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Monday, November 15, 2021

What To Expect During A Facelift Recovery

A facelift can be effective in reducing the signs of aging in the face and neck. In addition, a facelift can make you look younger and fresher if you have facial lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls.

When considering a facelift, it’s essential to think about the procedure and what comes after. Facelift recovery takes time, and you should go into it knowing what to expect.

While everyone’s situation is a bit different, below is a guide for what to expect during your facelift recovery.

The Day Of Your Facelift

When you wake up after the facelift, you’ll be in a recovery room. Most people go home the same day, but others stay overnight. You will need a friend or family member to take you home and stay with you for 24 hours.

The pain medication you take after the procedure depends on the type of facelift you have. Some patients only need moderate pain medication for a few days, and others need more potent drugs. Your surgeon will provide you with what you need.

The First Few Days

According to Bevery Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Nicholas Lahar, “During this part of the facelift recovery, you’ll feel mild to moderate discomfort, but talk to your doctor immediately if you have significant pain.”

The pain medication you take should make you comfortable, but significant swelling and bruising are normal. These are parts of the healing process, and you’ll see both for several weeks.

Some patients are concerned if their swelling is more significant on one side, but this also is normal. Also, many patients feel neck tightness because of alterations made to the skin, fat, and muscle.

Dr. Lahar recommends taking it easy and resting as much as you can during this period. But moving around a bit is fine and can even help with your recovery. If you go for a walk, take it slow and don’t engage in any intense exercise.

One Week After Your Facelift

After a week, you may be able to stop taking prescription pain medication. Most patients begin to feel better and can be more active around the home. Light walking at home or in the neighborhood is good, but you shouldn’t engage in more physical activities.

You probably will have swelling and bruising visible to others, but this will go away soon.

It’s essential to be patient at this point. Your final results won’t be visible yet, and you can’t drive until you stop taking prescription pain medication. But once you aren’t taking them, you can drive again.

Also, watch your incisions for signs of infection and call your doctor right away if you see: 

  • Spreading redness
  • Excessive tightness
  • Excessive swelling
  • Incisions are warm to the touch
  • Pus or drainage
  • Fever over 101 F

Two Weeks After Your Facelift

After two weeks, you’ve gotten through the most significant part of your recovery. Now, you should be able to go back to work, as long as it’s not too physically demanding. If your job is more labor-intensive, you’ll need to stay home for a while longer.

You may still have swelling and bruising, but you can probably cover the bruises with makeup. Then, if you’re comfortable, it’s OK to go out in public, and most people probably won’t even notice.

Your face will be healing, and you might feel tingling. This is a normal part of the recovery process, but feel free to call your doctor if you’re concerned.

You probably can go back to taking most regular medications, such as aspirin or blood thinners, if you need them.

One Month After Your Facelift

After a month, you can return to more strenuous workouts, including moderate weightlifting, running, or cycling.

Pay attention to what your body says and go at a comfortable pace. Most of your swelling and bruising should be gone.

You may still feel tightness or tingling in the skin, but this is normal. Your body is healing.

Two Months After Your Facelift

After two months, most bruising and swelling should be gone. You’ll be ready to enjoy your younger, refreshed look, and there shouldn’t be signs of bruising or incisions.

You can return to all your regular activities.

Facelift Recovery Tips

You can speed up your recovery if you follow these tips:

  • Rest when you’re tired, and remember getting plenty of sleep gives your body the chance to heal.
  • Keep your head raised with extra pillows when sleeping.
  • Go for a walk every day to increase circulation.
  • Take one or two weeks off work, depending on how physical your job is.
  • Avoid strenuous physical exercise until your doctor gives you the okay.
  • Eat soft foods for the first week, so you don’t need to chew excessively.
  • Your surgeon will advise you when you can start retaking certain medicines.
  • Take all pain medications as your surgeon advises.
  • Apply ice or a cold pack for 20 minutes several times per day to reduce swelling.

Remember that follow-up care is essential to a fast recovery, so be sure to attend all of your follow-up appointments.

What To Expect After 30 Days

A month after your facelift, you should be able to enjoy everyday activities, including working out and going back to work.

It can take up to 12 months for minor bruising, swelling, numbness, and tightness to go away. But you’re probably the only one who will notice.

Please remember that the guidelines above are only intended for a general idea of what to expect. Everyone’s facelift and recovery experiences are different.

But if you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for your facelift, you should enjoy impressive results after your recovery is complete.

Most people are delighted with the results of their facelift. As long as you follow your doctor’s instructions for the recovery period, you’ll enjoy your younger look for years to come.

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