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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Did your New Year’s resolutions fall to the wayside? Here’s how to try again.

We’re fast approaching the halfway point of 2019, and often, this can be the time that people realize that they’ve relinquished most of their New Year’s resolutions. However, you shouldn’t be discouraged. It’s not easy to make substantial changes to your lifestyle, and sometimes we run out of motivation when it comes to trying to change a lifetime of habits.

Bring the focus back to the here and now
Ignore your New Year’s resolution – where are you at in your fitness goal now? What have you achieved since the new year? Focusing on what you want to achieve, and what you could realistically do at the moment will help you start again with more conviction. If you’ve figured out the hard way that you can’t make your money back on a gym membership, then maybe ask yourself what you really could find time for. Now we’re approaching the summer months, you may wish to find some sports that are perfect for enjoying in the sunshine.

Pick one at a time
Part of your problem may be that you’re simply putting too much pressure on yourself at any given time. Picking just one resolution and working on it will help you to stay focused. This is partly because it takes time to establish a behavioural pattern. By picking just one resolution, you can allow yourself the time and space to really focus on it. For example, if you goal was to be able to run two to three miles, you can gradually build up your pace on a weekly basis. If you were throwing in the task of being able to bench-press on top of that, you would find the task of setting running milestones all the more overwhelming.

Resolve major ongoing health issues
Failing to meet your New Year’s resolutions is never entirely your fault – life throws obstacles in our way all the time, which can make it a real challenge to keep on top of our goals, no matter how big or small they are. However, a major block to progress can be an unresolved health issue, which can make it feel impossible to stay focused. You owe it to yourself to get this seen to, no matter how serious it may be. For example, if you are struggling with addiction, then it’s wise to seek help before placing too many resolutions on yourself. Finding alcohol addiction treatment will help you go through the process of detoxing with much-needed support.

The most important aspect to picking up your resolutions again is to not be too hard on yourself. There may have been very good reasons for not being able to achieve those resolutions in the first place, no matter how serious or small. This time around, be sure to take your time in figuring out how best to go about that – and indeed, whether you even enjoy your resolutions in the first place. Don’t take on too many tasks at once, and always enjoy each milestone of success.
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