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Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Body Shop | Banana Shampoo And Conditioner Review

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I get commission for purchases made through the links in this post.

Not Sponsored: A couple of weeks ago, I reviewed The Body Shop's Shea Shampoo and Conditioner. I love it and it's working out really good for my hair. In that review, I compared and contrasted the Shea formula to The Body Shop's Banana Shampoo and Conditioner, which I used prior to using the Shea. I realized while writing that review, that I never wrote a review of the banana formula. So that is what I am going to do for you today.

I used The Body Shop's Banana Shampoo and Conditioner for four years, prior to using the Shea formula. Loved it! Loved it! To give you a history of my hair, it has been a struggle. I used a shampoo that dried out my hair. A relaxer was placed atop that, and a lot of my hair came out. I had scalp damage. I also have very dry hair. Well, a tea tree shampoo used over time, helped heal my scalp. But my hair growth was stunted. I tried all kinds of moisturizing shampoos and conditioners from various brands and only two worked: Philip B. Botanicals White Truffle Shampoo and Conditioner (but the price stopped me from using it continuously) and The Body Shop's Banana Shampoo and Conditioner (which is a lot more economical). 

The Body Shop's Banana Shampoo and Conditioner contain nourishing formulas for dry hair that is prone to frizz. Both are vegan, have 96% ingredients of natural origin, such as organic banana puree, made with vegan silk protein. This formula helps repair the hair from inside and out. It also is a frizz fighter and smooths the hair. To use it for four years, I must've loved it. My hair felt moisturized, I saw a reduction in breakage, my scalp felt nourished and these formulas have a great banana scent. 

Why did I switch from the banana formula to the Shea formula? Either the Shea formula was not offered several years ago, or I didn't pay attention. When I went to re-order the banana formula I noticed that they offered Shea. On the label for the Shea formula, it says FOR DRY TO VERY DRY HAIR PRONE TO BREAKAGE. I said, hmm. I need to try this. HaHaHa Well, the Shea formula provides even MORE MOISTURE to my hair. It made my hair even MORE SOFTER. My hair is like the Sahara desert, always thirsty for moisture and oil. So from my review linked above about the Shea formula, it's better for me. The banana is great for dry hair.  But if you have super-duper dry hair like me try the Shea formula. 

I felt I needed to write this review, because it may help others going through the same problem (dry hair). The banana provides moisture to the hair, but also prevents frizz and promotes smoothing. The Shea formula is for very dry hair and damaged hair. So I hope this review helps you decide which would work better for you. Both are really good!

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff) 
The Body Shop Banana Shampoo & Conditioner is Supersweet


1 comment

  1. I haven't been to the Body SHop in a few months. I'll check this line out next time I'm there:)


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