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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Is Working From Home A Viable Option?

If you are thinking about taking the plunge, resigning from your full time job and breaking out on your own to embark on a life of entrepreneurship, you need to think about how you are going to fund such a feat. Many people choose to go down the business loan route or they may head to pitch to a business angel, or they may choose to use their own savings to boost the capability of their launch. Alternatively, you could decide to rein in your spending by foregoing the expensive lease on a business premises and working from home. The risk of procrastination is real, but with enough determination and commitment, could working from home be a viable option?

Working from home can be perilous for those people who feel pangs of loneliness acutely. You might be used to the camaraderie of an office environment and catching up with colleagues over lunch. Now, you are very much on your own. You might not even talk to another individual some days. To combat this, you need to put yourself out there. Consider joining a professional Facebook group that brings together entrepreneurs in your local area. This can mean that you head out once a week to meet up with like minded individuals to discuss issues, problems and successes that you are having. You have the chance to network and make meaningful contacts in your chosen industry. This can work wonders to help you avoid isolation.

As a self employed individual, it will be very difficult for you to perform every single business function that your startup requires to a high enough standard. This may mean that outsourcing is needed. Consider employing the services of a power BI consultant to analyze big data, spot trends and empower you to market your startup in the most appropriate way to your target market. With meaningful research and analytics, you can change your approach to marketing, sales and social media to create maximum exposure for your brand, products and services.

Mental Health
Being an entrepreneur means that your quality of life and financial remuneration now fully lies on your shoulders. This can cause immense pressure and stress, leading to poor mental health. If you feel burnout creeping in, you need to change up your lifestyle straight away. Consider heading outdoors every day and take regular breaks. You need to soak up the natural sunlight, allow it to lift your mood and recharge your batteries. There will never be enough hours in the day, so with your daily to-do list, simply ensure that you tick off three or four essentials. Everything else that you get completed is a bonus. Ensure that you use your support network of friends and family to vent and talk through any problems you might be having. Being an entrepreneur isn’t plain sailing, but put the hard work in early, and you will reap the rewards.

Working from home is a viable option for entrepreneurs, saving you money on overheads and empowering you to link with other individuals to benefit your startup.
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