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Thursday, June 15, 2023

How To Help Your Child Have Good Dental Habits

As parents, we want our children to have the best possible chances in life, and we want them to be healthy and happy. One essential aspect of this is teaching them good dental hygiene from an early age. This will help to put them on a good path in life when it comes to their oral health, and this in itself is a good way to keep their overall health in tip-top shape. Our blog below has some more details.

Image by Natalia Ovcharenko from Pixabay

Start Early

The path to excellent dental habits should really start before your child even gets their first tooth. After each feed, make sure you gently wipe their gums with a clean, damp cloth. As soon as the first tooth emerges, get a soft, age-appropriate toothbrush. You'll only need the tiniest bit of toothpaste at this point, but by the age of three, a pea-sized amount is perfect.

The earlier you can establish this routine, the more familiar your child will be with taking care of their teeth, and it won't be such a struggle to get them to brush their teeth twice a day. This ensures their teeth are in the best condition.

Lead By Example

Children always learn best when they watch and copy their parents or other trusted adults, so make sure you lead by example and practice good oral care yourself. Make teeth cleaning something you do together, for example, and always show enthusiasm for the task even if you're tired or just don't feel like it. Try to make the experience fun and positive, perhaps by having a dance you always do or making it into a story time.

When you lead by example by taking care of your teeth, your children will be much more inclined to do the same and not even question why they need to brush their teeth. Of course, it's a good idea to explain the reasons but wait until they are old enough to understand and don't scare them with examples of what might happen if they don't brush their teeth, as this can cause them to worry too much.

Regular Dentist Visits

Once you have found a good pediatric dentist Asheville, it's wise to make sure you visit that dentist on a regular basis. Regular dental visits play a big part in maintaining good oral hygiene habits, and if you make the first appointment as soon as the first tooth comes through (or around their first birthday) and then ensure that you return every six months, this will become a routine that your child is used to and that they can carry on into adulthood. It's important for you to also make your own appointments as this will help you lead by example, as we mentioned above.

Visiting your dentist even if there is nothing wrong with your teeth means you can be sure you're doing the right thing in terms of your home dental care and also spot any issues before they become too problematic, so it's a good idea to do this, no matter what.

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