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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Create A House Manual For Your Family

Not Sponsored: Have you ever thought, if I become sick, how will everyone in my household function? Will they know WHAT to do? Will they know WHERE to buy things? Will they know HOW to do things? It's truly something to think about. Creating a house or home manual, will make things easier on them and help things run smoothly in your absence. Let's talk about things that you should put in your House Manual.

Image by Mohamad Hassan from Pixabay

Important Contacts

Put a list together of people, that are quintessential in the functioning of your home. Write down the names, email addresses, physical addresses and telephone numbers of PAINTERS, CONTRACTORS, ROOFERS, PLUMBERS, ELECTRICIANS, GARDENERS, LAWNCARE, MECHANICS, CAR DETAILERS, MAIDS, BABYSITTERS, JOB (boss), DELIVERY etc. personnel that you use.

Medical Contacts

Do you know your husband, wife or children's doctors? Write down the first and last names of the doctors, the hospital they are affiliated with and their telephone number. Write down pharmacy information as well. It wouldn't hurt to also include any medication that each individual takes and make a copy of their medical and prescription insurance card. 

Important Documents

I recently created a blog post discussing the importance of organizing your important documents. You can include such things as social security cards, driver's license / real id, passport, birth certificate, diploma, transcripts, credit cards, insurances, car information, tax information, vaccinations, wills, death certificates and pictures in your house manual or separate manual.

Banking/Financial Information

If you become incapacitated, can anyone access your bank account (checking, savings etc.)? This is something to think about! Of course, you would have to trust this person and go to the bank to give them the right to either access your account anytime, only in the event of your death or only if you become incapacitated. Your bank can give you more details about each option. In the meantime, know where everyone keeps their checks, credit cards, 401K, IRA etc. and write down the details for each account. 

Personal Care Products

What products does everyone use? Make individual lists for each person. There may be certain types of lotion, shampoo, conditioner, face cleanser, soap, moisturizer, eye cream, lip care etc. a person uses. Be specific as to what the person uses (brand, name) and where a person can find it (Amazon, Walgreens, Walmart, Sephora, ULTA). 

Monthly Household Bills

Does one person pay all the bills for your household? Write down what bills they are (electric, water, etc), the name of the company, account number, how the person pays the bill (online etc.), username and passwords associated with the account. 

Property Tax Bill

If you own property, most likely you will have to pay a property tax. Do you know the account number and how to pay that bill? Do you know when it is due?

Cleaning and Maintenance Supplies

Yes, this is important and I plan to write a detailed blog post about it soon. Does your family know what size filter your air conditioner uses? If you use a battery powered lawnmower, do they know what type of batteries it uses and the brand? Do your hardwood floors require a certain type of cleaner or polisher? When does your fire extinguisher expire? What type of batteries does your fire alarm / carbon monoxide detector use? So think about everything you have and what is needed to maintain them.

Tech Supplies and Passwords

For every laptop and phone you have, what cords does it use? What type of batteries does the mouse use? What charger do you use? Write down the names, brands etc. and where to buy replacements.

Evacuation Plan

As someone who is experienced in evacuations, it would be a great idea to write an evacuation plan for your family. Here are some things you should consider including when writing your emergency evacuation plan.

With everything I listed above, you can see already that your house manual will have to be constantly updated. Meet with each family member monthly and ask them if anything has changed. When an emergency arises, you will be prepared and you will be happy you put this information together. I hope this helps you.


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