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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Create A Cleaning and Maintenance Supply List For Your Home

Not Sponsored: Are you the one that buys all the cleaning supplies for your home? When I started typing how to Create A House Manual For Your Family, I thought a cleaning supplies list would be another great post to write about. This will be helpful for the other members in your family and it will be helpful to you in keeping track of inventory. Let's get started! 

Image by 13687374 from Pixabay


What products do you use to clean your bathroom?  List them. Do you use a particular toilet bowl cleaner? How about bleach? What do you use on your mirrors? What product do you use to clean your floors? Do you need to keep Drano? You should not only think about the products you use, but also if you use microfiber cloths, sponges, paper towels, protective gloves etc. Now, what products do you use in your bathroom? Write down the brands of toilet tissue you prefer. Do you use lightbulbs in your fixtures? What type and wattage are they? What type of air freshener do you use? Is there a particular hand soap you like? Make a complete list of everything above. Although, not cleaning or maintenance another helpful list would be what medications you keep handy in your bathroom (aspirin, cough medicine, band-aids, etc).


What products do you use to clean your oven, countertops, refrigerator, cabinet doors and floors? Write all of those products down. Some other things to think about are what type of filter you use in your refrigerator? What type of filter is used in your coffee maker? What type of light-bulb is used above your sink? What type of kitchen or trash bags do you use? How about paper towels? What type of dish-washing liquid do you use?

Bedrooms and Living Room

What products do you use to dust furniture? What floor care products do you use? What type of filter does your air conditioning unit use (if located inside your home)? Do you use Lysol Fabric Disinfectant, Sanitizing and Antibacterial Spray on couches, curtains, mattresses etc.? Do you use electronic wipes on televisions and various electronic equipment? Do you use Swiffer dusters? What type of air fresheners and/or wall plugs do you use?

Laundry Room

What type of detergent do you use? Do you also use detergent for dark clothing, stains etc.? How about dryer sheets? 

All of these may sound simple, but the purpose of this is to keep a good stock of these items on hand. You use these items all the time. You buy these things on repeat. So if you know what you use, you can do a better job catching sales and saving money.


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