Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hot Chocolate, Marshmallows, Vintage Cups & A Snowman

Do you like hot chocolate? I LOVE hot chocolate! I've loved it for as long as I can remember. When the weather is chilly, I'm always ready for a cup. But my question to you, is do you dress yours up? Say whaaat???

Well, I try and make my hot chocolate sipping experience just as enjoyable as when I'm having tea. I purchased these vintage Bailey's cups on etsy and thought they would be cool to sip hot chocolate out of. I thought they were pretty chic & sassy. Perfect for the holidays.

As I was sipping a cup one morning, I came to the realization that people prepare hot chocolate differently. Some use milk. Some use water. Some like dark chocolate. Some like milk chocolate. Some like peppermint. Some like it plain. Others like marshmallows. Marshmallow companies are even making flavored marshmallows! HaHaHa

So my question for you today, is how do you dress up (prepare) YOUR hot chocolate? If you drink it, of course. HaHaHa Personally, I throw everything in it but the kitchen sink. HaHaHa Don't believe me? Just take a look. Oh BTW! Jelly Belly candy canes taste SO GOOD in it! You should definitely try it! Have A Great Day Everybody!
...and don't forget your SNOWMAN spoon! ;)


  1. We have a place near us that does a hot chocolate with an added extra of a luxury piece of chocolate on a stick to stir in it - very rich, very lovely and my kids beg me for it every time! Happy New Year!!

  2. I want these cups! Did not know they were vintage - so adorable. Hot chocolate is very important in our family.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Clothes for Less

  3. I use milk to make it with because I find it's much richer that way, and also if I already have some fresh whipped cream (not squirty as I don't like that as much), I'll add some on top :) xx

    Almost Delightful

  4. Great post !

    This is the cutest cup ever !!

    Love and Best Wishes,


  5. Those cups are adorable! Don't shoot me, but I can actually live without drinking hot chocolate. I do like the taste, but I prefer coffe and tea and pieces of (very cark) chocolate rather than the liquid form. :) It's sort of too rich for me. I made some this Christmas, from scratch, you kow, milk, a little cream, grated chocolate... I definitely don't do powders etc.


  6. I have to say how much I love your blog, so much scrumptious food! And that marshmallow treat! YUMMMMOOOOO! happy new year :D

  7. Happy new year Kim! Now we're talking. I like my hot choc with full fat milk (what else is there? And why would you have a skinny one anyway?), a half teaspoon of sugar and then loaded with whipped cream on top and a dash of cocoa sprinkled on top. I also love peppermint and orange flavoured hot choc too.

  8. oooh Kim it is 27 degrees Celsius here right now but still I want that hot chocolate - yum yum! Looks soo good!

    I wish I could get that iphone app you use for the gifs on my android phone, it's awesome! :)

  9. Those are them. I love hot chocolates yummy!! Must have cream and marshmellows :)))) I like the flavoured hot cocos too, like the nice!!! Hope you have a wonderful day darling girl xx

  10. That cup is officially the cutest way to drink ANYTHING! Love this! Congrats on 1 year Kim - love you and your blog :)

    Pearls & Paws

  11. Omg, that cup! Haha, can't get over it. And mmmm...I do love a good hot chocolate...although where I'm at right now, its not the best option..haha ;)
    I'm sticking with mango juice and buko shakes lol
    Happy belated New Year by the way! Thanks for all your support and lovely, loving comments this past year. So glad we've become blogger buddies :)

    Trendy Teal

  12. That cup is so cute! My hot chocolate needs tons of marshmallows :) It reminds when I was a little girl and my grandma used to make me hot chocolate. Heather

  13. You are always full of surprises! Those cups are adorable and look like they were made for the sole purpose of drinking chocolate out of them! My chocolate must be thick (creamy,not liquid), very sweet and sometimes I like to add some red pepper!Have you watched the movie Chocolat?love!!Coco

  14. I do and have various recipes for them in the blog. Even had a hot chocolate bar one year.

  15. That mug is so cute! I LOVE mint hot chocolate, yum! Happy new year and happy blogiversary, Kim!

    The Tiny Heart

  16. Hi Kim,
    Almost back, I Want to say happy new year!!! and wish you all the happiness you can have and you deserve from the very begining of 2013.
    Love the cups you have used for this post, and although Im not really a hot chocolate person I would say that the one with pippermint is my favourite.

  17. So cute! :)
    Maybe you have time to read our this colorful post: Maybelline's latest nail lacquer collection: Color Show

    Chic Factor Team

  18. Wow! Those are some of the coolest cups ever! So neat. My husband and I have become hot chocolate fanatics lately. We even received a hot chocolate frother for Christmas and are so pumped to use it! Happy New Year!


  19. Such cute cups! Makes drinking hot chocolate that much better. Happy New Year!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  20. First, happy belated blog birthday!

    Second, mmm hot chocolate. I love your cups and love my hot chocolate with marshmallows, just like you!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  21. Those vintage cups are sooo cute !
    I had my favorite hot chocolate ever at the chocolate museum in Barcelona, it was just hot enough and it was very thick. Had it with churros. OMG... my mouth is watering.

  22. Those cups are too cute!! I like mine made with milk, sometimes whip cream if I am feeling it. Such a cute post!

  23. Must.Have.Hot.Chocolate!!!!! LOL

    I am salivating from those images with the marshmallows. Love those cups they are so cute and make quite a presentation. :) Great post doll.



  24. Those Bailey's cups are too cute, Kim! I lvoe that they're winking! I'm a huge hot chocolate fan - in fact, I just had a very large cup of it today :) To me, it's not really complete without a handful of marshmallows {by which I mean without there being marshmallows falling off the cup} but in France they always top it with chantilly cream, so I'm starting to embrace that, too :)

  25. That cup is SO CUTE! And I want hot cocoa and marshmellow now please!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  26. These Bailey's cups are way too cute! Don't you think hot chocolate just tastes better in a cute mug?? I'll have mine with milk and PILES of whipped cream! ;)

  27. those cups are adorable! Never thought of candy canes in hot chocolate but it sounds amazing! Happy 2013, Kim! xx

  28. aw lovely cups!!

  29. i honestly never thought of candy canes in it...but yum!! i love mine with milk and dark chocolate!

  30. I loooove hot chocolate. I don't have whipped creme because I often don't have that at my house but I love adding marshmellows and peppermint, once in a while. I like the hot chocolate to be RICH.

  31. Those cups are adorable! I love me some hot chocolate, but I love drinking chocolate better. It's a thick mix and it tastes more rich!

  32. Wowee...this is way I would like to have hot chocolate everyday, those adorable cups add such a whimsical feel. I've actually never had a candy cane before...sounds so delish. I prefer mine with milk made in a frothy maker and not forgetting the cream!

  33. awwww the cups are so adorable, Kim! I don't drink much hot chocolate because I'm lactose intolerant, but I do like to indulge once in a while with some Spanish or Mexican hot chocolate. The thicker, the better!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  34. I think I have total hot chocolate envy. You sure have your hot chocolate in style Kim :) I usually use a mixture of hot water and milk and if I'm feeling decadent, I top it with some Cool Whip. If I had such fabulous cups, I think I'd find any excuse to have hot chocolate all the time haha. You always find the cutest things girl!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  35. Oh my goodness, I'm not craving some hot chocolate..these cups are too cute! I think I've seen them somewhere before, I just can't remember well. I love marshmallows in my hot chocolate it's just I'll rarely have them in my cup unless the mix I buy already includes them. I love putting the mix, milk and a little bit of sugar and mix it so it's this chunky, chocolatey mix then i pour in my hot water and then I'm ready to devour my cup :)

    I love this post! Thanks.


  36. that is such a cute cup <3


  37. Haha, how cute are those? And such nice pictures you took of the, too! I really love collecting cute ceramic pieces that are unique in their own way. Thrift stores are my frenemies because of that. :D

  38. what cool vintage mugs!!
    I like mine with milk, and peppermint, and I also really like a recipe for Spanish hot chocolate that has spices and orange zest.

    Chic on the Cheap

  39. Happy New Year Kim!! Hope this year is even better than the last!

    I love those cups - they are so cute! I used to really love hot chocolate, but I've come to find that its a little too sweet for my liking nowadays! But when I do have it, I love Baileys in it ;) And topped with whipped cream and some marshmallows!

  40. omg i need those cups in my life!!! love it i love coco as well funny im putting up my how to on my pumpkin hot coco tomorrow so u can see how i make mine :) happy new years love!!! i look forward to many more of ur amazing whimsical posts

  41. I love those cups they are so cute! Happy New Year!!

  42. oh I looooved that cups, can we purchase them anywhere ? I've never put anything in my hot chocolate but I will try it :) I'm afraid of calories :) I drink cadburry light hot chcolate :P

  43. My husband is a huge fan, he buys it..he makes it himself. He just loves anything chocolatety. Your cup sure is cute and fancy Kim. I bet that increase your hot chocolate sipping experience..hehe. i am more of a tea drinker but dont mind hot chocolate on occasion. Candy cane is freaking good in everything, agree!

  44. Kim! I totally love those cups, I see them all the time in my favorite local antique store and I always want to buy them but resist because I already own SO MANY dishes (as someone who cooks, i collect dishes like most girls collect lip gloss) I'm super happy you got a set because now I get to see these cute cups even more often! As far as my hot coco goes... I like to use heavy cream! And I add whatever I happen to have in the house, peanut butter cups, butterscotch, etc!


    ps, I know you just commented but I just posted my new years outfit if you're into style posts : ) Hope you are well.

  45. I wish I could order one of these right now :)

  46. i love me some hot cocoa, too! i love whipped cream with mine. on special occasions, my daughter likes peppermint sticks. ever see that movie le chocolat (or something like that!)? with johnny depp? really good...and reminds me of her making the hot cocoa!

    Win a Leather Bracelet & Special Edition Photography Book

  47. These cups are AWESOMEEEE!!!!!! we love their aesthetic, it´s quite peculiar but we like it´s "uniqueness".

    I don´t usually have hot chocolate but I do have tea and I like to dress it up. It tastes better!! hahah

    KISSES and Happy New Year!

  48. Just saw your previous post. HAPPY NEW+ONE YEAR! :D You truly are amazing. Also, the cup is so adorable. I couldn't stop smiling, looking at it being so cute.

    <3, Sonshu,

  49. Oh wow...those cute little cups and the whipped cream really is too much! Now I want to go out and buy a dozen assortments of cute vintage cups...and one or two with owls!! Because I love owls :))

  50. Very creative Those cups are adorable and I like hot chocolate.

  51. No matter how hard I try I can never make hot chocolate as delicious as in French cafés!


a cupcake for your thoughts!

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