doing this towards the end of last year, but then Hurricane Ida hit and some other things. But reading blogs really keeps you updated on things. So I plan on doing that in 2022.



  1. Congrats on an awesome blogaversary! It's nice you have been blogging for so long and you still have lots of ideas and inspiration for your blog in the future too! :)

    Hope that your week is going well and 2022 is off to a good start for you! :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank You Mica! I really enjoy producing content. I enjoy sharing my thoughts on products and things I find. I'm going to blog as long as I can :) It's a rewarding hobby. 2022 is starting off really good, so I'm happy and Thank God for that.

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary, Kim! XOXO Here's to decades more of blogging:) It's truly amazing how blogging can change your world. I've "met" great people like you through this, and it really has been a blessing getting to know you over the years. I truly am sorry to read about that time when things were a bit rough, but girl, you have always been strong, and here's hoping that the future only holds happiness and peace.

    1. Emmy, thank you! I'm in it for the long haul girl! It's something I enjoy. I'm so happy I met you as well. Your talents never cease to amaze me. Every blogger I have met along the way is super talented. Each and every one. We only see what we put out there, but there are sad and non-sparkly times. I think people think it's always sugar and spice and everything nice. That is not always the case. I don't share those moments all the time. I appreciate your kind words Emmy. May God Bless You.


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