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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

From Runway To Magazine...

I was perusing the internet, came across these magazine covers and started thinking. We watch models do their catwalk down the runway and then those styles hit the covers of our favorite fashion magazines. I personally love to see the transition of designer fashion from runway to magazines. So my question to you today is, does fashion look better on the runway or paper? If one would've asked me that question back in the 90's, I would say BOTH! Models back then showed expression, fun, & exuberance on the runway AND in print ads. They didn't have fancy set ups (i.e. Louis Vuitton escalators) or back drops. THEY were the show! LOL, the CLOTHES were the show! I just don't see much of that with today's models. Maybe designers nowadays just want the model to walk the runway and back. Designer fashion doesn't seem to come to LIFE until it hits the magazines now. What are your thoughts? What's your opinion? Maybe I'm thinking too much. LOL Have A Great Day!

Vogue Australian Shopping Guide
Harper's Bazaar Spain - February 2013 - Ginta Lapina (model) Txema Yeste (photographer)
Vogue China - February 2013 - Constance Jablonski (model) Patrick Demarchelier (photographer)


  1. might be biased because i work in magazines but i think it will always look better in print. maybe because a lot more time is spent making sure the shot is absolutely perfect? and of course any imperfections usually get photoshopped out..

    steph /

  2. The photos always look fab in magazines! Your post is making me long for Spring days Kim:)

  3. Love this covers !! Love the Harper's Bazaar cover, so cool !

    xoxo from Japan

  4. This is such a tough question, Kim! I love print editorials, but I've always had a hard time looking at the clothes in them and seeing how they would apply to my life - so I guess to me that means they look better in print ;) Although the models these days don't help, not that it's their fault. When I was between the ages of 14 and 16, I wouldn't have known how to look exuberant or fun for a camera, that's for sure. My school pictures prove it ;) I think it's time to bring women back into modelling!

  5. I think they generally "come to life" more in magazines, but that's probably because they have the possibility to work with props, get the shot perfect and I can stare at them for as long as I want rather than the 20 seconds of mechanical walking on a catwalk... xo

  6. The covers are amazing! Print definitely adds another dimension to the clothes. For me its about being able to see the detail and the perfection of the design of a garment which is difficult to ascertain as the models strut the runway.

    xx Mandi

  7. I must say that IMO fashion looks the best on the streets :3
    I don't really watch fashion shows, but in a magazine sometimes a really good pic grabs my attention.
    x, Lara

  8. It depends for me. Sometimes the runway look is enough for me to appreciate and fall in love with something, but what I like about editorials is that you can really see details, which isn't always possible to do while browsing them on the web or watching the show on youtube. Also when it comes to editorials these days I often feel that it's not just about the clothes, but clever PR and certain brand/item promotion, so it can be an It dress or It bag etc.
    It feel that 90s were different, more genuine in a way... Clothes were for the runways and editorials - more about beautiful models and photography...

    And on a different note - that cover with LV b&w dress is just fantastic!



  9. Great Post!

    Nice pictures and I like the topic as well :)



  10. The thing about magazine editorials is that we have more time to look closely at the detail and often the props and so on make the photos interesting. Having said that, with catwalk shows you have the music which adds to the theatre of it all. I'm always interested in the way the designer trends are translated into high street fashion.

  11. Very interesting topic! I share your same feeling that most stylists use models as beautiful hangers. There are a few of them whose charisma make them stand out from the crowd, both on the catwalk and on paper. Personally I prefer magazines photoshoots, I like to peruse them and take in every detail of the artworks love Coco

  12. I think it's hard to translate runway looks into real life, but they are a good place to find inspiration. Most of all, I can't afford the runway looks, LOL! Heather

  13. i think you are right...they try harder to make the print ads fun and unique, and runway is just runway. great post!

  14. Tough question, Kim! I think I enjoy watching the runway better because you can see how the clothes hang/move.

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew Giveaway!

  15. amazing pics! Do you want to follow each other on gfc and fb?

  16. What a great comparison - I really lke the purple and yellow dresses better in print!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  17. That's a hard question. Each medium has its own merit, and each one sells a different thing (other than the clothing)
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  18. I go back and forth on this one. I think it really depends on the styling, hair and makeup and alot of the times the overall presentation but most of the time I prefer seeing the looks in magazines because I want to be able to see how looks will translate off the runway.

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my Shabby Apple Necklace Giveaway!

  19. I prefer street fashion these days, no rules just creative expression. And I prefer the old models that had personalities, a lot of them these days are boring and lack the pizazz the old models had. I like magazines more as they can at least bring something there, a lot of designers want the people to just see the clothes and not look at the model, so they look bored when they walk. Which I would prefer more life, which is why I tend to like the editorials more. Hope your having a great day sweets xx

  20. Love the fierce covers. There is a reason there are stylists and creative directors for magazines. The photos shoots are the art and the models and outfits are the stars.

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  21. saw this on your instagram -- so cool!! <3

  22. I'm not sure about these covers. The Bazar one looks like it's from the 80's. I do however like the yellow dress in a field of flowers. Super cute!

  23. I tend to like the editorials over the covers. I feel like we are supposed to be looking at the clothes in the editorials, but the covers are meant to be just eye-catching so you will pick up the magazine.

  24. Well i think it depends... on the item! because there are certain garments that are think are just meant and designed for runway. However I do love it when they actually work on the streets.

  25. I'm so in the mood for some bright yellow.

  26. I think the models in both print and runway are too thin. We've bought into looking at emaiciated women who get skinnier every season. No one could actually aspire to looking this frail. Maybe that's why I love the fashion diaries and street chic so much. It's real . . .

  27. I totally agree! PRINT! And you can stare at them and admire them longer that way ;)

  28. When I watch the models in Milan´s catwalks I wasn´t impress for how thin they were, but HOW very YOUNG; nearly little girls made up to look like grown up. No wonder they do not have faults.
    So it is better to take it all as waht it really is: pure fantasy, both catwalk and the magazines.
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment, dear friend.

  29. Hi Kim, I think fashion looks better in magazines. For some reason, the photographers have a way to deceive us with their photography skills. Also, I think they look better on the runway than on celebrities. Haha. Have a great week!

    xo Jo

  30. What is really amazing is seeing the clothes in real life. I live pretty close to South Coast Plaza which is like the biggest luxury mall in the country and I love to go into like Dior and Chanel and see the clothes that I saw on the runways. I spend so much time looking at these clothes online and in magazine and it is just the coolest thing to see them in person!


  31. Yeah, I'd agree. The runway shows are exciting (at least, I'd assume so being as I've never been to one lol), but the models look bored!

    Trendy Teal

  32. fashion is more lively in magazine today. ;-) that's what i notice.

  33. Ooh tricky question even for me in the morning! Ha!
    I've only been to a few runway shows and I have to admit the styling is very much for (and representative of) the collections mood, so when I see it in print, styled and mixed with different brands, the actual piece comes to life for me there!
    Have a happy weekend!

  34. Hhmm, I guess for me I love them both for different reasons, mostly because I first started out assist styling editorials and doing fashion shows. I think I love editorials for the way a designer, and photographer can tell a story through the garments but on a whole other level that a spectator at a runway show may not have seen or understood from glancing at the designs within a few moments on the catwalk. But, of course real life is best being able to see and touch garments up close! But, fantasy can be nice as well and inspiring styling-wise!

  35. of course i love the bright colors! refreshing on a cold day

  36. I prefer the magazines. It's great to see clothing on the runway for movement, but overall it's not as fun. I wish the supermodels like Tyra and Naomi still did the runway. Right now, it just looks the models dread their job. They look so unhappy walking down the runway. Fashion should be fun!

  37. You have so much good stuff to look at on your blog :)

    I am so excited to follow your blog! I can't wait to see what you post next.
    I hope you follow back so we can stay in touch! :)

  38. Just lovely! =)
    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!


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